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单词 wing
释义 wing noun¹ 1of a bird/insect鸟;昆虫adjective | ... of wings | verb + wing | wing + verb | wing + noun | preposition adjective➤left, right左翅;右翅▸➤front前翅◆the beetle's front wings are small and are not used in flight.甲虫的前翅很小,不是用来飞行的。➤back, hind后翅▸➤broad, long, narrow, pointed, short, stubby宽翅膀;长翅膀;窄翅膀;尖翅膀;短翅;粗短的翅膀▸➤delicate脆弱的翅膀▸➤leathery坚韧的翅膀▸➤broken, damaged断翅;受伤的翅膀◆a bird with a broken wing折了翅膀的鸟➤outspread, outstretched伸展开的翅膀▸➤bat, butterfly, etc.蝙蝠、蝴蝶等的翅膀◆the patterns on butterfly wings蝴蝶翅膀上的图案➤angel, fairy, etc.天使、小精灵等的翅膀➤buffalo, chicken布法罗鸡翅;鸡翅◆first, fry the chicken wings in the oil until they begin to brown.首先,把鸡翅放到油里炸至焦黄。➤spicy香辣鸡翅... of wings➤pair一对翅膀verb + wing➤extend, flex, open, spread, stretch, unfold, unfurl展开翅膀;伸展翅膀▸➤close, fold, tuck in合上翅膀;收起翅膀▸➤beat, flap, flutter振翅;拍打翅膀◆it flapped its wings and flew off.它拍打着翅膀飞走了。➤clean清洁翅膀▸➤clip (often figurative) 限制活动◆mario felt he had had his wings clipped when his car was impounded.汽车被扣留后,马里奥觉得自己被捆住了手脚。➤grow, sprout长出翅膀◆i wish i could sprout wings and fly away.我希望自己能长出翅膀飞走。wing + verb➤beat, flap, flutter翅膀拍打;翅膀振动wing + noun➤tip翅尖▸➤feathers翅膀上的羽毛➤span翼展preposition➤on a/the wing在翅膀上◆it had white markings on its wings.它翅膀上有白色的斑点。➤under a/the wing在翅膀下◆the young birds were under the mother bird's wing.幼鸟躲在鸟妈妈的翅膀下。◆simon's uncle had taken him under his wing. (figurative) 西蒙的叔叔将他置于自己的保护之下。wing noun² 2of a plane飞机adjective | wing + noun adjective➤aircraft机翼▸➤left, port左机翼▸➤right, starboard右机翼▸➤fixed固定翼▸➤folding可折叠机翼wing + noun➤tip翼尖wing noun³ 3of a building房屋adjective | verb + wing | preposition adjective➤north, south, etc.北厢房、南厢房等▸➤private私人厢房▸➤hospital医院侧翼楼▸➤maternity妇科侧楼▸➤high-security, maximum-security (= of a prison) 警戒森严的/警戒程度最高的监狱区verb + wing➤add, build加盖厢房;建造侧楼preposition➤in a/the wing在厢房里◆our rooms were in the west wing.我们的房间在西厢房。wing noun⁴ 4 (bre) of a car汽车  ➡ see also fender adjective | verb + wing | wing + noun | preposition adjective➤nearside, offside左挡泥板;右挡泥板▸➤front, rear前挡泥板;后挡泥板verb + wing➤damage, dent损坏挡泥板;使挡泥板凹陷◆the nearside wing was damaged in the accident.左边的挡泥板在那次事故中撞坏了。➤mend, repair修理挡泥板wing + noun➤mirror后视镜preposition➤in a/the wing在挡泥板上◆there was a dent in one wing.有一块挡泥板上有个凹痕。wing noun⁵ 5of an organization组织adjective | preposition adjective➤left, right左翼;右翼▸➤conservative保守派▸➤liberal, progressive, reformist自由派;革新派;改革派▸➤extreme, radical极端派;激进派▸➤revolutionary革命派▸➤moderate温和派▸➤dissident (especially bre) 持不同政见的派别▸➤political政治派别▸➤armed, military, paramilitary武装/军事/准军事派别preposition➤on a/the wing站在某派别的一边◆they're on the left wing of the party.他们属于该党左翼。wing [countable] one section of an organization, especially a political or military one, which has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions(尤指政治或军事机构中具有特殊职能或持相同观点的)派,翼◆the radical wing of the party was dissatisfied with the policies.该党的激进派对这些政策不满。wing/wɪŋ ||; wɪŋ/noun1. [c] one of the two parts that a bird, insect, etc uses for flying (鸟、昆虫等的)翅膀,翼: ◇the chicken ran around flapping its wings. 那只鸡扑动着翅膀跑来跑去。 ☞picture at insect 见insect插图 2. [c] one of the two long parts that stick out from the side of a plane and support it in the air (飞)机翼 ☞picture at plane 见plane插图 3. [c] a part of a building that sticks out from the main part or that was added on to the main part (建筑物的)侧翼,侧厅,耳房: ◇the maternity wing of the hospital 医院的产科部门 4. (us 美 fender) [c] the part of the outside of a car that covers the top of the wheels (汽车等的)挡泥板,翼子板: ◇a wing mirror (= fixed to the side of the car) (汽车侧面的)后视镜 ☞picture at car 见car插图 5. [c] [usu.sing] a group of people in a political party that have particular beliefs or opinions 翼,派(政党的支派): ◇the right wing of the conservative party 保守党的右翼 ☞look at left-wing and right-wing. 参看left-wing及right-wing。 6. [c] (in football, etc) the part at each side of the area where the game is played (足球等)左翼,右翼,侧翼: ◇to play on the wing 做边锋 7. (also winger) [c] (in football, etc) a person who plays in an attacking position at one of the sides of the field (足球等)边锋,侧翼球员 8. the wings [pl] (in a theatre) the area at the sides of the stage where you cannot be seen by the audience (剧院)舞台两侧,边幕 take sb under your wing to take care of and help sb who has less experience than you 照顾,帮助(经验不如自己丰富的人) wingsee ⇨ part 4     • • •• ⇨ take sb under your wing wing /wɪŋ; wɪŋ/n [c] 1. one of the two parts of a bird's or insect's body that it uses for flying [鸟、昆虫的]翅膀,翼:◇ducks flapping their wings 拍动着翅膀的鸭子 2. one of the two flat parts that stick out of a plane's sides and help it stay in the air [飞机的]机翼 3. one of the parts that a large building is divided into [大建筑物的]侧翼; 侧厅; 耳房; 厢房:◇the east wing of the library 图书馆的东翼楼 4. one of the groups that a political party is divided into, based on the members' opinions [政党内部的]派别,派系:◇the conservative wing of the democrats 民主党内的保守派→ see also 另见 left-wing, right-wing 5. take sb under your wing to give help and advice to someone who is younger or less experienced than you 将[较年轻或经验较少的]某人置于自己的庇护[照料]下 6. bre one of the parts of a car that covers the wheels 【英】 [汽车的]翼子板; fender ame 【美】 7. a player who attacks along one side of the field, in games such as football [足球等运动中的]边锋,侧翼队员 ☞ wing




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