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单词 relax/relaxed
释义 relax/relaxed1 to relax2 to make someone feel more relaxed3 feeling relaxedrelated wordsoppositenervous,worried/worrying,see alsocalm,comfort/make sb feel better,rest,1. to relax 放松 relax /rɪˈlæks/ [intransitive verb] to make yourself feel calmer, more comfortable, and less worried, by resting or doing something enjoyable 放松,轻松 just wait! in two weeks’ time i'll be relaxing on a beach in greece. 等一下!两个星期后我就舒舒服服地在希腊的海滩上啦。 trained staff will look after your children, so that you can relax and enjoy yourself. 经过训练的人员会照顾你的孩子,所以你可以放松、享受一下。 for heaven's sake keith, will you just sit down and relax for five minutes! 看在老天的份上,基思,你能不能坐下来放松五分钟? unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ [intransitive verb] to gradually relax after you have been working hard or worrying a lot 放松,松弛 after a couple of drinks, tom began to unwind. 几杯酒下肚,汤姆开始放松了。 set in spectacular countryside, the shiga hotel is the perfect place to unwind. 志贺酒店坐落于景色独特的乡间,是放松身心的绝佳去处。 the world motorcross champion likes nothing better than unwinding in front of the tv. 这位摩托车越野赛世界冠军最喜欢的就是坐到电视机前放松一下。 take it easy /ˌteɪk ɪt ˈiːzi/ [verb phrase] to do everything slowly and with less effort than usual so that you do not become worried or tired, especially because you are not feeling strong or healthy 放松;休息[尤因感到不强壮或不健康] now that you've finished your exams, you can take it easy. 既然你已经完成了考试,可以放松一下了。 i'm going to put my feet up and take it easy this afternoon. 今天下午我打算架起脚来休息一下。take things easy pete will still have to take things easy for while. 皮特还需要休息一会儿。 my training schedule was very demanding last year, so i'm taking things a bit easier this year. 去年我的训练计划太紧张了,所以今年我把计划安排得稍稍宽松一点。take it easy on yourself take it easy on yourself for a few days. we'll talk later. 你先放松几天,稍后我们再谈。 loosen up /ˌluːsən ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] informal if you loosen up, you become more relaxed and stop worrying about things 【非正式】放松 hey, loosen up! it's not worth getting upset about something she said. 嗨,放松点!不值得为她的话难过。 our drama teacher would do crazy things, just to get us to loosen up some. 我们的戏剧老师会做些疯傻的事,就是为了使我们放松一下。 chill out/chill /ˌtʃɪl ˈaʊt, tʃɪl/ [intransitive phrasal verb/intransitive verb] spoken informal to relax and calm down, especially after doing something exciting 【口,非正式】平静下来,放松下来[尤在做令人紧张的事后] the main reason i'm going to jamaica is so i can lie on the beach and chill out without being distracted. 我要去牙买加的主要原因是为了可以在海滩上躺下来,不受干扰地放松一下。 would you like to come back to my place and just chill? 你想回到我这里来放松一下吗? let your hair down /ˌlet jɔːʳ ˈheəʳ daʊn/ [verb phrase] informal to relax completely and enjoy yourself, especially in social situations 【非正式】完全放松;尽情享乐[尤指在社交场合中] i spotted juanita really letting her hair down on the dance floor. 我看见朱厄妮塔在舞池内尽情地享受着。 chat rooms on the internet are a place we can let our hair down and say what we think. 互联网上的聊天室可以让我们放松下来,说出心里的想法。 let yourself go /ˌlet jɔːʳself ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] to allow yourself to completely relax in a social situation, and not worry about what is polite, or about what other people may think [在社交场合中]让自己放松一下;随心所欲 he's quite scholarly, but he can be really funny when he lets himself go. 他很有学者风度,但他放松时也可以相当风趣。 dick took me to the party and, for once, i let myself go completely. 迪克带我去参加那次聚会,我难得让自己完全放松了一次。2. to make someone feel more relaxed 使某人更放松 relax /rɪˈlæks/ [transitive verb] meditation relaxes you and makes you feel more healthy. 冥想令你放松,也使你感觉更健康。 the drink relaxed him so much he fell asleep. 喝过酒之后他大为放松,竟然睡着了。 put somebody at ease/make somebody feel at ease also put somebody at their ease british /ˌpʊt somebody ət ˈiːz, ˌmeɪk somebody fiːl ət ˈiːz, ˌpʊt somebody ət ðeər ˈiːz/ [verb phrase] to make someone feel more relaxed, especially by talking to them in a calm, friendly way when they are in a difficult or worrying situation 使某人放松下来[尤指通过在他们感到困难或担心时平静友好地与其谈话] i did my best to make him feel at ease before the interview began. 在面谈开始前,我尽量使他感到放松。 ginsberg had a talent for putting people instantly at ease. 金斯伯格有一种能够使人立刻感到放松的天赋。 he had succeeded in putting her at her ease, despite her natural shyness. 尽管她天性羞怯,他仍然成功地使她放松了下来。 loosen up /ˌluːsən ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] informal if someone or something loosens you up, they make you feel happier and more relaxed about the things that are worrying you 【非正式】放松 loosen up somebody uncle billy was a great preacher -- he sure could loosen a crowd up. 比利叔叔是位了不起的传道士,他绝对能够使群众放松。loosen somebody up at first, i just started drinking at parties, to help loosen me up. 开始时我只是在聚会上喝酒来让自己放松。 relaxing /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ [adjective] making you feel calm, comfortable, and not worried 放松的,松弛的 a relaxing massage 让人放松的按摩 tuscany is a good choice for a relaxing holiday. 去托斯卡纳度假是个让人放松的好选择。 do something relaxing before going to bed -- read a book, or take a hot bath. 上床睡觉前做些放松的事,比如看看书、洗个热水澡。3. feeling relaxed 感到放松的 relaxed /rɪˈlækst/ [adjective] feeling calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed 轻松的,放松的,从容的 the people in hawaii are so relaxed -- i could have stayed another fortnight. 在夏威夷人们很放松,我应当再逗留两个星期。 looking relaxed and confident, the president answered a barrage of questions from the press. 总统看上去既轻松又自信,回答了报界连珠炮似的提问。feel relaxed i think people feel more relaxed wearing casual clothes. 我觉得人们穿上休闲服会感觉更为轻松。 laid-back /ˌleɪd ˈbæk◂/ [adjective] informal relaxed, and not easily worried or annoyed 【非正式】松弛的,不在乎的 my parents are pretty laid-back and don't mind me staying out late. 我父母才不担心呢,我夜归也不要紧。 he seems like a laid-back kind of a guy. 他似乎是挺放松的那种人。 a laid-back lifestyle 悠然的生活方式 easy-going /ˌiːzi ˈgəʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective] informal happy and relaxed, and not often annoyed or angry 【非正式】随和的,温和的 you were always so relaxed and easy-going. it was one of the things i liked about you. 你总是这么放松与随和,这是我喜欢你的地方之一。 william did his best to maintain an easy-going, friendly relationship with everyone at camp. 威廉尽量与营地的每个人保持轻松友好的关系。 be/feel at ease /biː, fiːl ət ˈiːz/ [verb phrase] feeling relaxed in a situation in which most people might feel a little nervous, uncomfortable, or anxious [使]放松,[使]轻松 i've always felt completely at ease among the palestinians. 我和巴勒斯坦人在一起时总感到完全放松。be/feel at ease with he was surprised to find himself so at ease with her father. 他吃惊地发现和她爸爸在一起会这么轻松。 after six months in the job, i was starting to feel more at ease with the kids. 这工作干了六个月后,我开始感到和孩子们在一起更自在了。 be/feel comfortable /biː, fiːl ˈkʌmftəbəlǁ-ˈkʌmfərt-/ [verb phrase] happy and without worries, especially because you are with someone you like and trust or because you are in a situation you are used to 感觉舒适自在 be/feel comfortable with a lot of our female patients are not comfortable with the idea of a male doctor. 我们的女病人中有许多觉得让男医生看病感觉不自在。be/feel comfortable doing something when choosing a baby-sitter, look for someone both you and your child feel comfortable with. 选择保姆时,要找一个让你和孩子都感觉舒服自在的人。 would you be comfortable using this type of machinery? 用这种机器你会感觉轻松自在吗? this is an emotional issue, which most people aren't comfortable talking about. 这是个敏感的话题,大多数人谈及都会感觉不自在。 feel at home /ˌfiːl ət ˈhəʊm/ [verb phrase] to feel relaxed because you are in a place or situation similar to one that you know very well 感到像在家一样;感觉自如 as in your previous job, we also use computers a lot -- so you should feel right at home here. 跟你以前的工作一样,我们电脑也用得很多—所以你在这里可以感到自在。feel at home with he was fond of using his hands and felt at home with machinery. 他很喜欢动手,摆弄机器时感觉自如。feel at home doing something right now, i feel more at home writing for the stage rather than film. 现在我觉得写舞台剧比起写电影脚本更得心应手。 uninhibited /ˌʌnɪnˈhɪbɪtəd◂, ˌʌnɪnˈhɪbətəd◂/ [adjective] very relaxed in the company of other people, and not at all shy about showing your true feelings and opinions 无拘无束的,大方的 her acting is completely spontaneous and uninhibited. 她的表演非常自然,无拘无束。 the trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people. 特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。uninhibited about the boys were quite uninhibited about performing in front of strangers. 这些男孩子大大方方地在陌生人面前表演。




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