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单词 collar
释义 collar noun¹ 1on a shirt, coat, dress, etc.衬衫;外套;礼服adjective | verb + collar | collar + noun | phrases adjective➤open, undone (especially bre) 敞开的/解开的衣领◆his tie was knotted below his open collar.他的领带结打在敞开的衣领下。◆his collar was undone.他的领子没扣上。➤button-down领尖有钮扣的衣领➤spread (especially name) 八字领▸➤high, stand-up, wing (especially bre) 高领;竖领;燕子领▸➤tight紧口领▸➤starched, stiff浆过的领子;硬领▸➤detachable活领▸➤coat, shirt, etc.外套、衬衫等的领子➤fur, lace毛皮领;花边领▸➤clerical, dog神职人员戴的白色硬圆领/牧师领◆the minister had his dog collar on.牧师戴着牧师领。verb + collar➤have有领子◆the shirt had a button-down collar.这件衬衫领尖带扣。➤have on, wear戴着衣领▸➤button, do up (especially bre) 扣上衣领▸➤adjust, fix, straighten调整/整理/拉直衣领◆he was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting the collar of his shirt.他站在镜子前,整理自己的衬衫领子。➤unbutton, undo解开衣领▸➤pull up, turn up翻起衣领◆she turned up her coat collar for extra warmth.她竖起了衣领以便更暖和一些。➤pull down, turn down翻下衣领▸➤loosen松开衣领collar + noun➤button, stud领扣▸➤size领围phrases➤collar and tie (bre) 领带◆he wore a collar and tie for the occasion.他系了领带出席盛会。collar noun² 2around an animal's neck动物项圈adjective | verb + collar adjective➤dog狗项圈▸➤flea除蚤项圈➤choke, radio, training (name) (驯狗用的)索套项圈;无线电项圈;训练项圈verb + collar➤have on, wear戴着项圈▸➤slip (bre) 挣脱项圈◆the dog slipped its collar and ran off.那条狗挣脱项圈跑掉了。collar¹/ˈkɒlə(r) ||; ˈkɑlɚ/noun[c] 1. the part of a shirt, coat, dress, etc that fits round the neck and is often folded over 衣领: ◇a coat with a fur collar 毛皮领子的大衣 ☞picture at lace 见lace插图 ☞look at dog collar, blue-collar and white-collar 参看dog collar、blue-collar及white-collar。 2. a band of leather that is put round an animal's neck (especially a dog or cat) (猫、狗的)颈圈collar²/ˈkɒlə(r) ||; ˈkɑlɚ/verb [t] (informal 非正式) to catch hold of sb who does not want to be caught 捉住;截住: ◇the police officer collared the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。 ☞ collar¹☞ collar²




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