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单词 hunk
释义 hunk [countable] a large piece of sth, especially food, that has been cut or broken from a larger piece(尤指食物切下或掰下的)大块,大片◆he offered me a hunk of bread with some cheese.他递给我一大块夹着奶酪的面包。hunk/hʌŋk ||; hʌŋk/noun[c] 1. a large piece of sth 一大块: ◇a hunk of bread/cheese/meat 一大块面包╱干酪╱肉 2. (informal 非正式) a man who is big, strong and attractive 富有魅力的健壮男子 hunksee ⇨ piece 3 hunk /hʌŋk; hʌŋk/n [c] 1. a thick piece of something 厚厚的一块,大片:◇a hunk of bread 厚厚的一片面包 2. informal an attractive man who has a strong body 【非正式】 英俊健壮的男子




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