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标题 劳动力流动对区域经济发展差距的影响研究





    2.中国农业大学 中国农村政策研究中心,北京 100083)

    摘 要:劳动力跨区域流动对区域经济差距的影响一直是学术界争论的焦点之一。新疆区域经济差距突出表现在北疆和南疆内部差距过大,这成为制约新疆经济社会稳定发展的主要障碍。本文引入新古典增长模型对比分析了劳动力流动对新疆区域经济差距的影响,结果显示,考虑劳动力流动因素后的模型显著性较不考虑劳动力流动因素的模型显著性得到明显提升,劳动力流动抑制了新疆区域经济差距的扩大趋势,但是新疆劳动力流动对不同经济发展水平地区的经济增长效应存在差异,对经济较发达的北疆地区差距缩小有正向效应,而对经济欠发达的南疆地区差距缩小有负向效应。对此,协调新疆区域经济发展应重视劳动力流动的作用,破除限制劳动力流动的障碍,注重对不同区域流动劳动力人口实施差别性治理政策。


    中图分类号:F323.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4149(2015)01-0072-09





    A Research on the Effect of Labor Mobility on Regional Economic

    Development Gap:Evidences from Xinjiang

    WANG Shujuan1,WANG Jiaxu2,LI Yuxin1

    (1.School of Economics and Management, Shihezi University, ?Urumqi 832000, China;

    2.China Rural Research Center,China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083,China)

    Abstract:The effect of labor crossregional mobility on the regional economic gap has been one of the focus of academic debate. The most prominent character of regional economic disparity of Xinjiang is the internal gaps of northern Xinjiang and southern Xinjiang,and this become the key obstacle to the stable development of society and economy,in Xinjiang. This article contrasts and analysis the impact of labor mobility on the regional economic disparity in Xinjiang by introducing the neoclassical growth model. The results show that the significant improved significantly after taking labor factor model of labor mobility into consideration. The labor mobility suppresses the expending trend of regional economic gap. But the effect of labor mobility on regions economic growth in Xinjiang is different for different part of Xinjiang, it performed positive and negative effect on the regional gap of northern Xinjiang and southern Xinjiang respectively. So we should attach the importance of labor mobility to coordinate regional economic development in Xinjiang. Break the barriers of restrict the labor mobility and pay attention to make different labor mobility strategy in different regions of Xinjiang.

    Keywords:labor mobility; regional economic disparity; conditional convergence; Xinjiang









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