标题 | 回归质量课堂:新时代高校思政课教学改革路径探析 |
范文 | 陈明 摘 要 高校思政课教学面临的困境主要集中在外部环境、制度与体制对于教师教学动机与行动的约束,进而表现为教师身份、教学地位与课程内容的弱化。在这一背景下,思政课教师对自己身份、角色与发展定位模糊,在教学过程中缺少积极性、主动性与自我创造性。这一困境的解决,关键在于从考核体系改革、压力型体制的纠偏、注重内容创新等方面纠正现有思政课教师在教学动机与行为上出现的偏差,着重打造质量课堂。注重教学质量,打造质量课堂,将成为未来中国思政课教学的发展方向。 关键词 质量课堂 高校思政课 教学改革 教学动机 中图分类号:G41 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2019.06.035 Returning to Quality Classroom: A Probe into the Reform Path of Ideological and Political Course Teaching in Colleges and Universities in the New Era CHEN Ming (Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079) Abstract The predicament of Ideological and political teaching in Colleges and universities mainly lies in the restriction of external environment, system and system on teachers' teaching motivation and action, which is further manifested in the weakening of teachers' identity, teaching status and curriculum content. Under this background, ideological and political teachers have a vague orientation of their identity, role and development, and lack of enthusiasm, initiative and self-creativity in the teaching process. The key to solve this dilemma lies in correcting the deviations in the teaching motivation and behavior of the existing ideological and political teachers from the aspects of the reform of the assessment system, the correction of the pressure-based system, and the emphasis on content innovation, etc., and focusing on building a quality classroom. Paying attention to teaching quality and creating quality classroom will become the development direction of Ideological and political teaching in China in the future. Keywords quality classroom; college Ideological and political class; teaching reform; teaching motivation 黨的十八大以来,习近平总书记围绕培养什么人、怎样培养人和为谁培养人这一根本问题,对学校思政课建设做出了一系列的战略部署。在刚刚闭幕的学校思政课教师座谈会中,习近平总书记强调“办好思想政治理论课关键在教师,关键在发挥教师的积极性、主动性、创造性。”厘清当前思政课教学所面临的困境必须首先以教师这一关键主体作为切入点,才能从本源上找到解决困境的方法。本文以高校思政课教学为具体研究对象,以高校思政课教师教学实践为切入点,试图从本源上回应当前高校思政课教学改革面临的困境与出路。 1 当前高校思政课教学面临的困境 作为高校思政课教师,其教学动机来源于自身对于其教学身份的自我评估,进而产生教学实践与行动。这种自我评估受到各种复杂要素的影响,其中最主要因素包括社会环境、制度与体制,它们主要形塑了高校思政课教师对于教学其身份与功能的定位,并从根本上决定了高校思政课教学的质量。以此为切入点,当前高校思政课教学面临的困境主要包括以下三个层面: 1.1 互联网时代的去中心化——教师身份的弱化 我国目前已经进入互联网时代,知识也开始进入数字化普及的时代,出现了去中心化的趋势。传统知识的传播是通过以教师为主体的课堂进行的,教师是整个知识体系传播的中心所在。教师在知识的传播中拥有较高的甚至绝对的话语权,这种话语权本身形塑了教师的权威性身份。学生对于知识的需求进而转化为对于教师的尊重、服从与崇拜。教师在这种尊重、服从与崇拜中初步建构了自己的角色、身份与责任。而在互联网时代,学生可以在教师之外获取更多的甚至更富有建设性的知识体系,知识传播的中心逐渐消失了,与此相伴随的是课堂的去权威化以及教师对于自身定位的模糊与迷失。 1.2 绩效时代的去教学化——教学地位的弱化 |
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