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单词 cause
释义 cause noun¹ 1sb/sth that makes sth happen起因adjective | verb + cause | cause + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤real, root, true, underlying真正的起因;根本原因◆the root cause of the problem这个问题的根本原因➤deeper更深层的原因◆a deeper cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.导致怨愤的更深层的原因是薪酬上的差异。➤biggest, chief, clear, fundamental, important, leading, main, major, number-one, primary, prime, principal, significant最大的原因;首要原因;明显的原因;根本原因;重要原因;主要原因▸➤common常见原因◆smoking is a common cause of premature death.吸烟是导致早死的一个常见原因。➤likely, possible, probable可能的原因▸➤known, unknown已知/未知起因▸➤direct, indirect直接/间接原因▸➤immediate, initial直接/初始原因▸➤contributory促成原因▸➤hidden隐藏的原因verb + cause➤determine, discover, find, identify, pinpoint, reveal确定/发现/找出/辨明/准确查明/透露原因◆attempts to identify the immediate cause of the breakdown查明引起故障的直接原因的努力➤examine, investigate, study检查/调查/研究原因➤know, understand了解/明白原因➤address探究原因cause + verb➤be, lie in sth, remain起因是;起因在于⋯◆what are the causes of the crisis?危机的起因是什么?◆the real cause of the problem lies in the poor construction of the bridge.问题的真正原因在于桥的建筑质量很差。preposition➤cause of⋯的原因◆the causes of blindness致盲的原因phrases➤cause and effect因果▸➤the cause of death死因▸➤due to natural causes, from natural causes, of natural causes由于/因为/基于自然的因素◆he died of natural causes.他是自然死亡的。➤the exact cause of sth, the precise cause of sth⋯的确切原因◆the precise cause of the accident is not known.事故的确切原因还不知道。➤have many causes, have several causes, have various causes有很多/多个/各种各样的原因cause noun² 2reason理由adjective | verb + cause | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, great, real, reasonable, sufficient正当的/充分的/真正的/合理的/充足的理由verb + cause➤have有理由◆we have good cause to believe that he was involved in the crime.我们有充分理由相信他涉嫌此案。➤find找出理由◆the experts may find cause to disagree with the school's decision.专家可能会找出不同意校方决定的理由。➤give (sb)给(某人)理由◆her health is giving us great cause for concern.她的健康状况让我们十分担心。➤show表明理由◆the onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed.政府部门有责任说明不能公开信息的理由。preposition➤cause for⋯的理由◆there is no cause for alarm.没有必要恐慌。phrases➤cause for concern, with good cause, without good cause, without just cause担心的/有充足的/没有充足的/没有正当的理由cause noun³ 3aim that people believe in崇信的目标adjective | verb + cause | preposition | phrases adjective➤deserving, good, just, noble, righteous, worthwhile, worthy值得为之奋斗的事业;崇高的理想;正义的事业;伟大的目标;值得追求的理想◆the money she left went to various worthy causes.她留下来的钱用到了各种有益的事业上。➤favourite/favorite, pet (name) 最喜爱的/钟爱的事业▸➤bad, unjust错误的目标;不正当的事业▸➤common共同的事业◆the different groups support a common cause.不同的群体支持一项共同的事业。➤hopeless, lost (= one that has failed or that cannot succeed) 无望的事业;徒劳的目标▸➤charitable, environmental, humanitarian, political, social慈善事业;环保事业;人道主义理想;政治理想;社会理想▸➤communist, conservative, liberal, socialist, etc.共产主义、保守主义、自由主义、社会主义等事业verb + cause➤advance, champion, embrace, fight for, further, help, promote, serve, support促进⋯事业;拥护⋯事业;为⋯事业而奋斗;推动⋯事业;服务于⋯事业;支持⋯事业◆young men willing to fight for the cause愿意为这项事业而奋斗的年轻人◆she would do anything that would further the cause.只要是能促进这项事业的事情她都愿意去做。➤be committed to, be sympathetic to投身于/赞同⋯事业▸➤join, take up加入/开始从事⋯事业◆she has taken up the liberal cause.她已经开始投入自由主义事业。➤plead声援⋯事业◆he pleaded the cause of the local fishermen.他为了当地渔民的利益呼吁奔走。preposition➤for the cause of, in the cause of为⋯的事业;在⋯的事业中◆they were not prepared to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the country.他们没打算为国家的事业而献身。◆battles fought in the cause of decentralization为权力下放的事业而进行的斗争➤in a/the cause在⋯事业中◆prominent figures in the socialist cause社会主义事业中的著名人物phrases➤(all) for a good cause, (all) in a good cause (especially bre) 值得做◆the function took a lot of organizing, but was all for / in a good cause.这个活动费了不少劲儿组织,但这是值得做的好事。 cause verb  ➡ see also the entries for encourage 3, prompt and stimulate另见 encourage 条第 3 义、prompt 条和 stimulate 条cause ♦︎ result in sth ♦︎ lead (sth) to sth ♦︎ produce ♦︎ bring sth about ♦︎ give rise to sth ♦︎ create ♦︎ make ♦︎ inducethese words all mean to make sth happen.这些词均表示使发生、导致。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cause / result in / lead to / produce / bring about / give rise to a / an change / shift / increase◆to cause / result in / lead to / produce / bring about a reduction in sth◆to cause / result in / lead to / produce / give rise to / create problems / difficulties◆to cause / result in / lead to / produce damage / friction◆to cause / result in / lead to / bring about the collapse / destruction / demise of sth◆to cause / lead to / produce / give rise to / create speculation / uncertainty◆to cause / lead to / give rise to / create discontent / dissatisfaction / resentment◆to result in / lead to / produce improvements / success◆to inevitably cause / result in / lead to / produce / bring about / give rise to / create sth■ cause [transitive] to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleasant使(坏事)发生;造成;导致◆do they know what caused the fire?他们知道火灾的起因吗?◆are you causing trouble again?你又要惹麻烦吗?◆doctors say her condition is causing some concern.医生说她的健康状况开始令人担忧。◆the project is still causing him a lot of problems.这个项目仍然给他带来许多麻烦。◆the poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。 ➡ see also cause → source noun ■ result in sth -->phrasal verbto cause a particular situation, especially the loss or increase of sth; to have sth as a result造成,导致(某事物的损失或增加);是⋯的成因◆closure of the plant could result in the loss of thousands of jobs .工厂关闭可能导致数千份工作流失。◆in 1965 their work resulted in a nobel prize.1965 年,他们的工作成果获得了诺贝尔奖。◆these policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship.这些政策使许多老人和残疾人饱受困苦。 ➡ see also result → result noun , resulting , resultant → related ■ lead to sth-->■ lead sth to sth -->phrasal verb(led, led)to be the reason why sth happens; to have sth as a result导致;是⋯的成因◆the scandal ultimately led to his resignation.该丑闻最终导致他辞职了。◆a reward was offered for information leading to an arrest.提供线索使嫌犯被捕的人可获得赏金。◆these policies could lead the country to environmental catastrophe.这些政策可能会使国家陷入环境的灾难。ⓘ lead to sth is often used as part of a process of explaining or understanding sth. * lead to sth 常在解释或理解某事的过程中使用。■ produce [transitive] to cause a particular result or reaction引起;导致;使产生◆a phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted.给经理打了一个电话就让她如愿以偿。◆the prime minister's speech produced an angry response from opposition parties.首相的讲话激起了反对党派的愤怒反应。◆the drug produces a feeling of great happiness and excitement.那种毒品会使人产生狂喜和兴奋的感觉。■ bring sth about -->phrasal verb(brought, brought)to make sth happen, especially to cause sth to change over a period of time or in a number of stages造成,引起,导致(尤指渐进的或阶段性的变化)◆what brought about the change in his attitude?是什么使他改变了态度?◆it was this scandal that finally brought about her downfall.正是这桩丑闻最终导致她垮台。■ give rise to sth -->idiom(gave, given) (formal) to make or allow sth to happen or come into existence使发生;使形成◆the novel's success gave rise to a number of sequels.这部小说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。◆the ocean gave rise to the first life on earth.海洋孕育了地球上最早的生命。■ create [transitive] to produce a particular feeling or impression造成,引起,产生(感觉或印象)◆the company is trying to create a young energetic image.该公司正试图塑造一个充满活力的年轻形象。◆the announcement only succeeded in creating confusion.那个通告反而引起了混乱。■ make [transitive] (made, made)to cause sth to appear as a result of breaking, tearing, hitting or removing material造成(破坏、破损等)◆the rock made a dent in the roof of the car.石头把车顶砸了个坑。◆the holes in the cloth were made by moths.布上的窟窿是虫蛀的。■ induce /ɪndjuːs; name ɪnduːs/ [transitive] (formal) to cause sth or make sth more likely to happen引起;导致;促进◆a glass of warm milk at bedtime may help to induce sleep.睡前喝一杯热牛奶有助于促进睡眠。◆doctors will begin bringing him out of a drug-induced coma on sunday.医生会在周日开始让他脱离药物引起的昏迷状态。ⓘ induce is often used to talk about the effects that sth such as medicine, disease or injury has on the body. * induce 常指药物、疾病或受伤等引发对身体的影响◆hearing loss is often induced by exposure to loud noise.遭受高噪音常会导致听力受损。 cause [transitive] to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleasant使(坏事)发生;造成;导致◆do they know what caused the fire?他们知道火灾的起因吗?◆are you causing trouble again?你又要惹麻烦吗?◆doctors say her condition is causing some concern.医生说她的健康状况开始令人担忧。◆the project is still causing him a lot of problems.这个项目仍然给他带来许多麻烦。◆the poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。 ➡ see also cause → source noun cause [countable] an organization or idea that people support or fight for(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想◆animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year.动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了 7 万英镑。◆oh well, it's all for a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity).哦,好吧,这都是行善。◆he dedicated his life to fighting for the republican cause.他致力于为共和党的事业而奋斗。 cause [uncountable] (rather formal) a reason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way(有某种感受或做某种行为的)理由,动机,缘故◆there is no cause for alarm / concern.没有理由惊慌/担忧。◆if your child is absent without good cause (= without a good reason), you may receive a warning from the school board.如果你的孩子无故缺席,你将收到校董事会的警告。 cause [countable] the thing or person that makes sth happen原因;起因◆unemployment is a major cause of poverty.失业是贫困的主要原因。◆there was discussion about the fire and its likely cause.对那场火灾及其可能的起因有过讨论。◆he died of natural causes.他是自然死亡的。 ➡ see also cause → cause verb cause¹/kɔ:z ||; kɔz/noun1. [c] a thing or person that makes sth happen 因由;原因: ◇the police do not know the cause of the accident. 警方仍未查明事故的起因。◇smoking is one of the causes of heart disease. 吸烟是心脏病的病因之一。 2. [u] cause (for sth) reason for feeling sth or behaving in a particular way 理由;依据: ◇the doctor assured us that there was no cause for concern. 医生向我们保证没什么好担心的。◇i don't think you have any real cause for complaint. 我看不出你真有什么可以抱怨的。 3. [c] an idea or organization that a group of people believe in and support 目标;事业: ◇we are all committed to the cause of racial equality. 我们大家都以种族平等为奋斗目标。 a lost cause→lost²be for/in a good cause to be worth doing because it will help other people 值得做(因为对别人有好处) cause²/kɔ:z ||; kɔz/verb [t] to make sth happen 引起;导致: ◇the fire was caused by an electrical fault. 这场火灾由电路故障引起。◇high winds caused many trees to fall during the night. 昨晚很多树都给强风吹倒。◇is your leg causing you any pain? 你的腿疼不疼? cause1 to make something happen2 to make someone do something3 to make something bad suddenly happen4 to be the first or basic cause of something5 to make someone have a particular feeling6 to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation or condition7 to deliberately try to cause trouble, arguments etc8 to be one of the causes of something9 to believe that something is caused by a particular thing10 something that makes something else happenrelated wordssee alsoreason,because,so/therefore,1. to make something happen 使某事发生 make something do something /ˌmeɪk something ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] i wish you wouldn't slam the door. it makes the floor shake. 希望你不要用力摔门,这样会使地板震动。 accidents don't always just happen - people can make them happen. 事故不是一定就这样发生—可以是人为的。 gravity is the force that makes the planets move around the sun. 引力是使行星绕太阳公转的力。 cause /kɔːz/ [transitive verb] to make something happen, especially something unpleasant 使发生,引起[尤指令人不快的事] heavy traffic is causing long delays on the roads. 交通量大造成道路严重阻塞。 about half of the chemicals that were tested caused cancer in rats. 做试验的化学物中约半数使老鼠患上癌症。 the autopsy showed that her death was caused by liver failure. 验尸显示她的死是由肝脏衰竭引起的。cause somebody trouble/problems/anxiety etc as children we were always causing our parents trouble. 小时候,我们老是给父母惹麻烦。 try to isolate the problems that are causing you the most difficulty. 尽量把给你造成最大困难的问题找出来。cause something to do something the power failure caused the whole computer system to shut down. 停电导致整个电脑系统停止运转。 be the cause /biː ðə ˈkɔːz/ [verb phrase] to be the particular reason for a problem or difficulty 是[问题或困难]的根源 after a long investigation into the fire, faulty wiring was found to be the cause. 经过对火灾长时间的调查,发现起火原因是线路故障。be the cause of it's too early to say whether this virus is actually the cause of the disease. 说这种病毒确实能引起该病还为时过早。 an explosion on board appears to be the cause of the crash. 机舱发生爆炸似乎是这次空难的原因。be the leading/main cause of something the study showed that drug use is the leading cause of crime and violence. 研究表明,吸毒是罪案和暴力行为的主要原因。 be responsible /biː rɪˈspɒnsə̇bəlǁ-ˈspɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to be the person or thing that causes something bad to happen, for example a mistake, a problem, or a serious accident 对[过失、麻烦、重大事故]负责,是造成…的原因 the number of workplace accidents is increasing, but it is not clear who or what is responsible. 工伤事故的数量在增加,但责任人或原因不明。be responsible for heart disease was responsible for most of the deaths. 心脏病是大多数人死亡的原因。 he was clearly responsible for the deaths and must be punished. 很明显,断送了几条人命,他要承担责任,必须受到惩罚。be largely/mainly responsible for something inflation was largely responsible for the economic crisis. 通货膨胀是引起经济危机的主要原因。 result in something /rɪˈzʌlt ɪn something/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] if an action or event results in something, it makes something happen 造成某事 workers fear that the company's reorganization will result in layoffs. 工人们担心公司重组会导致裁员。 months of secret talks with the rebels finally resulted in the release of the hostages. 与叛乱者数月的秘密会谈终于使人质获释。 if left untreated, the condition will eventually result in blindness. 不治疗的话,这种情况最终会导致失明。 lead to something /ˈliːd tə something/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to start a process that finally makes something happen 导致某事 his research eventually led to the development of a vaccine. 他的研究最终培养出了一种疫苗。 the new regulations should lead to an improvement in our water supply. 新的规定应该会使我们的供水系统得到改善。 the bank has offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of the robbers. 银行悬赏缉捕劫匪。 give rise to /ˌgɪv ˈraɪz tə/ [verb phrase] formal if a situation, event, or action gives rise to a particular feeling, situation etc, it starts the process that makes it happen 【正式】产生,引起[某种情绪、情况等] the canal project gave rise to a malaria epidemic in the region. 运河工程使该地区疟疾流行。 the president's frequent cancellations have given rise to concerns about his health. 总统时常取消安排引起了人们对他健康状况的担忧。 bring about /ˌbrɪŋ əˈbaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make something happen, especially a change or an improved situation 引起[尤指变动或改善的状况] bring about something the president will support any efforts to bring about a ceasefire. 总统将支持为促成停火所作的一切努力。 education is the best method of bringing about economic development. 教育是使经济发展的最好方法。bring something about a lot of hard work by ordinary citizens eventually brought the changes about. 许多普通公民的艰苦努力最终引起了变化。 create /kriˈeɪt/ [transitive verb] to make a particular condition that did not exist at all suddenly exist [突然]引起 the white walls and mirrors helped to create an illusion of space. 白色的墙壁和镜子有助于产生空间增大的感觉。 margot's outburst created an unpleasant atmosphere and most of the guests left early. 玛戈突然大发雷霆使气氛变得很不愉快,多数客人都提早离去了。 the end of the cold war helped create a situation in which more countries than ever have access to nuclear weapons. 冷战的结束产生了一种局面,就是和以往相比,更多国家获得了核武器。 creation /kriˈeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the government's main economic aim has been the creation of wealth. 政府的主要经济目标是创造财富。 make for /ˈmeɪk fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] if something makes for a particular situation, it makes it easier or more likely for that situation to exist 促成,有助于[理想的情况] the stormy weather made for a very bumpy landing. 风暴天气使得[飞机]降落时很颠簸。 delicious food and wonderful company made for a very enjoyable evening. 美味的食物和良伴构成一个极愉快的夜晚。2. to make someone do something 使某人做某事 make somebody do something /ˌmeɪk somebody ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] sarah's very funny. her jokes always make me laugh. 萨拉非常风趣,她说的笑话总是能逗我发笑。 the things she said make me wonder if she is in some kind of trouble. 她的话使我怀疑她是否遇上了麻烦。 the smell was so bad it almost made me throw up. 那气味太难闻了,差一点让我吐出来。be made to do something i was made to wait for over an hour. 那人让我等了一个多小时。 cause somebody to do something /ˌkɔːz somebody tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make someone or something do something. cause is more formal than make 使某人做某事;使某事发生[cause比make正式] a dog ran into the road, causing the cyclist to swerve. 一条狗跑到马路中央,使那个骑车人突然急转。 the parents’ fear of gang activity caused them to move the family to a safer neighborhood. 父母亲担心有犯罪团伙活动,于是举家迁往更安全的地区居住。 no-one understands what could have caused her to hate him so much. 没有人知道是什么令她那么恨他。 lead somebody to do something /ˌliːd somebody tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to be the thing that makes someone do something, especially when this process takes some time 使得某人做某事[尤指这需要花一段时间] what led you to take up teaching as a career? 是什么促使你从事教学这一行的? it was my interest in gardens that led me to study biology. 我对园艺的兴趣促使我攻读生物学。lead somebody to believe the negative publicity has already led many to believe that tompkins is guilty. 负面宣传已使许多人相信汤普金斯有罪。 motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt, ˈməʊtəveɪt/ [transitive verb] if something motivates someone to do something, it makes them want to do it - use this especially to talk about the reasons why people do things that are very good, very bad, or very dangerous 激励;促动[尤用以谈论做好事、坏事或危险之事的原因] motivate somebody to do something i don't know what motivates people to commit such crimes. 我不知道人们犯这种罪的动机是什么。be motivated by something he was motivated by a desire to help his fellow man. 他那样做是想帮助他人。 many in the asian community feel that the police actions were motivated by racial bias. 亚洲人社区中许多人认为警方的所为是出于种族偏见。 induce somebody to do something /ɪnˌdjuːs somebody tə ˈduː something ǁɪnˌduːs-/ [verb phrase] formal to make someone choose to do something 【正式】引起[导致]某人做某事 whatever induced her to buy such an expensive car? 是什么使她买这么贵的车子? the state advertises a great deal to induce its citizens to buy lottery tickets. 该州大做广告吸引公民购买彩票。 prompt somebody to do something /ˌprɒmpt somebody tə ˈduː something ǁˌprɑːmpt-/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] to be the thing that makes you to do something, especially something you have been thinking of doing for some time 促使[推动]某人做某事[尤指考虑很久的事] it was reading his book that prompted me to write to him. 我是读了他的书才写信给他的。 what exactly prompted him to call you in the middle of the night? 到底是什么使他在半夜打电话给你的?3. to make something bad suddenly happen 使不好的事突然发生 set off /ˌset ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] if someone or something sets off a fight, war etc, it makes it start happening 引发,引起[斗殴、战争等] set off something the army's invasion set off a major international crisis. 军事入侵引发了重大的国际危机。set something off nobody knows what set the riot off. 无人知道暴乱的起因。 trigger/spark /ˈtrɪgəʳ, spɑːʳk/ [transitive verb] if a small action or event triggers or sparks serious trouble or changes, it causes them to happen very quickly [小事突然]引发[严重事件或变化] even the smallest diplomatic incident can trigger a major international conflict. 即使是微不足道的外交事件也能引发严重的国际冲突。 the assassination of archduke francis ferdinand sparked the first world war. 斐迪南大公遇刺引发了第一次世界大战。trigger/spark off something riots, sparked off by the arrest of seven student leaders, have spread to other universities. 由七名学生领袖被逮捕所引发的暴乱已蔓延到其他大学。 precipitate /prɪˈsɪpəteɪt, prəˈsɪpəteɪt/ [transitive verb] formal to make something serious happen, especially more quickly than was expected 【正式】促成,迅速引起 the 1929 stock market crash precipitated the collapse of the american banking system. 1929年股市行情暴跌迅速导致美国银行体系的崩溃。 both countries claimed the same area, precipitating a border war. 两国都声称拥有同一地区的主权,于是爆发了一场边界战争。4. to be the first or basic cause of something 某事的起因或根本的原因 be at the root/bottom of /biː ət ðə ˈruːt, ˈbɒtəm ɒv‖ǁ-ˈbɑː-/ [verb phrase] to be the basic cause of a problem or serious situation 是…的根本原因 simple greed is at the root of most white-collar crime. 纯粹的贪婪是大多数白领犯罪的根源。 at the bottom of the country's economic problems is its overwhelming debt. 该国经济问题的根源在于巨额外债。lie at the root/bottom of something difficulties with the company's overseas subsidiaries lie at the root of last year's losses. 该公司去年经营亏损,根源是海外子公司的麻烦。 underlying /ˌʌndəʳˈlaɪ-ɪŋ◂/ [adjective only before noun] underlying cause/reason/factor etc a cause, reason etc that is one of the most basic and important, but which is not easy to notice 根本的原因/理由/因素等 they were treating only the symptoms of the disease rather than its underlying cause. 他们看病治标不治本。 climate and geography are the underlying reasons for the region's low level of economic development. 气候和地理因素是该地区经济发展水平低下的根本原因。5. to make someone have a particular feeling 使某人产生某种情感 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb] to make somebody worried/nervous/happy etc stop staring at me - you're making me nervous. 别盯着我看——你让我紧张。 money is the only thing that seemed to make him happy. 金钱是唯一似乎能让他开心的东西。 standing up all day really makes me tired. 站一整天真的会让我感到累。make somebody want to do something the whole thing was so depressing - it made me want to give up and go home. 整件事令人十分沮丧—我真想就此放弃回家去。 have /hæv/ [transitive verb not in passive] have somebody worried/confused/interested etc to make someone worried, confused etc, especially only for a short time 使某人担忧/茫然/感兴趣等 you had me worried for a minute - i thought you weren't going to show up. 你让我担心了一会—我以为你不来了。 the film was so full of suspense, it had the audience on the edge of their seats. 影片充满了悬念,使观众看得又入神又兴奋。 excite /ɪkˈsaɪt/ [transitive verb not in passive] formal make people feel interested, jealous etc 【正式】激发[兴趣],引起[嫉妒、怀疑等] excite interest/jealousy/suspicion etc arthur's enormous wealth excited the envy of his rivals. 阿瑟的巨额财富引起了他对手的妒忌。 recent fossil finds in africa have excited interest among palaeontologists. 最近非洲出土的化石引起古生物学家的兴趣。 arouse /əˈraʊz/ [transitive verb] written to make people have a strong interest in something or strong feelings, such as anger, fear, dislike etc 【书面】激起[愤怒],引起[恐惧、讨厌等] arouse anger/suspicion/fear etc his strange behavior aroused my suspicions. 他的奇怪举动引起了我的怀疑。 the resignation of the managing director is certain to arouse new fears about the future of the company. 总经理的辞职无疑又会引发人们对公司前景的担忧。arouse interest/curiosity the success of the recent tv series has aroused young people's curiosity about nature in general. 最近这部电视系列片的成功引起了年轻人对大自然的普遍好奇心。 evoke /ɪˈvəʊk/ [transitive verb] written to make someone have a particular emotion, thought, or reaction 【书面】唤起,引起[某种感情或反应] she tried everything in an attempt to evoke sympathy and pity from her parents. 她施展浑身解数试图激起父母的同情和怜悯。 her speech today evoked surprise and outrage from many french officials. 她今天的演讲使许多法国官员感到惊讶和愤恨。 the names witches well, candlemaker row and grassmarket square evoke visions of another era. 女巫井、烛匠街和草市广场等名字激起人们对另一时代的幻想。 generate /ˈdʒenəreɪt/ [transitive verb] to make something such as a feeling exist and grow 造成,引起[某种情绪] the murder trial has generated enormous public interest. 对凶案的审判引起了公众极大兴趣。 realistic programmes about crime only serve to generate fear among the public. 绘声绘色地报道罪案的节目只会使公众产生恐惧。 completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team. 按预算准时完成这个项目令全队产生了自豪感和成就感。 whip up /ˌwɪp ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to deliberately make a lot of people feel interested, excited, angry etc about something that you think is important [故意]激起;煽动 whip up something it's difficult to whip up people's interest in the environment. 要激起人们对环境的关注很难。 she's been giving speeches all over the state to whip up support for her campaign. 她一直在全州到处演讲以激起人们支持她的竞选活动。whip somebody/something up rylan has been accused of whipping crowds up into frenzies of violent hatred. 赖兰被控煽动人群强烈的仇恨情绪。 reduce somebody to /rɪˈdjuːs somebody tuːǁrɪˈduːs-/ [transitive phrasal verb] reduce somebody to tears/silence/a bag of nerves etc to treat someone in such an unkind or unfair way, that they cry, are silent etc 使某人哭泣/沉默/紧张等 he would often yell at his wife until he had reduced her to tears. 他常常会对妻子大叫大嚷,直到她流泪为止。 one look from him was enough to reduce anyone to absolute silence. 只要他看一眼,谁都会静下来,默不作声。 her outbursts in the classroom have the effect of reducing her students to gibbering wrecks. 她在课堂上大发雷霆,结果把学生吓坏了。6. to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation or condition 使某人或某物处于某种情况或状态 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb] make somebody late/ill etc hurry up - you're going to make me late for work. 快点—你要使我上班迟到了。 something i ate last night really made me sick. 我昨晚吃的一样东西让我很不舒服。make something safe/interesting/dirty etc he could make things very difficult for us. 他可以为难我们。 engineers have been working throughout the night to make the bridge safe. 为了使大桥安全,工程师们干了一个通宵。 we gave the house a coat of paint to make it more attractive. 我们给房子刷上一层漆让它更好看。make it easy/impossible/necessary etc (for somebody) to do something the regulations should make it easier for patients to receive the treatment they need. 规定应当使患者更易于接受所需的治疗。 the increased costs made it impossible to continue producing the computers in the u.s. 上升的成本使得继续在美国生产这种电脑变得不可能。 have /hæv/ [transitive verb not in passive] to make something be in a particular condition, especially so that it is ready to be used 使[某物处于某种状态,尤指准备好] have something ready/organized/prepared etc we'll have your car ready by 3 o'clock. 我们会在3点钟以前备好你的车子。 i'm going to have the roof fixed as soon as i can afford it. 我一有钱就会让人把屋顶修好。 my parents had the little train all laid out under the tree on christmas morning. 圣诞节早晨,我父母把小火车摆在树下。 render /ˈrendəʳ/ [transitive verb] formal to make someone or something unable to do something, work properly, cause any damage etc 【正式】使得,致使[某人不能做某事,或某物不能正常运作等] render something useless/impossible/harmless etc both runways have been rendered useless by enemy bombings. 两条跑道都被敌人炸毁了,已不能使用。 the angry exchange rendered future compromise impossible. 相互谩骂使得将来和解变得不可能。render somebody unconscious/helpless etc suddenly packer struck a blow that rendered his victim unconscious. 帕克突然打了对方一拳,使他失去了知觉。 plunge something into /ˈplʌndʒ something ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] to cause someone or something to suddenly be in a very bad situation 使…突然陷入[非常糟糕的状态] plunge somebody/something into debt/war/depression etc the government's uncontrolled spending has plunged the country into debt. 政府挥霍无度使国家负债。 the growing hostility between the two parties is threatening to plunge the country into civil war. 两党之间日益激化的敌对情绪使国家濒临内战边缘。 put somebody in/into something /ˈpʊt somebody ɪn, ɪntə something/ [verb phrase] put somebody in a difficult/awkward/impossible situation/position to do something that causes someone difficulties, embarrassment etc 使某人陷入困难/尴尬的境地/难以处理的情况 the minister's comments have put the prime minister into a very awkward position. 部长的话令总理十分尴尬。 i'm afraid i've been put into a rather embarrassing position. 我恐怕处于一个相当难堪的境地。7. to deliberately try to cause trouble, arguments etc 故意惹麻烦、引起争论等 incite /ɪnˈsaɪt/ [transitive verb] formal to deliberately encourage people to cause trouble, fight, argue etc 【正式】激起,煽动[麻烦、斗殴、争吵等] four men were arrested for inciting the riot. 四名男子因煽动暴乱而被捕。incite somebody to something she was charged with inciting the crowd to violence. 她被控煽动人群暴乱。incite somebody to do something tribal leaders are accused of inciting their followers to attack rival tribes. 部落酋长被指责煽动部下攻击对立的部落。 incitement [uncountable noun] by publishing the book they were guilty of incitement to racial hatred. 他们因出版这本鼓动种族仇恨的书而触犯法律。 provoke /prəˈvəʊk/ [transitive verb] if something provokes an angry situation or a reaction, they cause it, usually deliberately 激起,引起[愤怒的场景或反应,一般是故意的] the new laws have provoked violent demonstrations in some towns. 新的法律在一些城镇引发了暴力示威。 the ambassador's offensive remarks provoked widespread criticism. 大使冒犯的言论招来了广泛的批评。provoke somebody to something the judge ruled that becker provoked her husband to attack her so she could shoot him. 法官裁定,贝克尔故意激怒丈夫向她动手,以便射杀他。 stir up /ˌstɜːr ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to deliberately try to cause arguments, fighting etc between people 蓄意挑起[争论、打斗等],挑动 stir up something i hope you're not trying to stir up trouble. 我希望你不是要来惹麻烦。 his series of articles on party leaders has stirred up a great deal of public controversy. 他一连串关于党领导人的文章激起了公众大辩论。stir something up he was accused of trying to stir rebellion up among the peasants. 他被控企图煽动农民造反。8. to be one of the causes of something 是某事的原因之一 play a part /ˌpleɪ ə ˈpɑːʳt/ [verb phrase] if something plays a part in something, it is one of several things that makes it happen or be successful 起作用,有影响 many cases of breast cancer have genetic causes, but environmental substances may also play a part. 许多乳腺癌个案是遗传引起的,但是环境因素可能也有一定影响。play a part in it is not yet known if weather conditions played a part in the accident. 天气状况是否是这起事故的一个因素尚不清楚。 the genius of the two designers has played a big part in the company's recent success. 该公司最近所取得的成就,一大部分应归功于两位设计师的天赋。 contribute to /kənˈtrɪbjuːt tuːǁ-bjət-/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] if something contributes to a situation or event, it is one of the things that make it happen 促成[某情况或事情] an increase in the price of drugs has contributed to the rising cost of medical care. 药品价格的上涨导致了医疗保健费用提高。 it is thought that the pilot's negligence may have contributed to the disaster. 有人认为飞行员的疏忽可能是造成这次空难的原因之一。 contributory /kənˈtrɪbjɑtəriǁ-tɔːri/ [adjective only before noun] formal contributory cause/factor one of several causes of something that happens, but not the main cause 【正式】造成[事情发生的一个]原因/因素 malnutrition was considered to have been a contributory cause of death. 营养不良被认为是导致死亡的原因之一。 alcohol is a contributory factor in at least 50% of the violent crimes reported. 在报警的暴力犯罪中,至少有50%是由喝酒造成的。9. to believe that something is caused by a particular thing 相信某事是由于另一事引起的 put something down to /ˌpʊt something ˈdaʊn tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to explain a situation, event, or behaviour by saying that it is the result of something else 把某事归因于,认为某事是由于 charlie's been drinking a lot lately, which i put down to stress at work. 查理最近喝酒很多,我将这归因于工作压力。 authorities put the acts of vandalism down to ‘festive high spirits’ after the team's victory. 当局将那种破坏公物的行为归因于该队获胜后“高涨的欢闹情绪”。 her restlessness was put down to excitement, and nobody realised she was seriously ill. 人们以为她那样焦躁不安是由于情绪激动,却没有人意识到她病得很重。 attribute something to /əˈtrɪbjuːt something tuː ǁ-bjət-/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to explain a situation or fact by saying that it is the result of something else 【正式】把某事归因于 over 1,000 deaths a year can be attributed to drunk driving. 每年有一千多人因酒后驾车死亡。 the low crop yields are attributed to changes in climate. 庄稼歉收归因于气候的变化。 the management attributed the success of the company to the new marketing director. 管理层将公司的成就归功于新来的销售主管。10. something that makes something else happen 使另一件事发生的事 cause /kɔːz/ [countable noun] doctors cannot find a cure for the illness until they have identified the cause. 医生查明病因后才能找到治疗的方法。cause of investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the accident. 调查人员仍旧在努力寻找事故的原因。root cause basic cause 根本原因 the root cause of the current energy crisis is that we simply use too much energy. 当前能源危机的根本原因只是在于我们滥用能源。 factor /ˈfæktəʳ/ [countable noun] one of several causes of a situation or condition [导致某情况或状态的]因素 the price of insurance depends on several factors, including the age of the car. 保险的价格取决于车龄等几个因素。factor in his girlfriend lives in london and i'm sure that was a factor in his decision to move there. 他的女友住在伦敦,我肯定那就是他决意搬去那里的一个因素。key factor very important factor 主要因素 money will be the key factor when we decide to buy a new house. 我们决定买新房子时,钱将是主要因素。deciding/determining factor the thing that finally makes something happen 决定性因素 race should never be a deciding factor in a hiring decision. 雇用与否,种族不应当是决定性因素。 reason /ˈriːzən/ [countable noun] the thing or one of the things that makes you decide to do something or makes something happen 理由,原因 ‘why are you helping her?’ ‘she asked me to. that's the only reason.’ “你为什么去帮她?”“她请我帮忙,就是这个原因。” the main reason she quit is that she was not being paid enough. 她辞职的主要原因是工资太低。reason for/behind can anyone explain the reason for the delay? 有人解释一下延误的原因吗? there were two reasons behind the company's failure. 该公司的倒闭有两个原因。reason why/(that) the reason why the economy is growing more slowly is a lack of workers. 经济发展减慢的原因是缺少工人。reason to do something there's no reason to doubt what she says. 没有理由怀疑她说的话。 origins /ˈɒrɪdʒənz, ˈɒrədʒənzǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [plural noun] the first causes from which a situation, condition etc has developed [导致某情形或状况等的]起源,由来,起因 origins of the origins of the crisis were very complex. 危机的起因很复杂。 other cultures’ beliefs about the origins of disease often differ from our own. 其他文化对于疾病起因的看法往往和我们的文化不一样。have origins in many of our attitudes to the issue of race have their origins in the colonialism of days gone by. 我们对种族问题的态度主要起源于过去的殖民主义。 root /ruːt/ [countable noun] the main or most important cause of a situation or condition [导致某种情况或状况的]根源,根由 root of the roots of the wars in the balkans go back hundreds of years. 巴尔干半岛的多场战争的根源要追溯到数百年前。get to the root of something discover the most important cause 追查某事的根源 we need to get to the root of the problem. 我们需要找出问题的根源。 stimulus /ˈstɪmjɑləs/ [countable/uncountable noun] an event, action, or situation that helps a process to develop more quickly 刺激因素,促进因素 the appointment of a new director gave the project immediate stimulus. 新董事的任命立即对这项计划起到了促进作用。stimulus to the surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy. 新住宅的建设浪潮应当能刺激经济。 impetus /ˈɪmpɪtəs, ˈɪmpətəs/ [singular/uncountable noun] an event, action, or situation that helps something to develop more quickly 推动力,促进因素 impetus for/behind the impetus for change in the industry was provided by a new management team. 新的管理层队伍推动了企业改革。 press criticism has been the main impetus behind the government reforms. 舆论界的批评是政府改革的主要推动力。give impetus to something the surgeon general's speech will give new impetus to the anti-smoking campaign. 卫生局局长的讲话将为反吸烟运动带来新的动力。☞ cause¹☞ cause²




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