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单词 revolt
释义 revolt nounadjective | verb + revolt | revolt + verb | preposition adjective➤mass, popular, serious, widespread (especially bre) 群众暴动;民众造反;严重的叛乱;普遍反对◆there was a widespread revolt against the party leadership.该党领导层遭到普遍反对。➤open公开反对◆parliament came out in open revolt against the president.议会公开宣布反对总统。➤armed武装暴动▸➤peasant, peasant's, shareholder's, slave, student, etc.农民暴动、股东的反抗、奴隶暴动、学生的反抗等➤tax抗税verb + revolt➤cause, provoke, spark引起/挑起/激起反抗▸➤lead领导起义◆a student-led revolt学生领导的起义➤organize, stage组织/发动起义▸➤crush, deal with, put down, suppress镇压叛乱;应对叛乱;平息叛乱◆the revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.这次起义被极端残忍地镇压了。➤face面对叛乱◆the party leadership is facing open revolt.该党的领导正遭到公开的反抗。revolt + verb➤break out暴乱发生◆revolt broke out when the government decided to raise the price of bread.政府决定提高面包价格,于是发生了暴乱。➤spread叛乱蔓延▸➤overthrow sb/sth叛乱推翻⋯◆the regime was finally overthrown by a popular revolt.该政权最终被群众暴动推翻了。preposition➤in revolt起义◆the farmers rose in revolt.农民揭竿而起。➤revolt against反抗⋯◆the revolt against the new tax对新税的反抗➤revolt by⋯的反抗◆a revolt by backbenchers (bre) 后座议员的反抗➤revolt over对⋯的反抗◆the farmers' revolt over imported meat农民对进口肉类的抗议➤revolt within⋯内的叛乱◆revolt within the party党内叛乱revolt /rɪvəʊlt; name rɪvoʊlt/ [intransitive] to take violent action against the people in power反抗,反叛(当权者)◆finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship.人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。 ➡ see also revolt → revolution noun 1 note 辨析 rebel or revolt?to rebel against sth can involve fighting or simply opposition. when people revolt it nearly always involves violence. rebel is more often used to describe fighting against a government or political system, especially by people who already have some power or are a part of the same political system. * rebel 可能涉及战斗或仅仅是反对,revolt 几乎总是涉及暴力。rebel 多指反抗政府或政治体制,特别是由已有一定权力或处于同一政治体制中的人发动◆a total of 139 mps rebelled against the government.总共有 139 名议员反抗政府。 revolt is more often used to describe the actions of ordinary people rejecting the authority that controls them, for example because it is treating them badly. * revolt 多指普通民众抵制当局的控制,如反抗压迫◆the peasants revolted against high taxes and the losses of the war.农民起来反抗高税收和战争损失。revolt [countable, uncountable] a protest against authority, especially that of a government, usually by a group of people, often involving violence; the action of protesting against authority(尤指针对政府的)反抗,起义,叛乱;(针对当局的)抗议行动◆27 members of the bohemian nobility led the revolt against ferdinand ii.27 名波希米亚贵族成员领导了反对斐迪南二世的叛变。◆a shareholders' revolt against the chairman led to senior management changes.一场股东对董事长的反抗行动导致高层人员变动。◆the people rose in revolt.人民奋起反抗。 ➡ see also revolt → rebel verb revolt/rɪˈvəʊlt ||; rɪˈvolt/verb1. [i] revolt (against sb/sth) to protest in a group, often violently, against the person or people in power 暴动;起义;造反;反叛: ◇a group of generals revolted against the government. 一批将军起来造反,对抗政府。 2. [t] to make sb feel disgusted or ill 使厌恶;使作呕: ◇the sight and smell of the meat revolted him. 那肉的样子和气味让他倒胃口。 ☞noun revulsion 名词为revulsion revolt noun [c,u] ◇the people rose in revolt against the corrupt government. 人们奋起造反,反对腐败政府。 revoltsee ⇨ horrible 6 ⇨ rebellion/revolution 1,3☞ revolt¹☞ revolt²




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