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单词 valve
释义 valve nounadjective | verb + valve adjective➤safety安全阀➤shut-off截止阀▸➤non-return, one-way止逆阀;单向阀➤exhaust, inlet排气阀;进气阀▸➤drain, pressure-relief排水阀;减压阀▸➤fuel, water, etc.燃油阀、水阀等▸➤heart, radiator, etc.心脏的瓣膜、散热器阀门等➤faulty, leaking有故障的/渗漏的阀门verb + valve➤fit, install安装阀门◆the plumber will fit some new safety valves.水暖工将安装几个新的安全阀。➤open打开阀门◆you need special tools to open the valve.这种阀门要用专门的工具打开。➤close关闭阀门valve/vælv ||; vælv/noun[c] 1. a device in a pipe or tube which controls the flow of air, liquid or gas, letting it move in one direction only 活门,阀(管道中控制空气、液体或气体流动的机械装置,使其只朝一个方向流动): ◇a radiator valve 散热器活门◇the valve on a bicycle tyre 自行车轮胎的气门 ☞picture at bicycle 见bicycle插图 2. a structure in your heart or in a vein(= a tube that carries blood to the heart)that lets blood flow in one direction only (心脏或静脉的)瓣,瓣膜 ☞picture at heart 见heart插图 valve /vælv; vælv/n [c]a part of a tube or pipe that opens and closes to control the flow of liquid, gas, air etc passing through 阀,活门; 瓣(膜):◇the valves of the heart 心脏瓣膜




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