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单词 expedient
释义 expedient adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, prove得当;证明可取➤appear, seem看起来/好像可取◆it seems expedient to clarify the concept.看来有利于澄清这一概念。➤become变得可取➤make sth使⋯变得可取▸➤consider sth, deem sth, judge sth, think sth视⋯为权宜之计;认为⋯是变通办法▸➤find sth发现⋯可取◆the government found it expedient to relax censorship a little.政府发现略微放宽审查是可取的。adverb➤politically政治上得当expedient/ɪkˈspi:diənt ||; ɪkˈspidɪənt/adj (formal 正式) (used about an action) convenient or helpful for a purpose, but possibly not completely honest or moral (指行动)权宜的,有利于某目的的(但不一定讲求公正或道德): ◇the government decided that it was expedient not to increase taxes until after the election. 选举前暂不加税,这是政府的权宜之计。 ➔expediency /-ənsi ||; -ənsɪ/ noun [u] ☞ expedient¹☞ expedient²




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