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单词 sometimes
释义 sometimes adverbsometimes ♦︎ occasionally ♦︎ at times ♦︎ from time to time ♦︎ now and again/then ♦︎ on occasion(s) ♦︎ once in a while ♦︎ every so often ♦︎ off and on/on and offthese words and expressions are all used when sth is done or happens more than once or twice but not very often.这些词均表示有时、偶尔。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to appear sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to time◆to seem sometimes / occasionally / at times / on occasion◆to happen sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to time / now and again◆to crop up occasionally / from time to time◆to wonder sometimes / occasionally / at times / from time to time◆to think sometimes / at times / from time to time that...◆to stop sometimes / from time to time / now and again / every so often◆only sometimes / occasionally / from time to time / now and then / on occasion◆every now and again / once in a while / so often■ sometimes more often than once or twice, but not very often; in some cases有时;间或;在某些情况下◆they played tennis and golf and sometimes went swimming.他们打网球和高尔夫球,有时则去游泳。◆sometimes i look at him and wonder what is going on in his mind.有时我看着他,想着他心里在想些什么。◆it is sometimes difficult to know where to begin.有时很难知道该从哪里入手。■ occasionally more often than once or twice but not regularly; in some but not many cases偶然;偶尔;有时候◆we occasionally meet for a drink after work.我们下班后偶尔相聚小酌。◆only occasionally was there any doubt that they would succeed.极少人会怀疑他们能否成功。◆this type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.这类过敏症在极个别情况下会致命。 ➡ see also occasional → occasional ■ at times -->idiomsome of the time; in some cases有时;间或◆the work is difficult and at times dangerous.这项工作很难做,有时还有危险。◆he could be quite maddening at times.他有时会很气人。◆at times (= in places) the road is little better than a forest track.这条路有的地方比森林小径强不了多少。■ from time to time -->idiomsometimes but not necessarily regularly不时;有时;偶尔;间或◆the payment will be reviewed from time to time in the light of inflation.不时会根据通货膨胀的情况对付款作检讨。■ now and again-->■ now and then -->idiomsometimes but not necessarily regularly不时;有时;偶尔;间或◆he still rings me now and again.他偶尔还会给我打电话。◆every now and then things happen to you in life that put everything else into perspective.有时人生中所发生的某些事会有助于正确看待所有其他事情。■ on occasion(s) -->idiomsometimes but not normally偶尔;偶然;有时◆he has been known on occasion to lose his temper.大家都知道他偶尔会发脾气。◆on occasions hospital doctors have to manage with little or no sleep.有时医院的医生睡眠时间很少,甚至没得睡。■ once in a while -->idiomoccasionally偶然;偶尔;有时候◆i feel i need to get away every once in a while.我觉得自己得时不时地去度个假。■ every so often -->idiomat fairly regular intervals不时;时常◆he paced up and down, pausing every so often to look at his watch.他来回踱步,不时停下看看手表。■ off and on-->■ on and off -->idiomfor some but not all of the time; stopping and starting不时地;经常;断断续续地◆it rained on and off all day.雨断断续续下了一整天。◆she'd been learning italian for about ten years, off and on.她断断续续地差不多学了 10 年意大利语。sometimesmore often than once or twice, but not very often; in some cases有时;间或;在某些情况下◆they played tennis and golf and sometimes went swimming.他们打网球和高尔夫球,有时则去游泳。◆sometimes i look at him and wonder what is going on in his mind.有时我看着他,想着他心里在想些什么。◆it is sometimes difficult to know where to begin.有时很难知道该从哪里入手。sometimes/ˈsʌmtaɪmz ||; ˈsʌmˌtaɪmz/adv on some occasions; now and then 有时(候);间或: ◇sometimes i drive to work and sometimes i go by bus. 我有时自己开车去上班,有时坐公共汽车。◇i sometimes watch television in the evenings. 晚上我有时看电视节目。 sometimes1 sometimes2 words for describing something that happens sometimes but not oftenrelated wordsat some time in the future 在将来的某个时候 future (2),see alsousually,always,often,1. sometimes 有时 sometimes /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ [adverb] on some occasions, but not always 有时 sometimes i drive to work and sometimes i walk. 我有时候开车去上班,有时候走路去上班。 traffic noise is sometimes a problem. 交通噪音有时候是一个问题。 the journey takes about an hour, sometimes even longer. 这个旅程要花一个小时,有时甚至更长。 injuries of this type sometimes take a long time to heal. 这类伤口有时要很久才能愈合。 occasionally /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ [adverb] use this to talk about something that only happens a few times, and does not happen often 偶尔,有时,间或[用于指某事只发生几次] occasionally we go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home. 我们偶尔也出去上餐馆吃饭,但多数时候都在家里吃。 kay's moods sometimes made life difficult, and occasionally impossible. 凯的这种情绪使得日子很不好过,有时简直过不下去。very occasionally not at all often 很少,很难得 he lives in australia now, so we only see him very occasionally. 他现在住在澳大利亚,所以我们很少看到他。 every so often /ˌevri səʊ ˈɒfənǁ-ˈɔːfən/ [adverb] at fairly regular periods but not often 有时,偶尔[定期但不常发生] every so often, frank looked up at me and smiled. 埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑。 the silence was broken every so often by the sound of guns in the distance. 偶尔,远处传来几声枪响打破了沉寂。 once in a while /ˌwʌns ɪn ə ˈwaɪl/ [adverb] sometimes but not at all often 偶尔,间或 it would be nice if we could see each other once in a while. 我们要是偶尔能见见面就好了。 teaching art can be fairly dull, but once in a while i come across a talent that really excites me. 教艺术会很沉闷,但偶尔我也能碰到个天才,那真的叫我兴奋。every once in a while fairly rarely 偶尔 every once in a while he disappears for days on end. 他偶尔会一连几天不见踪影。 at times /ət ˈtaɪmz/ [adverb] if something happens at times, it happens on particular occasions but it is not normal or typical of what usually happens 有时,间或 in a job like this, you're bound to feel a little stressed at times. 做这样的工作,有时候肯定会感到有点压力。 at times even the most talented athletes lose their motivation. 有时就连最有天赋的运动员也会失去动力。 now and again/now and then /ˌnaʊ ənd əˈgen, ˌnaʊ ən ˈðen/ [adverb] use this to talk about something that sometimes happens that is different from what happens most of the time 时而,偶尔 i wear hats now and again, but they don't really suit me. 我偶尔也会戴帽子,但我不是很适合戴帽子。 now and then she would check on the baby sleeping in the next room. 她不时会去看看睡在隔壁房间的宝宝。every now and again/every now and then every now and again a passenger would pass through the carriage on the way to the bathroom. 偶尔会有乘客穿过车厢去洗手间。 from time to time /frəm ˌtaɪm tə ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] sometimes, but not at all regularly and not very often 间或,偶尔 this is the kind of problem that we all have from time to time. 我们有时都会遇到这类问题。 from time to time a helicopter flew by, but mostly the sky remained clear. 偶尔会有一架直升机飞过,但大部分时间天空一片明净。 off and on/on and off /ˌɒf ənd ˈɒn, ˌɒn ənd ˈɒf/ [adverb] especially spoken for short periods, but not continuously or regularly, over a long period of time 【尤口】断断续续地 we've been going out together for five years, off and on. 我们断断续续地交往了五年。 i worked in bars on and off for two years before i decided to go back to college. 我断断续续地在酒吧里干了两年,最后还是决定回大学读书。2. words for describing something that happens sometimes but not often 描述事情有时发生但不经常发生的词语 occasional /əˈkeɪʒənəl/ [adjective only before noun] the prisoners are allowed occasional visits from their relatives. 犯人获准偶尔让亲人来探视。the occasional/an occasional the street was silent except for the occasional burst of laughter from one of the workmen. 街上静悄悄的,偶尔传来某个工人的大笑声。 i didn't know terry very well, but we went out for an occasional drink together. 我对特里了解不多,不过我们偶尔也一块出去喝一杯。 the odd /ði ˈɒdǁ-ˈɑːd/ [adjective phrase only before noun] the odd drink/game/occasion etc especially spoken a few drinks, games etc at various times, but not often and not regularly 【尤口】偶尔喝一杯/偶尔进行一次比赛/偶然的情况等 jim and i have the odd game of cards together. 我和吉姆偶尔一起玩玩纸牌。 we get the odd complaint from customers, but mostly they're very satisfied. 我们偶尔也收到客户投诉,但是他们大都很满意。 intermittent /ˌɪntəʳˈmɪtənt◂/ [adjective usually before noun] happening for short irregular periods, often with long periods in between, not continuously 间歇的,断断续续的 she is the sort of person who works with intense but intermittent effort. 她就是那种人,有时候工作会很努力,但也是间歇性的。 the afternoon will be warm but unsettled, with intermittent light rain. 下午天气暖和但是不稳定,有间歇小雨。 periodic /ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪk◂ǁ-ˈɑːd-/ [adjective only before noun] happening sometimes, usually every few months, years etc 周期性的;定期的 she suffered periodic bouts of depression. 她患了定期发作的抑郁症。 periodic failures of the olive crop kept the country in constant debt. 橄榄周期性歉收使得国家常年负债。 the budget is subject to periodic review. 预算须定期审查。 periodically [adverb] children's homes are periodically inspected by government inspectors. 政府视察员定期巡视儿童收容所。 casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ [adjective] casual user/visitor etc someone who does not often use something, visit somewhere etc 不固定的使用者/偶然的访客等 casual users of the library may not realize that they now need a computerized ticket. 不常去图书馆的人可能不知道现在他们需要一张电脑化的借书证。 charging an entry fee for museums will not affect the casual visitor very much. 博物馆收取入场费不大会影响到偶尔来参观的人。 some·times /`sʌmˏtaɪmz; ˈsʌmtaɪmz/advon some occasions, but not always 有时,间或,偶尔:◇sometimes i don't get home until 9:00 at night. 有时候我晚上九点才到家。 ☞ sometimes




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