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标题 不同降糖方案对2型糖尿病患者依从性及HbA1c达标率的影响

    刘蔼文 蔡钰玫 陈梓彤 朱志宏




    [摘要]目的 比較不同降糖方案对2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者依从性及糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)达标率的影响。方法 回顾性分析我院2017年6月~2018年9月门诊随访的120例T2DM患者资料,依据不同的治疗方法分为A组(单纯口服药物)、B组(磺脲类促泌剂+二甲双胍+预混胰岛素30 R晚餐前注射1次)、C组(磺脲类促泌剂+二甲双胍+甘精胰岛素晚餐注射1次)、D组(二甲双胍+预混胰岛素30 R早晚餐前各注射1次),每组各30例。回顾性分析近3个月的四组的血糖控制情况,期间可调整药物剂量,不更改用药方案,比较其血糖达标率及依从性,并分析依从性的影响因素。结果 四组依从性比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.445,P=0.963),血糖达标率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.372,P=0.946),再把各组按依从性好及不依从的患者分为两组,依从性好组HbA1c达标率明显高于依从性差组(t=11.012,P=0.000);单因素分析结果提示,患者受教育程度、经济状况及是否参加医保均影响患者的依从性(P=0.000)。应用Logistic回归分析结果提示,患者受教育程度、经济状况及是否参加医保,为依从性独立影响因素。结论 四组治疗方案中依从性相似,糖化血红蛋白达标率相似,但这并不能说明该四种降糖方案效果相似,而应根据患者的个体差异选择不同的降糖方案;另外,在治疗方案恰当的情况下,依从性高的患者HbA1c达标率明显高于依从性低的患者;强化健康宣教、提高全民经济水平、全面推行门诊医疗保险制度可提高患者的依从性,从而优化治疗效果。


    [中图分类号] R587.1 ? ? [文献标识码] A ? ? [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)9(b)-0039-05

    Effect of different treatment on the compliance and HbA1c compliance rate in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    LIU Ai-wen1? ?CAI Yu-me2? ?CHEN Zi-tong2? ?ZHU Zhi-hong2▲

    1. Department of Medical Examination Center, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Shantou University, Guangdong Province, Shantou? ?515041, China; 2. Department of Endocrinology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Shantou University, Guangdong Province, Shantou? ?515041, China

    [Abstract] Objective To compare the effect of different treatment on compliance and glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) compliance rate in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods The outpatient data of 120 patients with T2DM who followed up from June 2017 to September 2018 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. According to different the treatment methods, they were divided into group A (oral Hypoglycemic drugs only), group B (Sulfonylurea secretagogue+metformin+premixed insulin 30 R injection before supper), group C (Sulfonylurea secretagogue+metformin+insulin glargine injection once in the evening), and group D (Metformin+premixed insulin 30 R was injected twice before breakfast and dinner), 30 cases in each group. The control of blood sugar in recent three months was retrospectively analyzed. During the period, the dosage of drugs could be adjusted without changing the medication plan. The blood sugar compliance rate and compliance were compared, and analyze the influencing factors of compliance. Results There was no statistical difference in compliance (χ2=1.445, P=0.963) and blood sugar compliance rate (χ2=0.372, P=0.946) among the four groups. The patients in each group were divided into two groups according to their good compliance and poor compliance. The compliance rate of HbA1c in the good compliance group was significantly higher than that in the poor compliance group (t=11.012, P=0.000). Univariate analysis showed that education level, economic status and participation in health insurance affected the patient′s compliance (P=0.000). Logistic regression analysis showed that education level, economic status and medical insurance were the independent influencing factors of the compliance. Conclusion Compliance and HbA1c compliance rate are similar in the four groups, but it does not mean that the four hypoglycemic schemes have similar effect, but different hypoglycemic schemes should be selected according to individual differences of patients. In addition, in the case of appropriate treatment, the compliance rate of HbA1c in patients with high compliance was significantly higher than that in patients with low compliance; so, strengthening health education, improving the economic level of the whole people and implementing the outpatient medical insurance system in an all-round way can improve the compliance of patients and optimize the treatment effect.

    [Key words] Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Blood glucose; Compliance; Therapeutic regimen




    选取2017年6月~2018年9月我院门诊随访的120例T2DM患者作为研究对象进行问卷调查,回顾性分析其近3个月的用药情况及血糖控制情况,依据不同的治疗方法分为A、B、C、D组,每组各30例。A组中,男19例,女11例;平均年齡(55.2±7.1)岁;平均病程(6.2±2.5)年。B组中,男20例,女10例;平均年龄(55.3±6.1)岁;平均病程(5.8±2.6)年。C组中,男13例,女17例;平均年龄(52.7±7.5)岁,平均病程(5.2±2.6)年。D组中,男17例,女13例;平均年龄(55.5±5.8)岁,平均病程(6.2±2.5)年。四组的一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。所有T2DM的诊断均符合世界卫生组织(WHO)编撰的《糖尿病诊断标准(1999)》相关内容。纳入标准:①经临床诊断确诊为T2DM者;②无全身严重器质性疾病者;③无磺脲类促泌剂、二甲双胍、预混胰岛素30 R、甘精胰岛素等药物过敏史或禁忌者,每种治疗方案维持至少3个月以上。排除标准:1型糖尿病、妊娠、合并心脏疾病、恶性肿瘤、感染性疾病、血液系统疾病、严重精神障碍,及急慢性肝功能不全、肾功能不全失代偿者。


    1.2.1治疗方法? 四组均回顾随访12周,其中A组为单纯口服降糖药物治疗,其中6例单纯口服二甲双胍(中美上海施贵宝制药有限公司,国药准字H20023370)1.0~2.0 g,qd,24例采取二甲双胍+磺脲类促泌剂[格列齐特缓释片(施维雅制药有限公司);格列美脲(广西百琪药业有限公司,国药准字H20030283)治疗,格列齐特缓释片维持剂量60~120 mg/d,格列美脲维持剂量2~4 mg/d。B组采取磺脲类(格列齐特缓释片/格列美脲)+二甲双胍+预混胰岛素30 R(优思灵30/70,珠海联邦制药股份有限公司,国药准字S20100013)0.2~0.4 IU/kg晚餐前皮下注射;C组采用磺脲类(格列齐特缓释片/格列美脲)+二甲双胍+甘精胰岛素(甘李药业股份有限公司,国药准字S20050051)0.2~0.4 IU/kg晚上10点钟皮下注射;D组采取二甲双胍+预混胰岛素30 R(总量0.4~1.0 IU/kg,分为两次)早晚餐前皮下注射。

    1.2.2影响因素分析方法? 本研究采用自行设计的调查问卷对所有患者资料进行调查,内容包括年龄、性别、受教育程度、经济状况、家族史、病程、血糖情况(空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、HbA1c)、不良反应发生情况、是否参加医保、每月漏用药物频次等,随后采用Logistic回归分析法对T2DM治疗依从性影响因素进行分析,具体方法如下。依据依从率将患者分为依从性好组及依从性差组,将两组对比较有差异的单因素带入到回归分析模型中做多元分析,以总结出影响依从性的独立影响因素。


    主要仪器:贝克曼AU5400全自动生化分析仪,西门子Centaur XP化学发光仪,ACT 5DIFF AL及LH780全自动血细胞分析仪,UF-1000i全自动尿液沉渣分析仪。微量血糖分析仪:诺瓦生物医药公司(Stat Strip Xpress)。



    选取观察指标为四种用药方案下的血糖达标率、总依从性,其中血糖达标判定标准为HbA1c <6.5%~7.0%。依从性分为以下三个标准,即患者能完全按照医嘱要求按时、按量服用药物为完全依从;任一种药物,用药剂量不足、每个月漏用药天数≥1 d而<3 d的为部分依从,每个月漏用药天数>3 d为不依从,总依从性(%)=(完全依从+部分依从)例数/总例数×100%。


    采用SPSS 19.0统计学软件处理,对于小样本计量资料,使用Shapiro-Wilk统计方法进行正态性检验,满足正态分布的数据,以均数±标准差(x±s)表示;满足正态、方差齐的计量资料,采用独立样本t检验进行比较;计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验,多因素分析采用Logistic回归分析法,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。


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    (收稿日期:2019-03-11? 本文編辑:崔建中)





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