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单词 leg
释义 leg noun¹ 1part of the body身体部位adjective | ... of legs | verb + leg | leg + verb | leg + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤left, right左腿;右腿▸➤front前腿▸➤back, hind, rear后腿▸➤lower, upper小腿;大腿◆an injury to his upper leg他大腿上的伤➤long长腿▸➤short, stumpy短腿;短粗的腿▸➤beautiful, good, shapely美腿;好看的腿;匀称的腿▸➤muscled, muscular, powerful, strong肌肉发达的腿;强壮的腿▸➤skinny, slender, spindly, thin瘦得皮包骨的腿;苗条的腿;细长的腿;瘦腿▸➤fat胖腿▸➤bandy罗圈腿▸➤hairy多毛的腿▸➤bare光腿▸➤artificial, prosthetic, wooden假腿;木腿▸➤bad, stiff坏腿;僵硬的腿▸➤good好腿◆i was able to stand on my good leg.我能靠那条好腿站立。➤hurt, injured受伤的腿▸➤broken, fractured断腿;骨裂的腿▸➤lame瘸腿◆he sat down with his lame leg outstretched.他坐了下来,伸着瘸腿。➤tired, weak疲惫的腿;虚弱的腿◆she crossed the finish line on tired legs.她拖着疲惫的双腿越过终点线。➤shaky, wobbly颤抖的腿◆he rose to his feet on shaky legs.他站起身来,两腿发颤。➤outstretched伸开的腿... of legs➤pair两条腿◆a fine pair of legs两条美腿verb + leg➤bend弯腿▸➤brace绷紧腿◆he put his back against the car, braced his legs and pushed.他用背顶着汽车,绷紧双腿,然后推了起来。➤straighten伸直腿▸➤cross交叉双腿◆i moved the chair away from the table so i could cross my legs.我把椅子从桌边搬开,这样就可以翘着腿了。➤splay, spread叉开腿;伸开腿◆they made him put his hands on the police car and spread his legs.他们让他把手放在警车上,张开双腿。➤extend, stretch, stretch out伸腿;伸出腿◆she stretched her legs under the table.她把腿伸到桌子下面。◆it was good to get out of the car and stretch our legs (= walk around).从车里出来遛达遛达真舒服。➤lift抬腿◆the dog lifted its leg against the lamp post.狗抬起腿抵在灯柱上。➤move动腿▸➤draw up, tuck under蜷腿◆she sat with her legs drawn up underneath her.她把腿蜷到屁股底下坐着。➤kick踢腿▸➤swing, throw摆腿;踢腿◆she swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for her crutches.她在床边摆着腿想要去够拐杖。➤entwine, tangle, wrap缠绕腿◆they gazed at each other, their legs entwined under the table.他们四目相对,腿在桌子下面缠在一起。➤break, injure使腿骨折;使腿受伤▸➤lose失去腿◆he lost a leg in a motorcycle accident.他在一次摩托车事故中失去了一条腿。➤amputate截腿◆she had her leg amputated below the knee.她的一条腿自膝盖以下被截掉了。➤shave, wax刮腿毛;用蜡除腿毛◆i'm getting my legs waxed tomorrow.我打算明天用蜡除一除腿毛。leg + verb➤move腿移动◆they ran together, their legs moving in unison.他们步调一致地一起跑。➤flail, kick腿乱踢;腿踢蹬◆he jumped to avoid the flailing leg of the defender.他跳起来避开防守队员的狂踢。➤pump腿迅速上下摆动◆she started running, fat legs pumping.她开始跑,两条胖腿上下摆动。➤bend腿弯曲▸➤buckle, give way腿发软◆his legs buckled and he collapsed on the floor.他双腿一软倒在了地板上。➤shake, tremble腿打哆嗦▸➤dangle, hang, swing腿垂悬;腿悬吊;腿晃悠◆he sat with his legs dangling off the bridge.他坐在桥边,两腿悬荡着。➤ache腿疼leg + noun➤exercise腿部运动▸➤muscle腿部肌肉▸➤cramp, injury, pains, ulcer, wound腿部痉挛;腿部伤痛;腿疼;腿部溃疡;腿伤▸➤room (usually legroom) 腿部空间◆you don't get much legroom on economy class.经济舱腿部空间不够大。➤extensions腿部伸展◆leg extensions use the quadriceps muscles to extend the knee.腿部伸展运动利用四头肌伸展膝盖。preposition➤between the/your legs在两腿之间◆the dog sloped off, its tail between its legs.狗夹着尾巴溜走了。➤in the leg在腿部◆he was shot in the leg by a sniper.他被狙击手射中了腿部。➤on the/your leg在腿上◆i had a big bruise on my leg.我腿上淤青了一大片。➤on one leg用一条腿◆many birds are able to stand on one leg for hours at a time.许多鸟能单腿一连站好几个小时。phrases➤your leg in a cast, your leg in plaster (bre) 腿上打着石膏◆he was wheeled out of the hospital with his leg in a cast / in plaster.他一条腿打着石膏,坐在轮椅上被推出医院。leg noun² 2of trousers/pants裤子adjective | verb + leg | phrases adjective➤pant, trouser (bre) 裤腿verb + leg➤pull up, roll up拉起/卷起裤腿◆he rolled up the legs of his jeans.他卷起了牛仔裤的裤腿。➤roll down放下裤腿phrases➤long in the leg, short in the leg裤腿长;裤腿短◆these jeans are too long in the leg.这条牛仔裤裤腿太长。leg noun³ 3of a journey/race路程;赛程adjective | preposition adjective➤first, second, etc.第一段、第二段等旅程▸➤final, last最后一段赛程▸➤anchor(接力的)最后一棒◆the fastest runner often runs the anchor leg (= the last part) of a relay race.接力赛中跑得最快的选手经常跑最后一棒。➤outbound出境旅程preposition➤on the... leg在⋯路上◆we were on the last leg of our journey.我们踏上了最后一段旅途。 leg /leg/ noun ●have, gain, grow legs (informal) if you say that sth has legs, you mean that it will continue, or people will be interested in it, for a long time 继续;(长时间)感兴趣◆some investors think the rally (in share prices) still has legs. 有些投资者认为股价反弹仍将继续。◆it's too early to tell if this idea has legs. 说这种想法会有人感兴趣还为时过早。☞ legleg [countable] one part of a race; one of a series of games played between the same opponents in a sports competition一段赛程;(与同一对手进行的比赛的)一场,一局,一回合◆the spanish team won the third leg.西班牙队在第三回合领先。◆i really believe we can turn around that 4-2 first leg deficit and win this game.我绝对相信我们能扭转第一局 2:4 的落后局面,赢得这场比赛。leg [countable] one part of a journey一段路程◆at last we were on the homeward leg of our journey.我们终于踏上了回家的旅程。leg/leg ||; lɛg/noun[c] 1. one of the parts of the body on which a person or animal stands or walks 腿: ◇a spider has eight legs. 蜘蛛有八条腿。◇she sat down and crossed her legs. 她坐了下来,交叉着双腿。 ☞pictures at body and insect 见body及insect插图 2. one of the parts of a chair, table, etc on which it stands 椅子、桌子等的腿儿: ◇the leg of a chair/table 椅子╱桌子腿儿◇a chair/table leg 一条椅子╱桌子腿儿 3. the part of a pair of trousers, shorts, etc that covers the leg 裤腿: ◇there's a hole in the leg of my trousers/my trouser leg. 我的裤腿上有个窟窿。 4. one part or section of a journey, competition, etc (旅程、比赛等的)一段: ◇the band are in germany on the first leg of their world tour. 乐队来到德国,这是他们世界巡回演出的第一站。 pull sb's leg→pull¹stretch your legs→stretch¹leg• ⇨ be pulling sb's leg• ⇨ can talk the hind leg off a donkey• ⇨ cost an arm and a leg• ⇨ pull sb's leg leg /lɛg; leɡ/n 1. [c] one of the two long parts of your body that you use for walking and standing, or a similar part on an animal 腿:◇she broke her leg skiing last year. 去年她滑雪时摔断了腿。◇a boy with long skinny legs 双腿又瘦又长的男孩 2. [c] one of the parts that support a table, chair etc [桌、椅等的]腿,脚 3. [c] the part of your trousers that covers your leg 裤腿 4. [c] one of the parts of a long journey, a competition etc [漫长旅程或比赛等的]一段; 一场:◇the second leg of the world championship 世界锦标赛的次回合比赛 5. not have a leg to stand on informal to be unable to prove that a statement you have made is true or right 【非正式】 [说法]站不住脚,没有根据:◇if you don't sign a contract, you won't have a leg to stand on. 如果你不签合同,你就没有法律上的支撑。 ☞ leg




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