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标题 论大学生自我身体锻炼的常用方法
范文 博恩·崔西
I. Body Shape Exercise
i. Body Posture Exercise
In daily life, person's posture which is correct or not, not only influences body's artistic, but also affects body's health. Specially of male and female of university students. If they do not pay attention to their stature, they will form some bad gesture and bad body movement habits that will seriously arrest body's normal growth of them. Therefore, if you want to keep healthy and body shapes graceful, you have to not only exercise every day, but also correct bad posture which you had formed in daily life. The followings several suggestions concerned are expert's recommendation:
1. Improving body shape through lifting heavy object
It is not allowed that both knees are tetanic when fingers touch floor or lift an object during exercising. Because both knees are always tetanic, lower back's muscle will burden all weight. Even though standing straight, it possibly causes back's muscular straint, in addition to the object weight, it will perhaps crush back and cause lumbago.
在举起物体的时候,下背部的肌肉需要帮助。帮助的办法是:在弯腰用手接触脚趾或拾取物体的时候,一定要弯曲膝部。腰部弯曲,可使脚部和腿部肌肉分担“举起” 的工作。
When object are lifted, lower back's muscle need help. The methods are: it must curve knees when you bend waist and touch toes with hands or collect object. Curving waist may let feet and thigh's muscle share “lifting”.
Curving both knees when you pick object off floor, which can not only prevent lower back muscle's from possible straint and avoid its pain, but also improve buttocks and thigh's curve and make posture artistic. For same aim, when you take something or push-and-pull, you should pay attention to curve both knees.
2. Improving body through sitting up off decubitus
Sitting up off decubitus, it is not allowed that you simultaneously lift both legs upward and sit down again with wielding down. That will force back to be arch-shape, then cause slenderest ligament and muscular of low back to strain, and expand abdomen muscle. Body will benefit few.
Getting up off decubitus, it should lift head, neck and shoulder neatly, support body with two elbows. When you get up, you should shift body weight to elbow from one side to the other and support yourself to sit up.
3. Improving body through standing up off sitting posture
The main point is sitting on the bed, switching two legs to bedside and flatting on floor, then standing up.
4. Improving body through standing up off chair
Standing up off chair, it should place a place where overlap a leg to another back's 10cm, bend slightly forward from waist, push body upward only with back thigh, and front thigh keep balance. While getting up, spine must keep uprightly, buttocks must “shrink” inward.
5. Improving body shape at sitting down
If buttocks touch chair, it is not only no tasteful, but also no benefit to body's curve. In fact, you are widening your buttocks.
Every time, when you sit down in correct posture, you are firming up thigh and buttocks' muscle. If you want to sit down correctly, you should stand up at the chair's (or bed, sofa) edge, place one leg to overlap another, then “shrink” buttocks inward, upper body bend slightly forward from waist and sit down gently. But two legs do not cross, you should sit straight, back waist is backward and rib is raised upward, neck is extended upward from shoulder, shoulder is downward and back-leading, mandible and neck are to be right angle, keeping the posture.
ii. Growth exercise
Growth is mainly depending on osseous system's growth. Skeleton is human body's “bracket”, bracket's height affects directly body's height, and skeleton's growth depends entirely on epiphyseal cartilage of both sides bones. With unceasing growth of hyperplasia and ossification of epiphysis cartilage, it makes bone to grow unceasingly, therefore it grows. If epiphysis cartilage is ossification and forms an inosculate epiphysis line between skeleton and epiphysis, bone will stop growing, people are no longer growing.
Growth is regularity. Growth has two peaks in everyone's life: The first is the first year after birth; the second is in adolescence (girls start probably from 12-13 years old; boys probably start from 14-15 years old). To the later period of adolescence, growth drop gradually and stop nearly.
Generally speaking, innate factor and postnatal factor are the main influence factors to growth.
Innate factor is mainly concerned with heredity and race. Modern medicine thought: the gene, which decides height, affect organizes organ's growth through adjusting each kind of body's endocrine hormone's. Statistics indicated that male and female's height is affected separately 79% and 92% by descendiblity. Therefore, generally speaking, if parents are high, their children will not be low, but high parents give birth to low child or low parents have high child are not rare. Therefore other factors also influence height. In race aspect, generally speaking, European are higher than Asian; Person in cold area's are higher than tropics. Postnatal factor of southerner growth are comprehensive. Nutrition, water, sleep, living conditions, spirit condition, hormone secretion, physical training and so on can affect growth.
Anthropologists had once made thorough investigation, and discovered that youth in good nutrition city are higher 2-5cm than youth in countryside who got worse nutrition.
In the period of university, university students' request nutrition sufficient; secondly, comprehensive. Each nutrition must be balanced. The animal food, like fish, lean meat, liver, egg, milk and so on which is not only richly in choline urging youth brain growth, but also richly in protein which is important material to body. If you want to grow, you must supply constructing bone's material duly sufficiently that include collagen protein, calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic salts. Collagen protein is similar with cement to build house and inorganic salt is similar with brick, both are indispensable. Therefore, besides eating animal protein, you have to eat green vegetables, kelp, carrot, fruit and other vegetative proteins, and eat foods including calcium and phosphorus, which are urging skeleton's growth. Moreover, moderate sunlight will benefit in vitamin D3's synthesis that affect stomach and intestines's absorption calcium and phosphorus and skeleton's normal growth. And animal food is rich in those microelements.
睡眠好,能促进生长激素分泌增多,有利于蛋白质合成。一般来说,4~7岁每天应睡11h, 7~15岁应睡10h,15~20岁应睡9~10h。
Good sleep can promote growth hormone secretion, which is advantageous to protein synthesis. Generally speaking, 4-7 years old should sleep 11h every day, 7-15 years old 10h,15-20 years old 9-10h.
As the saying “Sitting like clock, standing like pine, acting like wind” goes, walking, sitting and standing must keep correct posture that is straight chest and upright back, otherwise, crookback, spinal column bending side, distortion and other abnormal will happen, which is not only affect height, also affect healthily.
Growth is also decided on secretory (hypophysis, thyroid gland, adrenal gland and gonad and so on). Among them, what plays the leading role is hypophysis secretion growth hormone. Such as, dwarfism patient's growth hormone of hypophysis secretion is obvious insufficient; Gonad hypoplasia's female whose height are often not over 1.40m; In correct situation, they are maintained certain level that these glands secretion's hormone's density in blood and mutual proportion, that will change with aging, then facilitate normal growth. State of mind is not good, liver, kidney and lung's chronic illness as well as vitamin deficiency and so on can prevent endocrine gland's secretion and influence height.
Insisting on attending various sports, it may promote growth and is benefit in physical and moral health.
iii. Whole muscles exercise
Each action that exercise whole muscle's could be repeated 10-18 times, requested action accurate, not held one's breath.
(1) Strengthening scapula muscle: Two hands unwinding and catching dumb bells, lifting up higher and inspiring deeper as far as possible, then loosing dumb bells steadily.
(2). Strengthening pectoralis muscle, musculi dorsi and scapula muscle: Right hand holding dumb bells, two arms opening to both sides at the same time, inspiration, gathering front chest again, expiration. Changing right hand and doing the same.
(3). Enhancement scapula muscle is to shape body: Two hands grasping dumb bells and cling back tightly. Both arms curving, raising dumb bells upper as far as possible, inspiration, then unbending hands, moving dumb bells to buwei position, expiration. Repeating several times.
(4). Enhancement forearm muscle: Erectness, both hands grasping dumb bells, two arms curving right angle, moving dumb bells up-and-down and right-and-left. Sitting on the stool, two legs drawing fixture, two arms intersecting behind brain or back to waist. Upper body moving backward, inspiration, restoration slowly again, expiration. Upper body lifts gradient and moving rapidly toward right-and-left.
(5). Enhancement waist muscle: Sitting on stool, two legs are the same width with shoulders. Upper body bends right as far as possible, right hand touching ground, left hand curving and moving snugly to armpit, then bending left. Repeating that. Waist bending side and expiration, standing straight and inspiration.
(6). Enhancement arm muscle: Erectness, grasping dumb bells with right hand, repeating several times, then changing left hand.
(7). Enhancement waist muscle, scapula muscle and strength of arm: Sitting on stool, two arms unwinding and holding. Lifting arm 5-6s, then both legs folding, lifting upper body in right angle.
(8). Enhancement biceps brachii, triceps brachii and pectoral muscle: Lying face downward, both hands supporting ground, leg apex supporting on stool surface, then making push-up. Two arms curving and inspiration, supporting and expiration.
(9). Enhancement brachium tricep and deltoid muscle: Lying face downward, right hand griping dumb bells and raising up. Raising up, inspiration, then laying down, expiration. Repeating several times, then changing left hand.
(10). Enhancement abdominal muscle: Lying supine, putting stool right to both legs. Both legs unbending and lifting, surpassing stool and laying down right, then lifting both legs and crossing stool again and restoration. Raising leg and expiration, touching ground and inspiration
(11). Strengthens ectopectoralis and scapula muscle: Lying supine, both hands grasping dumb bells and putting at an appropriate shashangfang position, then lifting upward, expiration, restoration and inspiration. Repeating several times.
(12). Strengthens big and calf leg muscle: Erectness, left leg squatting, right leg and left arm straight stretching forward out, simultaneously support gently stool with right hand and keeping body balance. Squatting and expiration, standing up and inspiration, changing right leg and doing the same.
II. Body exercise for long sitting
The gymnastics as follows can help university student to stimulate blood circulation and elevate their spirit and prevent hypertension in the classroom, library and office.
i. Warming-up
Before gymnastics, you should firstly Warming-up the followings actions, that can cause blood unimpeded, loose muscle, and not sprain while gymnastics:
(1). Sitting on chair, two calf legs curling up to chair, two tips of toe touching ground, two heels raising up. Then, left leg lifting, extending further as far as possible, leg extending forward, tip of toe drawing backward. Restoration, relaxing, changing right leg and remove. Two legs doing together again. Doing the complete action four times.
(2) Sitting on chair, two legs paralleling, tip of toe pointing front. Left leg lifting to front chest, two hands holding calf leg tightly, drawing toward bosom. Restoration. Standing up on the position arms leaving seat, and tip of both legs raising up. Restoration and relaxing. Acting five times completely.
(3) Sitting on chair, both legs touching ground. Right leg doing not moving, left leg raising higher as far as possible. Setting plane. Changing right leg to reacting. Setting plane. Two feet acting above alternately. At the same time, two arms curving slightly, swinging forward and backward rhythmically like walking.
ii. Accelerating blood circulation
(1). Sitting on chair, two arms sagging naturally in both sides. Right arm curving top left, simultaneously left knee lifting toward right elbow. Restoration. Left arm curving up, simultaneously right knee lifting left elbow. Repeating 15 times completely.
(2) Sitting on chair, both leg points touching ground, both legs moving toward right as far as possible, both hands placing right. Lifting leg and swinging toward left, simultaneously both arms swinging toward left. Repeating 30 times.
iii. Abdomen, back athletics
(1) Sitting on chair, both hands flatting on thigh naturally. Abdomen drawing as far as possible, but keeping carrying on eupnea, doing not feel suffocated. Upper body bending front, leg point raising, heel touching ground. Tip of toe setting plane, abdominal muscle relaxing, upper body standing. Repeating 30 times.
(2) Sitting on chair, body relaxing, shoulders sagging naturally, upper body moving front, pulling down waist muscle tightly. Insisting 7s. Then drawing back up, relaxing 7s. Repeating eight times.
iv. Shoulder, arm athletics
(1) Sitting on chair, shoulder relaxing. Right shoulder moving forward, then left shoulder move forward. No shoulder's strength. Restoration. Relaxing. Both hands griping mutually tightly, both arms recommending upwardly forward. Surpassing top of head, palm curling up, two hands pushing on gently. Then both arms keeping moving back. Repeating eight times.
(2) Sitting on chair, shoulder drawing a circle slowly rhythmically, two shoulders moving forward-and-backward together. Doing 15 times respectively.
v. Leg, anklebone athletics
(1). Sitting on chair, two heel touching ground, two tips of toe lifting, both legs drawing a great-circle, moving right and left 15 times respectively.
(2) Sitting on chair, both elbows placing on knees, upper body inclining forward, and putting whole body's weight on knees. Heel rising higher as far as possible. Then straightening upper body up, setting heel plane, lifting leg point. Repeating 30 times.
vi. Hand, wrist athletics
Sitting, making fist, palm putting down. Turning over the hand, palm up, finger outstretching. Restoration. Repeating 15 times.
vii. Neck athletics
(1) Sitting, lowering head ahead, chin resisting throat. Posture keeping invariable, head swing back. Then turning head righter as far as possible, nodding three times. Turning left, nodding the same three times. Repeating ten times completely.
(2). Placing right hand on right ear to support top head, head bending right, simultaneously resisting forehead gently with right hand. Restoration. Placing left hand on left ear to support top head. Repeating above action. Repeating above actions, doing eight times.
viii. Relaxation
Sitting straight, the whole body relaxing as far as possible, carrying on breath gently steadily with diaphragm deep-set. Inspiration (raise forwardly), making abdominal cavity full; Expiration slowly(passive acting), until exhaling completely, keeping body entering relax completely. Repeating five times.
III. Bed body exercise
i. Athletics goal
Bed action are the same with other athletics, which may promote blood circulation, improve over-nutrient and organize metabolism, enhance nervous system's control, decrease sensitivity to extraneous for entire organism, and adapt climate change, achieve the goal of fitness.
ii. Athletics method
Bed athletics introduced by traditional Chinese medicine Academy are easy to do, and is not limited by exercise location and climatic condition, you can do at any time. The complete set is divided several types, you can choose 2-3 types to exercise according to individual body situation and state of illness and proceed in an orderly way. Before athletics, you need to undresses, relieve the feces and urine, and drink a cup of warm boiling water.
(1). Sitting in meditation: Installing evenly on bed, two legs unwinding, two hands placing on knees, two eyes looking at forward, gazing further at a 1-1.7m goal, focusing, sitting 5-10min in meditation.
(2). Caressing whole body: After sitting in meditation, Caressing whole body gently from top to down and from left to right, giving benign stimulation to peripheral nerve.
(3). Moving feet athletics: Two hands lifting gently off knees, drawing a circle from below rear to ahead top respectively, hand extending forward, upper body curving front, two hands moving xin yong quan point a time, repeating that ten times. Moving slowly even,breathing naturally. It can prevent and control waist-backache.
(4). Fixing kidney athletics: Two hands drawing back from knee to bestraddle joint, up along front-armpit, two hands crossing over head, palm up, two foot pedaling straight, from up to down, upper body bending forwards, from hand to feet point is a time, repeating that ten times. It may fine kidney health and prevent spermatorrhea.
(5). Compression athletics: keeping plane the bed, two legs gathering together, two hands fisting and padding under arms, two legs raising up forcibly, low limb and body have an angle of 90°, resting slightly if tired, unbending if not tired. Moving ten times continuously. It may prevent internal organs from sagging.
(6). Sideways balance athletics: Left side keeping plane, two legs unbending, right leg placing on left leg, lifting left upper limb to support upper body upward, right hand putting on coxa, left hand efforting and lower body lifting, whole body's key is at left upper limb and left hand. Body drawing up, unbending. Left and right have each three times. It may exercise upper limb physique.
(7). Pedal feet athletics: being on one's back, getting up by supporting with two hands, then two foot efforting, the whole body assuming the arch to get out of bed, only two hands and tow feet touching bed, lifting left lower limb, pedaling toward upper left with leg heel, left and right turning each five times. It may put one's feet nimbly and whole body light and lively.
(8). Swing athletics: prostrate, hand and feet touching ground, body lifting and taking buttocks as center, moving forward and backward, buttocks forward, head upward, chest pasting bed; head downward and arms upwards along arms backward. Resting after ten times. It may strong body.
IV. Precautions about physical ability development and health protection of students
Sports are good for life. Persisted in sports activities can not only strengthen health but also prevent disease and prolong life. For modern students with growing heavy pressure of studying, it is sure that is beneficial to carry out suitable physical exercise. It can not only develop sport quality and but also combine work with relaxation to make full use of level of intelligence. However, if own physical exercise content and method are not correct, it is possible to obtain reverse result. Therefore, students shall pay attention to the following precautions about physical ability development and health protection:
i. Scientifically arranging exercise
Scientific arrangement of physical exercise can ensure all-around development of body and avoid injury. It asks to arrange time and schedule according to individual condition, time and location as well as own features of age, gender, work and study and fully consider affects of season, region and nature environment etc factors on exercise effect. He shall gradually increase sport amount and strength, and gradually accumulate experience and master sport amount during exercise to reach own best effect of body exercise. In addition, it shall pay attention to use a variety of sport items especially for students during growth period. In this way, it is more beneficial for all-around development of body.
ii. Avoiding exercise method affecting health
The following exercise methods affecting health shall be timely corrected and avoided: for example, regardless of own physical features but only pursuing a large amount of sports, carrying out special physical exercise not aiming at different growth period of own organs, exercise not paying attention to all-around development, biological rhythm disturbing physical and brainwork, irregular exercise, not paying attention to sport environment and sanitation and sudden exercise that can not be started and ended properly etc. The above methods are one affecting health and shall be timely corrected and avoided. Body exercise can promote body growth of teenagers. However, if the exercise method for all-around body development to strength body quality is not proper so as to breach development rules of body, he will obtain reverse effects.
iii. Method to arrange a day of exercise
If anybody can carry out 1-2h of exercise a day, he shall do well the following arrangements:
He shall carry out exercise for 20-30min. After getting up, he shall do exercise and practice Taijiquan or run slowly at the outdoor location with fresh air. However, sport time in morning shall not be too long and exercise amount shall not be too large, and sport item shall not be too complicated or otherwise, it would affect work and study on the day.
Time after work or after school afternoon (generally 14:00-18:00) shall be the best sport time a day. During the time, you can arrange match or relative strenuous exercise. However, the exercise amount shall not be too large to prevent affecting activity in the evening. It is very beneficial to eliminate fatigue from work and study on the day and strengthen health.
It is necessary to avoid strenuous exercise after supper and before going to bed. It is possible to arrange light and gentle fitness exercise such as taking a walk, practice qigong and Taijiquan etc.
iv. More physical exercise for brainworker
Generally, students silently seat classroom, laboratory and office for study and work by crouching down. Keeping such a posture for a long time and not taking part in physical exercise would cause many diseases such as astriction and gastroptosis etc. Therefore, brainworker shall often take part in physical exercise. Physical exercise can better improve lung and gastrointestinal function to ensure vigorous energy. At the same time, physical exercise is also an active rest. Brain cells have respective division of work. During physical exercise, nerve cells managing muscle activities would be in excitatory state while nerve cells considering problems would be in inhibitory state to obtain active rest.
Certainly, students contents of physical exercise shall be different from person to person. If he is fatigue due to work and study, he shall go out for exercise, boxing and some active rests. Youngman with better body quality shall select some of sports for exercise according to his body condition and habits to fully develop his body.
v. Person not suitable for long-distance running
Long-distance running exercise has high requirement for lung and heart. During long-distance running, pulse may reach about 130-200 times/min,systolic srterial pressure may reach 150-200mmHg and breath may reach about 36 times/min. Therefore, person suffering from heard, liver and kidney diseases is not suitable long-distance running during emergent stage of attack. In addition, person suffering from common cold or disease period and during convalescent period is not suitable for long-distance running.
vi. Selecting swimming location
Open swimming pool checked acceptable by sanitary epidemic preventive department is sure to be relative idea swimming location. However, if you swim in outdoor natural river, lake and sea, you must pay attention to the followings: water must be clean running water without any infectious disease; river bottom must be sand bottom without any sludge, riprap, growing float grass, submerged rock, sharp plants and fishes injuring human; zone must be one without busy transportation with smooth water flow.
V. Guide key points for students physical exercise and health protection
i. Setting up correct sense of health
Human body may die naturally. Therefore, disease is unavoidable. However, why would human see doctor when suffering disease instead of health Not only disease is an evil but also doctor is also an evil. Constant medical care would become living into an evil, while human body would become doctors operation object.
In order to strengthen health, there has been a large amount of optional means. It is possible to keep healthy body and glad spirit until end of life. It means that we should be persisted in physical exercise for a life. Why many persons can not be persisted in physical exercise for a life? Some of them has not healthy body or are very fat so as to be getting old before his time and have no living pleasure. Through analysis of the reasons, in addition to problem in recognition, main problem is to be short of firm will and not be able to overcome various difficulties in exercise. Therefore, it is a key point to stride it. A person must promote himself to banish his harmful habit and life style, and regularly overcome his living inertia. A person shall climb up step by step like climbing step until the peak of physical and mental health.
Student stage is the best stage in a life. They often believe that they are strong and health, and does not need exercise. This is a mistaken idea.
The society quickens the development to level of civilization but brings many side effects. Urban polluted air, bored noise and polluted river, natural living rhythm being destroyed, poison of nicotine, alcohol and chemicals as well as less body activity are destroying modern persons suitability and damaging human health. Therefore, it is mistaken idea to believe that his body is healthy and can keep health without exercise.
ii. Cultivating healthy life style
Students energy and physical force is at the peak stage of life. However, some of persons have not obvious cognition for their life style in realistic living even can not life according to correct rule so as to bring many hazards.
In order to maintain students health, it is necessary to set up healthy life style to ensure living according to objective rule and changing life style without obvious cognition. If we can not live according to the correct rule, it may bring many hazards to health.
In order to maintain students health, it is necessary to set up healthy life style and change bad habit, and cultivate preference and habit beneficial to health. Therefore, physical exercise for a life shall become their pursuance.
iii. Constant physical exercise
We should have a correct cognition for our health and healthy life style to lay a solid foundation in cognition for lifelong physical exercise. However, it must be put into practice and needs to have more will power.
The main reason that students can not persisted in physical exercise consciously is that they can not be persistent. Whatever it is subjective or objective reason, the person in this stage shall be persisted in physical exercise consciously. In order to strengthen body health, it is necessary to scientifically arrange own work, study and living to form a living rule to keep physical exercise, which will keep health in stage of youth and lay a solid foundation for middle and old aged physical exercise.
The society quickens the development to level of civilization but brings many side effects. Urban polluted air, bored noise and polluted river, natural living rhythm being destroyed, poison of nicotine, alcohol and chemicals as well as less body activity are destroying modern persons suitability and damaging human health. Therefore, it is mistaken idea to believe that his body is healthy and can keep health without exercise.
ii. Cultivating healthy life style
Students energy and physical force is at the peak stage of life. However, some of persons have not obvious cognition for their life style in realistic living even can not life according to correct rule so as to bring many hazards.
In order to maintain students health, it is necessary to set up healthy life style and change bad habit, and cultivate preference and habit beneficial to health. Therefore, physical exercise for a life shall become their pursuance.
iii. Constant physical exercise
We should have a correct cognition for our health and healthy life style to lay a solid foundation in cognition for lifelong physical exercise. However, it must be put into practice and needs to have more will power.
The main reason that students can not persisted in physical exercise consciously is that they can not be persistent. Whatever it is subjective or objective reason, the person in this stage shall be persisted in physical exercise consciously. In order to strengthen body health, it is necessary to scientifically arrange own work, study and living to form a living rule to keep physical exercise, which will keep health in stage of youth and lay a solid foundation for middle and old aged physical exercise.
iv. Appraisement of health protection of physical exercise
In order to master own exercise effect and excite enthusiasm of physical exercise and objectively appraise effect of physical exercise, physical exercise is a indispensable important hinge for school-in students.
Many students can not fully understand the ward “health” and believe that no disease is equal to health. According to the definition of the charter of the World Health Organization, the standard to judge whether a person is healthy mainly shall be as following four aspects:
(1) All parts of body are even with normal growth;
(2) No abnormal condition with disease that must be treated;
(3) Good skin color and correct posture;
(4) Strong appetite and normal defecation.
VII. Reasonable alternation of physical exercise
Reasonable alternation of physical exercise is a mode of fitness to combine with all kinds of physiological functions of human body. According to this principle, it is possible to use the following modes of physical exercise:
(1)体脑结合 一方面进行体力锻炼,如跑步、游泳、爬山等;另一方面进行脑力锻炼,如玩各种棋类、做智力游戏以及背诗词、名言佳句、外文单词。这样两方面结合进行,使身心都得到锻炼。
(1) Combination of brain activity with physical activity: on the one hand, carry out physical exercise such as running, swimming and climbing mountain etc; on the other hand, carry out brain exercise such as playing various board games, mind games and reciting poems, logion and foreign words etc. The combination of two kinds of exercises may reach target of physical and mental health.
(2)动静结合 一方面为断进行体力和脑力活动锻炼;另一方面每天抽出一定时间使体脑都静下来,全身肌肉放松(站、坐、卧姿势均可),去掉头脑中的一切杂念,把意念集中于脐或脐下。若能很快转入忘掉一切的境地最为有效。这样可以使大脑的边缘系统情绪中枢得到休息,恢复正常平衡,从而使边缘系统的植物神经和内分泌系统的高级中枢恢复正常功能。
(2) Dynamic and static combination: firstly, we should carry out physical and brain exercise; secondly we should use some of time to keep brain quiet and relax body muscles (standing, seating and lying postures) to eliminate all distracting thoughts in mind and concentrate idea to belly button or lower. If anything in brain can be forgotten as soon as possible, you will obtain the best effect. In this way, your edge system in mind can have a rest to resume normal balance and make vegetative nerve and high-level center of endocrine system resume normal function.
(3)左右结合 即右侧侧肢体和左侧肢体作交替运动。如果你是个用右手干活的人,建议你经常用左手握健身球,有机会就多活动左手。随时做一些本来由右手做的动作。这一运动方式千万不要小看,手是外部的“脑”,一个大拇指在支配它的大脑皮层所占区域的10倍。则于一般人多用右手,而大部分右侧大脑皮层任其“荒芜”,若能“开发”,潜力无穷。反过来,常用左手的人,可多用右手。
(3) Left and right combination: that is to say that you can use right and left limbs for alternative exercise. If you are a person used to left hand, we recommend you using your left hand to hold fitness ball and more exercise your left hand whenever there is an opportunity. You can do some activities that shall be executed by your hand. This exercise is very important because hand is a persons external “brain”. Only one thumb can dominate 10x area of his cerebral cortex. General persons are used to use right hand while most of persons cerebral cortexes are “wasted”. If it is “developed”, it will have tremendous potential. On the contrary, person used to left hand usually likes to use right hand.
(4)上下结合 人类由于直立而形成手足分工是一种进步,但同时也使支配双足的大脑皮层机能退化,因此人们的机动性、灵活性、敏捷性、对外界的反应性都大大低于猿猴类。另外,人则于直立地面,因此极易发生脑血管疾病。经常适量地上下交替运动非常有益。一般可经常活动脚趾,如有意识地夹取、抱持东西等。
(4) Combination of upper part with lower part: Human has formed further division of work due to walking upright, which is a progress. At the same time, it also make functions of cerebral cortex to dominate double feet be degraded. Therefore, humans maneuverability, flexibility, smartness and response ability for the outside are greatly lower than apes and kinds. In addition, human stands upright on ground and is easy to suffer from cerebrovascular diseases. Regular and suitable upper and lower alternative exercise is very beneficial for health. Generally, you can often exercise toes for example consciously picking up or clamping something etc.
(5)前后结合 向前行走,在常人大脑运动区已成为定势。若能改变这一定势,每天做一些倒退步、后退跑运动,可使下肢灵活,还可预防和治疗腰腿痛病。
(5) Forward and backward combination: Walking forward for common person is a fixed posture in brain activity area. If it were changed, for example doing backward walking or running backward, it is possible to promote lower limbs flexible, and prevent and cure lumbago and sciatica diseases.
You should not use one mode to start all exercises and shall do alternative exercise from much to less and from simple to difficult in daily living. If you can be persisted in it for a long time, you will obtain unexpected results.

Translators unit: Chongqing Police College Vocational School, Tactic Department
iv. Appraisement of health protection of physical exercise
In order to master own exercise effect and excite enthusiasm of physical exercise and objectively appraise effect of physical exercise, physical exercise is a indispensable important hinge for school-in students.
Many students can not fully understand the word “health” and believe that no disease is equal to health. According to the definition of the charter of the World Health Organization, the standard to judge whether a person is healthy mainly shall be as following four aspects: being able to exercise for 20 ~ 30mins, practice physical exercise, Taijiquan or slow running at the location with fresh air after getting up in the morning. It is notable that exercise in the morning shall not be too long, amount of exercise shall not be too large and exercise item shall not be too complicated, or otherwise, it would affect work and study on the day.
Time after work or after school afternoon (generally 14:00~18:00)shall be the best sport time a day. During the time, you can arrange match or relative strenuous exercise. However, the exercise amount shall not be too large to prevent affecting activity in the evening. It is very beneficial to eliminate fatigue from work and study on the day and strengthen health.
It is necessary to avoid strenuous exercise after supper and before going to bed. It is possible to arrange light and gentle fitness exercise such as taking a walk, practice qigong and Taijiquan etc.
iv. More physical exercise for brainworker
Generally, students silently seat classroom, laboratory and office for study and work by crouching down. Keeping such a posture for a long time and not taking part in physical exercise would cause many diseases such as astriction and gastroptosis etc. Therefore, brainworker shall often take part in physical exercise. Physical exercise can better improve lung and gastrointestinal function to ensure vigorous energy. At the same time, physical exercise is also an active rest. Brain cells have respective division of work. During physical exercise, nerve cells managing muscle activities would be in excitatory state while nerve cells considering problems would be in inhibitory state to obtain active rest.
Certainly, students contents of physical exercise shall be different from person to person. If he is fatigue due to work and study, he shall go out for exercise, boxing and some active rests. Youngman with better body quality shall select some of sports for exercise according to his body condition and habits to fully develop his body.
v. Person not suitable for long-distance running
Long-distance running exercise has high requirement for lung and heart. During long-distance running, pulse may reach about 130 ~ 200 times/min,systolic srterial pressure may reach 150~200mmHg and breath may reach about 36 times/min. Therefore, person suffering from heard, liver and kidney diseases is not suitable long-distance running during emergent stage of attack. In addition, person suffering from common cold or tonsillitis having a fever and during convalescent period is not suitable for long-distance running, or otherwise, it would affect health. In a ward, patient suffering from disease and during convalescent period is not suitable for long-distance running exercise.
vi. Selecting swimming location
Open swimming pool checked acceptable by sanitary epidemic preventive department is sure to be relative idea swimming location. However, if you swim in outdoor natural river, lake and sea, you must pay attention to the followings: water must be clean running water without any infectious disease; river bottom must be sand bottom without any sludge, riprap, growing float grass, submerged rock, sharp plants and fishes injuring human; zone must be one without busy transportation with smooth water flow.
VI. Guide key points for students physical exercise and health protection
i. Setting up correct sense of health
Human body may die naturally. Therefore, disease is unavoidable. However, why would human see doctor when suffering from disease instead of health? Not only disease is an evil but also doctor is also an evil. Constant medical care would become living into an evil, while human body would become doctors operation object.
In order to strengthen health, there has been a large amount of optional means. It is possible to keep healthy body and glad spirit until end of life. It means that we should be persisted in physical exercise for a life. Why many persons can not be persisted in physical exercise for a life? Some of them has not healthy body or are very fat so as to be getting old before his time and have no living pleasure. Through analysis of the reasons, in addition to problem in recognition, main problem is to be short of firm will and not be able to overcome various difficulties in exercise. Therefore, it is a key point to stride it. A person must promote himself to banish his harmful habit and life style, and regularly overcome his living inertia. A person shall climb up step by step like climbing step until the peak of physical and mental health.
Student stage is the best stage in a life. They often believe that they are strong and health, and does not need exercise. This is a mistaken idea.




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