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单词 launch
释义 launch nounadjective | verb + launch | launch + noun | preposition adjective➤commercial, official, press, public商业发布;正式推出;新闻发布;公开发行◆the commercial launch was at the end of 2007.商业发布是在 2007 年底。◆she is signing copies of her book at the official launch.她正在新书发布会上给自己的书签名。➤successful成功的发行▸➤imminent, upcoming即将进行的发射/发布➤planned, scheduled计划中的发射;预定的发射◆the postponement of the scheduled launch on july 7对原定于 7 月 7 日的发射的推迟➤soft (= in stages) 软启动◆a couple of days ago we opened up the website for a soft launch.几天以前,我们对网站开始进行软启动运行。➤book, campaign, product新书的发行;运动的发起;产品的投放市场▸➤balloon, missile, rocket, satellite, shuttle气球/导弹/火箭/卫星/航天飞机的发射verb + launch➤get (sth) ready for, prepare (sth) for做好(⋯)发射的准备;为发起(⋯)做准备◆they are preparing for the launch of the new campaign next month.他们正在为下个月发起新的宣传活动做准备。➤announce宣布开始▸➤celebrate, mark庆祝/标志着发行◆a big hollywood event to mark the launch of the movie标志着这部电影发行的好莱坞盛会➤go ahead with进行发射▸➤coincide with (especially bre) 发行与⋯同时进行◆the show is timed to coincide with the launch of a new book on the subject.这次演出特意安排与一本同主题新书的发布同步进行。➤attend, go to, speak at (especially bre) 参加发行;在发行会上讲话➤plan, schedule计划发布◆the official product launch was scheduled for 2009.产品的官方发布计划在 2009 年进行。➤delay, postpone推迟发布launch + noun➤date发行日▸➤party (= for a product or book) 发布仪式▸➤facility, pad, platform, site发射设施;发射台;发射平台;发射场◆one of the world's largest ocean-going launch platforms全世界最大的远洋发射平台之一preposition➤after the launch, following the launch, since the launch发布以后;投放市场之后;自发布以来◆in the six months since its launch the car has sold extremely well.这款汽车投放市场后的 6 个月中销售情况非常好。➤at a/the launch在发布会上◆i met her at the launch of her new book.我在她的新书发布会上认识了她。➤launch for⋯的发布◆a spring launch for the new tv system新电视系统的春季发布launch /lɔːntʃ/ verb [intransitive, transitive] start an activity, especially an organized one 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)◆an advertising campaign launched by the british tourist authority 由英国旅游局发起的广告宣传活动◆he has launched a bid for control of the supermarket chain. 他发起了旨在控制连锁超市的出价。◆the business launched last year with 15 employees. 这家企业去年创办,有 15 位员工。 start selling a product or service for the first time; to make sth available so that it can be bought and sold (首次)上市;推出(产品或服务)◆the company is launching a new telephone service in japan this year. 这家公司今年将在日本推出一种新的电话服务。◆they are planning to launch a $2 billion bond issue. 他们正计划推出 20 亿元的债券。 ●launch outto do sth new in your career, especially sth more exciting 开始从事,投身于(新的,尤指更令人兴奋的事业)◆it's time i launched out on my own. 我自己创业的时候到了。launch /lɔːntʃ/ noun [countable, uncountable] the action of launching sth; an event at which sth is launched (产品的)投放市场;(事件的)发起◆the successful launch of euro notes and coins 欧元纸币和硬币的成功发行◆the official launch date is in june. 正式推出的日期是在六月。◆the channel has attracted an audience of two million since its launch a month ago. 自从这频道一个月前推出以来已吸引了二百万的观众。◆this is the first of a number of new launches from the company. 这是公司许多新产品的第一次市场投放。◆the new drug is scheduled for launch next month. 新药定于下月投放市场。⨁ to announce / oversee / plan a launch宣布/监督/计划推广活动 ⨁ to bring forward / delay / postpone / put back a launch提前/延迟/推后/推迟推广活动 ⨁ a commercial / formal / an official launch商业的/正式的/官方的市场投放活动 ⨁ a launch campaign / date / party推广新产品的活动/日期/宴会 product launch ☞ launch☞ launch launch nounlaunch ♦︎ opening ♦︎ premiere ♦︎ first nightthese are all words for an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time.这些词均表示某项活动的正式开始或产品的首次上市。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆at the launch / opening / premiere / first night◆a successful / public launch / opening / premiere◆a / an formal / official launch / opening◆to go to / attend the launch / opening / premiere / first night◆to get ready for / prepare for / announce / coincide with / speak at / delay / postpone the launch / opening◆a launch / an opening party■ launch [countable, usually singular] (especially business尤用于商业) an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time(活动的)开始,发起;(产品的)上市,发行◆speaking at a recent product launch, he said that the company would continue to diversify.在最近一次新品发布活动中,他说公司将继续实施多元化经营。◆the official launch date is in may.正式的发行日期是在五月。ⓘ the sort of activity for which people hold a launch are a campaign, a competition, a scheme, a programme, an exhibition, and an appeal. * launch 适用的活动包括 campaign、competition、scheme、programme、exhibition 和 appeal。  ➡ see also launch → introduce verb 1 , launch → present verb 1 ■ opening [countable, usually singular] a ceremony to celebrate the start of a public event or the first time a new building, road, etc. is used开幕式;落成典礼◆tickets are now available for the opening of the olympic games.奥运会开幕式入场券现正发售。◆i've been asked to attend the official opening of the new hospital.我获邀出席新医院的落成典礼。  ➡ see also open → begin ■ premiere /premieə(r); name prɪmɪr, prɪmjɪr/ [countable] the first public performance of a film or play(电影或戏剧的)首映,首演◆he was unable to attend the world premiere of his new play.他没能出席他的新剧的世界首演。◆the movie will have its premiere in july.这部电影将于七月首映。▸ premiere verb [transitive, intransitive] ◆the play was premiered at the birmingham rep in 2006.该剧于 2006 年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。◆his new movie premieres in new york this week.他的新电影本周在纽约首映。■ first night --> [countable, usually singular] the first public performance of a play(戏剧的)首场,首演◆i got tickets for the first night of 'romeo and juliet'.我搞到了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的首演门票。note 辨析 premiere or first night?the premiere of a film or play is a very special occasion to which famous people, journalists, actors, etc. are invited. first night is used to talk about plays much more than films; it does not have to be a new play, but is often a new production of a play that has been performed before; it can be a large, important production or a small, unknown one. * premiere 指电影首映或戏剧首演的仪式,届时会有知名人士、记者、演员等应邀出席。first night 更多指戏剧的首演而非电影的首映,所公演的常常是重新排练的老剧目而不一定是新剧目;可以是大制作的重头戏,也可以是小制作的低知名度剧目◆the first night of the school play is just days away and the cast still don't know their lines.离校剧首演只有几天时间了,可演员们连台词还没背熟呢。launch [transitive] (especially business尤用于商业 or journalism新闻) to formally start an activity, especially an organized one正式开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)◆the duchess of cornwall, president of the charity, will launch the appeal in london.该慈善机构的主席康沃尔公爵夫人将在伦敦发起倡议。◆police have launched a murder enquiry.警方已着手对谋杀案进行调查。◆a massive attack was launched in the spring of 1918.一场大规模进攻于 1918 年春季发起。ⓘ people in business typically launch an appeal, a bid, a campaign, an enquiry, an initiative, an investigation, an operation, a plan, a project or a programme. in military contexts, an army might launch an attack, an assault, a raid or an invasion. you can also launch a new product.在商业语境中,launch 通常跟 appeal、bid、campaign、enquiry、initiative、investigation、operation、plan、project 或 programme 搭配。在军事语境中,launch 可以跟 attack、assault、raid 或 invasion 搭配。launch 亦可指推出新产品。  ➡ see also launch → launch noun launch [countable, usually singular] (especially business尤用于商业) an event at which an activity is officially started, or a product is made available to the public for the first time(活动的)开始,发起;(产品的)上市,发行◆speaking at a recent product launch, he said that the company would continue to diversify.在最近一次新品发布活动中,他说公司将继续实施多元化经营。◆the official launch date is in may.正式的发行日期是在五月。ⓘ the sort of activity for which people hold a launch are a campaign, a competition, a scheme, a programme, an exhibition, and an appeal. * launch 适用的活动包括 campaign、competition、scheme、programme、exhibition 和 appeal。  ➡ see also launch → introduce verb 1 , launch → present verb 1 launch /lɔːntʃ/ [transitive] to introduce or show a new book or product to the public for the first time发行,推出(新书或新产品)◆the book was launched amid a fanfare of publicity.在隆重的广告宣传下这本书发行了。◆the new model will be launched in july.这一新款将于 7 月份推出。  ➡ see also launch → launch noun note 辨析 unveil or launch?you can unveil/launch a product/model, unveil plans or launch a book, but you cannot ◆launch plans or ◆unveil a book 可以说 unveil/launch a product/model、unveil plans 或 launch a book。不说 launch plans,也不说 unveil a book。launch /lɔːntʃ/ [transitive] to send a weapon such as a missile into the sky or through water发射(导弹等)◆the ship was hit by three torpedoes launched from the enemy submarine.船被敌方潜艇发射的三颗鱼雷击中了。launch¹/lɔ:ntʃ ||; lɔntʃ/verb[t] 1. to send a ship into the water or a spacecraft into the sky 使(船)下水;发射(航天器) 2. to start sth new or to show sth for the first time 发动;发起;推出;展开: ◇to launch a new product onto the market 在市场上推出新产品 launch²/lɔ:ntʃ ||; lɔntʃ/noun[c] 1. [usu.sing] the act of launching a ship, spacecraft, new product, etc (船)下水;(航天器)发射;(新产品)推出 2. a large motor boat 大游艇;大汽艇 launchsee ⇨ sell 8 ⇨ start 13 ⇨ up 4☞ launch¹☞ launch²




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