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单词 voracious
释义 voracious /vəreɪʃəs/ (rather formal) eating or wanting large amounts of food饭量大的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的◆a dragonfly and its larva are both voracious eaters of their fellow creatures.蜻蜓及其幼虫都贪吃同类。voracious/vəˈreɪʃəs ||; vəˈreʃəs/adj (written 书面语) 1. eating or wanting large amounts of food 吃或要大量食物的: ◇a voracious eater 贪吃者◇to have a voracious appetite 有大胃口 2. wanting a lot of new information and knowledge 渴求(新信息及知识)的: ◇a voracious reader 如饥似渴的读者 ➔voraciously adv ➔voracity /vəˈræsəti ||; vəˈræsətɪ/ noun [u] vo·ra·cious /və`reʃəs; vəˈreɪʃəs/adjformal wanting to eat a lot or do something a lot, in a way that seems surprising 【正式】 食量大的; 贪婪的; 如饥似渴的:◇he had a voracious appetite. 他的胃口奇大。




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