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单词 liable
释义 liable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有责任▸➤become变得有责任▸➤remain继续负有责任▸➤make sb, render sb使某人有可能⋯◆failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.他可能会因没有提供保险而被起诉。➤find sb, hold sb判决某人应负责任◆they could be found liable for the entire amount.他们可能会被判负担全部费用。adverb➤strictly负严格责任▸➤fully负完全责任▸➤potentially可能负有责任▸➤personally负有个人责任▸➤jointly, severally (law法律) 共同/个别承担责任◆partners are jointly and severally (= together and individually) liable for a partnership's debts.合伙人共同连带承担合伙公司的债务。➤criminally, financially, legally有刑事责任;负金融责任;负有法律责任➤automatically自动负责preposition➤for为⋯负责◆she's fully liable for the company's debts.她对公司的债务负全责。liable /laɪəbl/ adjective [not before noun] (law 法律) 1.legally responsible for paying the cost of sth 法律上负有偿付责任的◆are the manufacturers liable for any damage their products do? 制造商要对其产品造成的任何损失负赔偿责任吗?◆the partners were held personally liable for the debts of the firm. 合伙人对公司的债务承担个人责任。  ➡  see note at responsible 2.likely to be punished by law for sth 可能受法律惩处的◆offenders are liable to fines of up to $500. 违者会被处以最高 500 元的罚款。3.having to do sth by law 必须按法律做(某事)的◆the supply of services is liable to vat. 提供服务须要缴纳增值税。☞ liableliableadjective◆you will be liable for any damage caused.任何损失均将由贵方负责。liableadjective◆you will be liable for any damage caused.任何损失均将由贵方负责。liable/ˈlaɪəbl ||; ˈlaɪəbḷ/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) 1. liable to do sth likely to do sth 可能做某事: ◇we're all liable to have accidents when we are very tired. 疲累不堪的时候,谁都可能发生事故。 2. liable to sth likely to have or suffer from sth 可能遭受…: ◇the area is liable to floods. 这个地区可能闹水灾。 3. liable (for sth) (in law) responsible for sth (法律)对…负责任 li·a·ble /`laɪəbḷ; ˈlaɪəbəl/adj 1. be liable to do sth to be likely to do something 倾向于做某事的:◇the car's liable to overheat on long trips. 那辆车开长途容易过热。 2. legally responsible for the cost of something 有偿付责任的




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