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单词 forest
释义 forest nounadjective | ... of forest | verb + forest | forest + verb | forest + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤dense, thick茂密的森林▸➤impenetrable无法通过的森林▸➤deep森林深处▸➤dark黑暗的森林▸➤native, natural天然林▸➤national国有林▸➤ancient, old, primeval, virgin古老的森林;年久的森林;原始林▸➤mature, old-growth成熟林;老龄林▸➤rain (usually rainforest) , tropical雨林;热带雨林▸➤coniferous, deciduous针叶林;落叶林▸➤hardwood硬木林▸➤beech, birch, pine, etc.山毛榉林、桦树林、松树林等... of forest➤stretch, tract一片森林◆a large stretch of virgin forest一大片原始林verb + forest➤plant造林▸➤clear, cut down, destroy清除/砍伐/破坏森林◆forest is being cleared to make way for new farming land.森林正被开垦成新的耕地。➤conserve, protect保护森林▸➤manage管理森林▸➤be covered by, be covered in被森林覆盖◆much of europe was once covered in forest.欧洲的大部份地区曾经遍布着森林。➤enter进入森林◆he warned her never to enter the forest at night.他警告她千万不要在夜间到森林里去。forest + verb➤stretch森林绵延◆thick forest stretched as far as the eye could see.茂密的森林一眼望不到边。➤surround森林环绕◆the forest surrounding the village环绕着村庄的森林forest + noun➤tree林木▸➤floor死地被物▸➤canopy林冠层▸➤land有林地▸➤fire森林火灾➤ranger护林员▸➤management森林经营preposition➤in a/the forest在森林里◆they got lost in the forest.他们在森林里迷了路。➤through a/the forest穿过森林◆we slashed our way through the dense forest.我们在密林中砍出一条路来。phrases➤the edge of the forest, the heart of the forest, the middle of the forest森林边缘/深处/中间 forest nounforest ♦︎ wood ♦︎ jungle ♦︎ woodland ♦︎ rainforest ♦︎ plantationthese words all mean an area of land that is covered with trees.这些词均表示树林、林地、林区。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in a forest / a wood / the jungle / woodland / the rainforest / a plantation◆(a) dense forest / wood / jungle / woodland◆tropical forest / jungle / rainforest■ forest [countable, uncountable] a large area of land that is thickly covered with trees森林;密林◆the species is found in both coniferous and deciduous forests.针叶林和落叶林里均可见此物种。◆one careless match can start a forest fire.漫不经心地扔一根火柴就有可能引发一场森林火灾。◆thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year.每年都有几千公顷的森林遭到破坏。■ wood [countable] (also woods [plural]) an area of trees that is smaller than a forest, and often with more space between the trees than in a forest树林;林地◆we descended through an oak wood to the village below.我们穿过一片橡树林,来到下面的村子。◆she went for a walk in the woods.她去树林中散步了 .ⓘ in american english woods [plural] is usually used, except in literature.美式英语中,除了在文学作品里,通常用复数形式的 woods。■ jungle [countable, uncountable] an area of tropical forest where trees and plants grow very thickly(热带)丛林,密林◆the plant originates from the jungles of south-east asia.这种植物源自东南亚的热带丛林。◆we trekked for miles through dense jungle.我们在浓密的丛林里跋涉了几英里。■ woodland [uncountable, countable] (also woodlands [plural]) an area of land that is covered with trees树林;林地;林区◆the house is fringed by fields and woodland.房子周围是田地和树林。◆these ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.这些原始林区受到新修道路的威胁。■ rainforest /reɪnfɒrɪst; name reɪnfɔːrɪst, reɪnfɑːrɪst/ [countable, uncountable] a thick forest in parts of the world that have a lot of rain, especially in tropical countries(热带)雨林◆the amazon rainforest is home to 30% of all known plant and animal species.所有已知的动植物物种中有 30% 见于亚马孙雨林。note 辨析 jungle or rainforest?a rainforest is an environment that has taken millions of years to reach its present state, so that the sizes and types of plants in it do not change any more. not all rainforests are in tropical parts of the world. a jungle can be any tropical place where plants grow so much that is difficult to move through. * rainforest 指一种环境,它历经数百万年才达到目前的状态,其植物的大小和种类不会再发生变化。rainforest 并非都位于热带地区。jungle 可指热带地区中任何植被浓密、难以通行的地方。■ plantation /plɑːnteɪʃn; name plænteɪʃn/ [countable] a large area of land that is planted with trees to produce wood木材林地;人造林◆most of these conifer plantations will be felled over the next 10 years.这些人造针叶林大多在接下来的 10 年里会被砍伐。forest [countable, uncountable] a large area of land that is thickly covered with trees森林;密林◆the species is found in both coniferous and deciduous forests.针叶林和落叶林里均可见此物种。◆one careless match can start a forest fire.漫不经心地扔一根火柴就有可能引发一场森林火灾。◆thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year.每年都有几千公顷的森林遭到破坏。forest/ˈfɒrɪst; us fɔ:r- ||; ˈfɔrɪst/noun [c,u] a large area of land covered with trees 森林: ◇the tropical rainforests of south america 南美洲的热带雨林◇a forest fire 森林火灾 a forest is larger than a wood. a jungle is a forest in a tropical part of the world. 森林(forest)比树林(wood)要大。热带丛林叫jungle。 for·est /`fɔrɪst; ˈfɒrɪst/n [c,u]a large area of land covered with trees 森林,林区 ☞ forest




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