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单词 revive
释义 revive verb¹ 1bring sth back复原adverb | verb + revive | phrases adverb➤quickly迅速恢复◆banks and businesses are quickly reviving business activities in china.各家银行和公司正快速恢复其在中国的业务活动。➤recently最近恢复verb + revive➤try to尽力恢复◆they are trying to revive some of the old customs.他们正在努力复兴一些古老的风俗。➤help (to), help sb (to)帮助恢复;帮助某人恢复◆the good harvest helped revive the economic fortunes of the country.这次大丰收为该国重振经济发挥了作用。phrases➤an attempt to revive sth, an effort to revive sth恢复⋯的尝试/努力◆attempts to revive falling sales扭转销售额下降局面的尝试➤be aimed at reviving sth (especially bre) 以恢复⋯为目标◆an initiative aimed at reviving talks on the country's political future旨在重新开始就该国政治前途进行会谈的倡议revive verb² 2make sb conscious again使恢复知觉verb + revive | preposition | phrases verb + revive➤try to尽力使苏醒preposition➤with用⋯弄醒◆they revived him with cold water.他们用冷水把他弄醒了。phrases➤an attempt to revive sb, an effort to revive sb使某人苏醒的尝试/努力◆attempts to revive her failed and she was dead on arrival at the hospital.种种抢救她的尝试都失败了,她送到医院时已经死亡。 revive /rɪvaɪv/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to become, or to make sb/sth become, strong and active again (使)复苏;(使)复兴◆the economy is beginning to revive. 经济开始复苏。◆the company has been struggling to revive falling sales. 这家公司一直在为扭转下降的销售量而拚搏。 2. [transitive] to bring sth back; to make sth start being used or done again (使)恢复;重新使用;(使)重做◆she has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay. 她一直在设法再次开展同工同酬的辩论。◆the poor trade figures have revived fears of higher interest rates. 不良的贸易数字再次引起人们对加息的担忧。 ▸ revival /rɪvaɪvl/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆an economic revival 经济复苏◆the revival of trade 贸易振兴☞ reviverevive/rɪˈvaɪv ||; rɪˈvaɪv/verb[i,t] 1. to become or to make sb/sth strong or healthy again; to come or to bring sb back to life or consciousness (使)恢复精力或健康;(使)苏醒: ◇hopes have revived for an early end to the fighting. 人们对战斗早日结束重燃希望。◇i'm very tired but i'm sure a cup of coffee will revive me. 我累极了,但喝一杯咖啡一定可以帮我提神。◇attempts were made to revive him but he was already dead. 虽然作了抢救的尝试,可惜他已经死了。 2. to become or to make sth popular again; to begin to do or use sth again (使)复兴;再度采用或使用: ◇public interest in athletics has revived now that the national team is doing well. 国家代表队表现不错,大众对田径运动又开始有兴趣。 [t] ◇to revive an old custom 恢复旧习俗 revivesee ⇨ start 17 re·vive /rɪ`vaɪv; rɪˈvaɪv/v 1. [t] to make something become popular again, or make something exist again 使重新流行; 使复兴:◇old customs are being revived. 旧风俗正在重新兴起。 2. [t] to make someone become conscious again 使苏醒:◇the doctors were unable to revive him. 医生们无法让他苏醒过来。 3. [i,t] to make someone or something stronger or healthier again, or to become stronger or healthier again (使)恢复体力; (使)恢复健康:◇she came back from her trip feeling revived. 她旅行回来,感到精神又振奋了起来。




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