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单词 admission
释义 admission noun¹ 1entrance进入adjective | verb + admission | admission + noun | preposition adjective➤free, half-price免费/半价入场▸➤emergency紧急进入◆emergency admissions to hospital紧急入院➤cinema, theatre/theater进电影院;进剧院▸➤accident and emergency (abbreviated to a & e) (bre) , emergency-room (abbreviated to er) (name) , hospital因事故和紧急情况入院;进入急诊室;入院◆70% of hospital admissions are associated with alcohol.70% 的入院病人与酒精有关。➤college, law-school, school, university学院录取;法学院录取;入学;大学录取➤graduate, undergraduate (both especially name) 研究生/本科生入学▸➤open, selective (both especially name) 不受学历限制的入学;选择性接收verb + admission➤apply for, seek申请/请求入学◆he's applied for admission to the local college.他已向当地的大学申请入学。➤gain得到入学许可◆to gain admission to one of the best schools被最好的一所学校录取➤grant sb允许某人进入▸➤refuse sb拒绝某人进入admission + noun➤charge, fee, price入场费;入场价▸➤criteria, policy准入标准/政策▸➤procedure准入程序▸➤rate进入率◆hospital admission rates医院收治率➤admissions department, admissions office招生部;招生办公室➤admissions director, admissions officer招生部主任/官员➤process入学流程➤admissions requirements (especially name) 入学要求preposition➤on admission进入⋯时◆on admission to hospital you will be examined by a doctor.入院时,医生要为你体检。➤admission to进入到⋯admission noun² 2statement admitting sth确认声明adjective | verb + admission | preposition | phrases adjective➤clear, frank, full明确/坦率/完全承认◆this is a clear admission that you were wrong.这是明确承认你错了。➤tacit默认▸➤grudging勉强承认verb + admission➤make承认;供认preposition➤admission of承认⋯◆she has made no admission of any involvement in the plot.她不承认自己参与了这个阴谋。phrases➤an admission of defeat, an admission of failure, an admission of guilt, an admission of liability承认失利/失败/有罪/有责任◆she saw his leaving the company as an admission of failure.她认为他离开公司就是承认失败。➤by sb's own admission据某人自己承认◆by his own admission he should never have driven so fast.他自己承认不该把车开得那么快。 admission /ədmɪʃn/ noun1. [uncountable, countable] the act of accepting sb into an institution, an organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization (机构、组织等的)准许加入,进入(权),加入(权)◆countries applying for admission to the european union 申请加入欧盟的国家◆a 38% reduction in hospital admissions 入院人数下降 38%2. [countable] a statement in which sb admits that sth is true, especially sth wrong or bad that they have done (尤指对过错、罪行的)承认,招认◆the sale of the company was an admission of failure. 出售公司就是承认失败。3. [uncountable] the amount of money that you pay to go into a building or an event 入场费;门票费◆a €10 admission charge 入场费 10 欧元☞ admission admission /ədmɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the act of allowing sb to enter a place or join an organization; the right to enter a place or join an organization(进入或加入的)许可,权利◆last admission 30 minutes before closing time.最晚入场时间为闭馆前 30 分钟。◆hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled.因哮喘病入院的人数已经增加了一倍。◆admission is by ticket only.凭票方可入场。◆the country has applied for admission to the european union.这个国家已经申请加入欧盟。 ➡ see also admit → let sb in admission /ədmɪʃn/ noun [countable] ◆an admission of guilt承认有罪◆he is a thief by his own admission (= he has admitted it).他自己供认是小偷。admission /ədmɪʃn/ noun [countable] ◆an admission of guilt承认有罪◆he is a thief by his own admission (= he has admitted it).他自己供认是小偷。admission/ədˈmɪʃn ||; ədˈmɪʃən/noun1. [c,u] admission (to sth) the act of allowing sb to enter a school, club, public place, etc 准许入学、加入会所、进入公共场所等: ◇admissions to british universities have increased by 15% this year. 今年英国大学录取的新生数目增加了15%。 ☞look at entrance. 参看 entrance。 2. [u] the amount of money that you have to pay to enter a place 入场费;门票: ◇the museum charges half-price admission on mondays. 该博物馆每逢星期一收半费。 3. [c] a statement that admits that something is true 对某事属实的承认admissionsee ⇨ admit 2     • • •• ⇨ gain admission ad·mis·sion /əd`mɪʃən; ədˈmɪʃən/n 1. [c] when you admit that something bad or unpleasant is true 承认; 供认:◇+ of if he resigns, it will be an admission of guilt. 如果他辞职,就等于承认有罪。 2. [c,u] permission that is given to someone to study at a college, be treated in a hospital, join a club etc 入学[入院; 入会]许可:◇+ to tom has applied for admission to oxford next year. 汤姆申请了明年入读牛津大学。 3. [u] the price charged when you go to a film, sports event, concert etc 入场费; 门票:◇admission $6.50 门票 6.5 美元




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