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单词 collapse
释义 collapse noun¹ 1building, etc. suddenly falling建筑物的突然倒塌adjective | phrases adjective➤sudden突然的倒塌◆the sudden collapse of the bridge那座桥的突然倒塌phrases➤be in danger of collapse有倒塌的危险collapse noun² 2medical condition健康状况adjective | verb + collapse | phrases adjective➤sudden突然虚脱▸➤mental, nervous, physical精神崩溃;神经系统崩溃;身体虚脱verb + collapse➤be close to, be on the point of, be on the verge of接近崩溃;几乎虚脱◆she was on the verge of nervous collapse.她几乎精神崩溃。phrases➤a state of collapse崩溃的状态◆he was in a state of mental and physical collapse.他身心崩溃。collapse noun³ 3sudden/complete failure of sth突然/彻底失败adjective | verb + collapse | preposition adjective➤complete, total完全失败;彻底瓦解▸➤general全面失败▸➤virtual事实上的失败▸➤sudden突然失败▸➤economic, financial经济/财政崩溃◆the sudden economic collapse of 20012001 年那次突然的经济崩溃verb + collapse➤bring about, cause, contribute to, lead to, result in, trigger引致失败;促使瓦解;导致失败;以失败告终◆the war has led to the collapse of agriculture in the area.战争导致那一地区农业崩溃。➤be faced with, face面临崩溃▸➤be on the brink of, be on the point of, be on the verge of濒临崩溃▸➤avoid, prevent避免/防止崩溃▸➤predict预示崩溃➤watch, witness关注/目睹失败preposition➤collapse into崩溃到⋯◆a collapse into anarchy崩溃陷入无政府状态collapse verb¹ 1of a building建筑物adverb | preposition adverb➤completely完全倒塌preposition➤into倒塌到⋯里◆several buildings have collapsed into the ocean.几幢建筑物坍塌后落入大海。➤under在⋯下倒塌◆the roof collapsed under the weight of snow.积雪把房顶压塌了。collapse verb² 2of a sick person病人adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤suddenly突然昏倒▸➤immediately立即昏倒▸➤almost, nearly几乎昏倒preposition➤against靠着⋯倒下◆the man collapsed against the wall and slid down it.那个男人倒在墙上,顺着墙往下滑。➤from因⋯倒下◆she collapsed suddenly from a heart attack.她因心脏病发作而突然倒地。➤with由于⋯而倒下◆she collapsed with shock.她由于休克而晕倒。phrases➤collapse in a heap倒下蜷作一团◆he collapsed in a heap on the floor.他瘫倒在地,蜷作一团。collapse verb³ 3fail失败adverb | phrases adverb➤eventually, finally最终失败;以失败告终◆in november the strike finally collapsed.罢工到 11 月份终告失败。➤quickly, rapidly很快/迅速失败▸➤suddenly突然失败▸➤almost, nearly, virtually几乎失败;事实上失败phrases➤to collapse in the face of sth在⋯面前失败◆the theory collapsed in the face of the evidence.在证据面前,这一推测不成立。collapse /kəlæps/ verb [intransitive] fail suddenly or completely 突然失败;崩溃◆talks between management and unions have collapsed. 管理层与工会的谈判已破裂。◆ investors lost their money when the company collapsed. 公司倒闭时,投资者损失了钱财。 decrease suddenly in amount or value (突然)降价,贬值;暴跌◆the company's stock market value has collapsed to under $10 million in the last year. 去年,公司的股票市值已降到 1000 万元以下。collapse /kəlæps/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a sudden failure of sth, such as an institution, a business or a course of action (机构、企业、行动等的)崩溃,突然失败,倒闭◆the collapse of two important companies 两家重要公司的倒闭◆this breakdown in trust led to the collapse of the deal. 信任崩溃导致交易失败。◆a wave of corporate collapses 企业倒闭浪潮2.a sudden fall in value 突然贬值;突然降价;暴跌◆the collapse in technology prices 技术价格的暴跌◆the collapse of the nasdaq index 纳斯达克指数狂跌◆share price collapses 股票价格暴跌☞ collapse☞ collapsecollapse verb 1➤the roof collapses房顶坍塌➤collapse from fatigue累到晕倒collapse ♦︎ crumble ♦︎ give way ♦︎ disintegrate ♦︎ cave (sth) inthese are all words that can be used when sth falls down or breaks apart.这些词均表示倒塌、碎裂、解体。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the ceiling / roof / tunnel collapses / caves in◆the walls collapse / cave in◆the pillars / supports collapse / give way◆the door / floor / ground gives way / caves in◆a building collapses / caves in on itself◆to collapse / give way / cave in under the weight of sth■ collapse [intransitive](of a building or structure) to fall down or fall in suddenly(建筑或结构)突然倒塌,突然坍塌◆timber buildings may simply rot and collapse.木质建筑容易腐烂倒塌。◆the roof collapsed under the weight of snow.房顶在雪的重压下突然塌下来。■ crumble [intransitive, transitive] to break, or break sth, into very small pieces(使)破碎,成碎屑◆rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble.这种糕饼用米粉做不容易碎。◆crumbling stonework不断破裂的石材建筑◆she crumbled the dry earth into fine powdery dust.她将干土磨成细粉末。ⓘ if a building or a piece of land is crumbling, parts of it are breaking off. * be crumbling 指建筑物或地面多处坍塌、损坏或崩裂◆the cliff is gradually crumbling away.峭壁正在逐渐崩坍。■ give way -->idiom(gave, given)to fall down or inwards under pressure; to stop supporting sb/sth(在压力下)垮掉,倒塌;支撑不住(某人或某物)◆the pillars gave way and a section of the roof collapsed.那几根柱子塌了,部份房顶塌陷。◆her legs gave way beneath her.她的两条腿有些发软。■ disintegrate /dɪsɪntɪgreɪt/ [intransitive] to break into small parts or pieces and be destroyed碎裂;解体;分裂◆the plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.飞机坠入大海时解体了。◆the raw cotton disintegrated between her fingers.她用手将原棉撕开。■ cave in ■ cave sth in phrasal verb(of a roof, wall, door or the ground) to fall down or fall in suddenly; to make a roof, wall, door or the ground do this(房顶、墙、门或地面)塌落,塌陷,坍塌;使塌陷◆the ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them.他们头顶的天花板突然塌落。◆part of the wall was caved in.部份墙面坍塌了。note 辨析 collapse, give way or cave in?whole buildings collapse; roofs and walls may collapse or cave in; supports may collapse or give way; a door or the ground may give way or cave in. * collapse 指整栋建筑倒塌,collapse 或 cave in 指房顶或墙倒塌。collapse 或 give way 指支撑物倒塌,give way 或 cave in 指门或地面坍塌。collapse verb 2➤the roof collapses房顶坍塌➤collapse from fatigue累到晕倒collapse ♦︎ faint ♦︎ drop ♦︎ pass outthese words all mean to fall down and/or become unconscious because you are very ill or tired or have had a shock.这些词均表示因生病、疲惫或震惊而晕倒、昏倒。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to collapse / faint / drop / pass out from exhaustion / hunger / loss of blood / the heat, etc.■ collapse [intransitive] to fall down, and usually become unconscious, especially because you are very ill(尤指因病重)晕倒,昏倒◆he collapsed in the street and died two hours later.他晕倒在街上,两个小时后死了。◆they finally arrived, collapsing from fatigue.他们终于到了,因疲惫而晕倒在地。▸ collapse noun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆she was taken to hospital after her collapse at work.她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。■ faint [intransitive] to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, usually because of the heat, a shock, etc.(通常因高温、震惊等导致)昏厥◆she thought she would faint from sheer happiness.她想她会因极度的高兴晕过去。◆ (informal, especially spoken) i almost fainted (= i was very surprised) when she told me.她告诉我时我吃惊得差点昏过去。▸ faint noun [singular] ◆he fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。■ drop (-pp-) [intransitive] (informal, especially spoken) to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired累倒;累垮◆i feel ready to drop.我感到快累垮了。◆she expects everyone to work till they drop.她巴不得人人都干到累垮为止。■ pass out -->phrasal verb (rather formal) to become unconscious昏迷;失去知觉◆i think i must have passed out after that, because i don't remember anything more.我想那之后我一定是昏过去了,因为我什么都记不起来。note 辨析 faint or pass out?people faint because not enough blood is going to the brain; people can pass out for this reason, or because they have been hit on the head or because they are drunk. * faint 指因大脑供血不足导致晕厥; pass out 可由此导致,或因头部受到撞击或醉酒所致。 collapse [intransitive](of a business, prices, a market or an economy) to lose all or most of its value(企业)倒闭;(价格)暴跌;(市场)萧条;(经济)崩溃◆share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.成交量不佳的消息使股价暴跌。◆the region's economy has virtually collapsed.该地区的经济实际上已经崩溃。▸ collapse noun [countable, usually singular] ◆the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条 collapse [intransitive](of a building or structure) to fall down or fall in suddenly(建筑或结构)突然倒塌,突然坍塌◆timber buildings may simply rot and collapse.木质建筑容易腐烂倒塌。◆the roof collapsed under the weight of snow.房顶在雪的重压下突然塌下来。 collapse [intransitive] to fall down, and usually become unconscious, especially because you are very ill(尤指因病重)晕倒,昏倒◆he collapsed in the street and died two hours later.他晕倒在街上,两个小时后死了。◆they finally arrived, collapsing from fatigue.他们终于到了,因疲惫而晕倒在地。▸ collapse noun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆she was taken to hospital after her collapse at work.她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。 collapse /kəlæps/ [intransitive](of a thing or group of people) to fail suddenly and completely(事物或一群人)突然失败,崩溃◆talks between management and unions have collapsed.资方与工会的谈判已告破裂。◆all opposition to the plan has collapsed.所有反对此计划的力量均已消除。◆the home side collapsed spectacularly in the second half.主队在下半场溃不成军。 collapse /kəlæps/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a situation in which sth, such as an institution, a business or an attempt to do sth, fails suddenly(机构、生意或做某事的企图等的)突然失败,倒闭,崩溃◆the war has led to the collapse of agriculture in the area.战争导致该地区的农业崩溃。◆he charted the villagers' collapse into poverty.他记录了村民陷入贫困的过程。◆the peace talks were on the verge of collapse.和平谈判濒于破裂。collapsenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条collapsenoun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆she was taken to hospital after her collapse at work.她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。collapsenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条collapsenoun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆she was taken to hospital after her collapse at work.她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。collapse¹/kəˈlæps ||; kəˈlæps/verb1. [i] to fall down or break into pieces suddenly 倒塌;塌陷: ◇a lot of buildings collapsed in the earthquake. 很多建筑物在地震中震塌了。 2. [i] (used about a person) to fall down, usually because you are very ill, and perhaps become unconscious (指人)倒下,昏倒: ◇the winner collapsed at the end of the race. 得胜选手冲过终点时昏倒了。 3. [i] (used about a business, plan, etc) to fail suddenly or completely (指企业、计划等)垮台,崩溃: ◇the company collapsed, leaving hundreds of people out of work. 公司垮了台,使得好几百名员工失业。 4. [i,t] to fold sth or be folded into a shape that uses less space 折迭起来 collapse²/kəˈlæps ||; kəˈlæps/noun1. [c,u] the sudden or complete failure of sth, such as a business, plan, etc (企业、计划等)垮台,崩溃: ◇the peace talks were on the brink/verge of collapse. 和谈快要破裂。 2. [sing] [u] (used about a building) a sudden fall (指建筑物)倒塌: ◇the collapse of the motorway bridge 高速公路桥的坍塌 3. [sing] [u] (used about a person) a medical condition when a person becomes very ill and suddenly falls down (指人)倒下,昏倒 collapsesee ⇨ fall 1,3 ⇨ unconscious 2☞ collapse¹☞ collapse²




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