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单词 expanse
释义 expanse nounadjective | preposition adjective➤broad, endless, great, huge, infinite, large, limitless, long, vast, wide广阔的区域;一望无际的区域;巨大的区域;很长的区域;辽阔的区域;宽广的区域◆a vast expanse of sand大片沙滩➤unbroken连成一大片的区域▸➤barren, bleak, desolate, empty贫瘠的地域;荒凉的区域;空旷的地域◆a bleak expanse of concrete一片光秃秃的混凝土建筑区➤flat平坦的地域◆she stood looking out over the flat expanse of fields.她站在那里遥望开阔而平坦的田野。➤open空旷的空间➤grassy, treeless大片草地;没有树木的地域➤blue, green, grey/gray, white碧蓝的/绿油油的/灰蒙蒙的/白茫茫的大片地区◆the white expanses of the frozen north北方白茫茫的冰封原野➤shining闪亮的一片◆the desk's shining expanse of polished wood亮闪闪的抛光木质桌面preposition➤expanse of⋯的区域expanse /ɪkspæns/ [countable] a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water(尤指陆地或水域的)一大片,广阔的一片◆he gazed out over the huge expanses of open prairie.他凝视着外面那片辽阔的大草原。◆above them was a vast expanse of blue sky.他们的头顶上是广阔无垠的蓝天。expanse/ɪkˈspæns ||; ɪkˈspæns/noun [c] a large open area (of land, sea, sky, etc) 一大片(陆地、海洋、天空等): ◇i lay on my back and stared up at the vast expanse of blue sky. 我仰卧着,凝视着上面广阔无垠的蓝天。 expansesee ⇨ area 5 ex·panse /ɪk`spæns; ɪkˈspæns/n [c]a very large area of land, sea, sky etc 一大片地区:◇+ of the vast expanse of the pacific ocean 太平洋上广阔的海域




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