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单词 expedition
释义 expedition nounadjective | verb + expedition | expedition + verb | expedition + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤major重要的探险◆a major expedition to climb mount everest攀登珠穆朗玛峰的一次重要探险➤little, small小规模探险▸➤international, joint国际考察;联合远征◆the canadians agreed to a joint expedition with the french.加拿大人同意与法国人进行一次联合远征。➤foreign外国的远征▸➤successful成功的探险➤ill-fated不幸的远征◆john franklin's ill-fated expedition to the arctic约翰・富兰克林命运坎坷的北极远征➤climbing, diving, fishing, hunting, scouting, shopping, etc.爬山、潜水、钓鱼、狩猎、侦察、购物等之行➤archaeological, research, scientific考古活动;研究性考察;科学考察▸➤military, naval军事远征;海军远征▸➤punitive惩罚性征伐◆the army sent a punitive expedition into mexico.陆军派远征军讨伐墨西哥。➤antarctic, everest, etc.南极、珠穆朗玛峰等探险➤british, spanish, etc.英国、西班牙等远征◆spanish exploratory expeditions in the 16th century16 世纪西班牙人的考察探险verb + expedition➤go on, make进行远征;远行探险◆he had made two expeditions to spain to study wild plants.他两次远行,去西班牙考察野生植物。➤embark on, set off on, set out on, undertake开始考察;出发去探险;进行远征◆she was about to embark on a major expedition.她正要进行一次较大规模的考察。➤head, lead带领远征▸➤join参加探险➤accompany陪同考察◆every scientific expedition was accompanied by a photographer.每一支科考远征队都有一名摄影师随行。➤organize, plan组织考察;计划远征▸➤launch, mount发起探险◆they plan to launch an expedition into the mountains.他们计划发起一次山区探险。➤finance, fund, sponsor资助探险;赞助探险▸➤send派遣探险队expedition + verb➤leave, set off, set out, start考察队伍出发▸➤return考察队伍返回◆the expedition returned only two weeks after it had left.考察队伍出发两星期后就返回了。➤arrive, reach sth探险队抵达;探险队到达⋯◆on january 21 the expedition reached the south pole.1 月 21 日探险队到达了南极。expedition + noun➤leader, member考察队领队;考察队成员▸➤party, team考察团;考察队preposition➤on an/the expedition在旅行中◆she was out on a shopping expedition.她在外购物。➤expedition against反对⋯的远征◆he led a military expedition against the rebels.他带军征伐叛乱者。➤expedition into进入⋯的旅程◆an expedition into the interior of australia深入澳大利亚内陆之旅➤expedition to去⋯的远征◆a naval expedition to west africa前往西非的海军远征phrases➤the leader of an expedition, a member of an expedition远征军领队/成员expedition /ekspədɪʃn/ [countable] an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known; a short trip that you make when you want or need sth远征;探险;考察;(短途的)出行◆he led the first expedition to the south pole.他第一次带队去南极考察。◆she made two expeditions to brazil to study wild plants.她曾两次去巴西考察研究野生植物。◆win a fantastic shopping expedition to new york!赢得远征纽约的精彩购物之旅!expedition/ˌekspəˈdɪʃn ||; ˌɛkspɪˈdɪʃən/noun[c] 1. a long journey for a special purpose 有目的的长途旅程;远征;考察: ◇a scientific expedition to antarctica 南极科学考察 2. a short journey that you make for pleasure 为消遣的短暂外出: ◇a fishing expedition 外出钓鱼 expeditionsee ⇨ travel 9 ex·pe·di·tion /ˏɛkspɪ`dɪʃən; ˌekspɪˈdɪʃən/n [c] 1. a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous place 远征,探险:◇an expedition to the north pole 北极探险 2. a short trip made for a particular purpose [有特定目的的]短途出行:◇a shopping expedition 上街购物




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