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单词 ability
释义 ability noun¹ 1skill/power to do sth处事技巧;办事能力adjective | ... of ability | verb + ability | preposition | phrases adjective➤exceptional, extraordinary, great, outstanding, remarkable, uncanny非凡的才干;卓越的才能;雄才;杰出的才能▸➤inherent, innate, natural固有的能力;天赋的才干;天生的能力◆it's important to discover the natural abilities of each child.发现每个孩子的天赋才能很重要。➤proven已证实的才能▸➤academic, acting, artistic, athletic, creative, intellectual, linguistic, mathematical, musical, psychic, reading, technical学术能力;表演才能;艺术才能;运动能力;创造力;智力;语言能力;数学才能;音乐才能;超自然能力;阅读能力;技术能力▸➤mental, physical智力;体能... of ability➤level能力水平◆she showed a high level of ability as a runner.她表现出了作为赛跑选手的很高的奔跑能力。verb + ability➤have, possess具有/拥有能力▸➤retain保持能力▸➤demonstrate, show显露/显现才能◆both players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard.两名球员都展示出大力击球的能力。➤acquire, develop, enhance, improve习得/培养/增强/提高能力▸➤lack缺乏能力▸➤lose失去能力◆i seem to have lost my ability to attract clients.我好像失去了招徕顾客的能力。➤affect, hamper, hinder, impair, impede, limit, undermine影响/束缚/阻碍/削弱/妨碍/限制/损害能力▸➤appreciate, recognize赏识才干;认可才能◆fox's abilities were soon recognized.不久,福克斯的才能得到了认可。➤doubt, question怀疑/质疑能力▸➤overestimate, underestimate高估/低估能力preposition➤ability in⋯的才能◆she showed great ability in mathematics.她显现出非凡的数学才能。phrases➤to the best of your ability尽全力◆we will keep you informed to the best of our ability.我们将竭尽全力为您提供最新信息。ability noun² 2speed with which sb learns学习效率adjective | verb + ability | ability + noun | phrases adjective➤high学习能力高◆the school does nothing for children of high ability.这所学校对学习能力强的孩子没有做什么。➤limited, low学习能力有限;学习能力低▸➤average, mixed中等的/各不相同的学习能力◆it is much more difficult to teach a mixed-ability class.教一个学生能力各不相同的班要难得多。verb + ability➤assess, measure, test评估/衡量/测试学习能力ability + noun➤level能力水平➤range学习能力的高低范围phrases➤a range of ability, a range of abilities学习能力的高低范围◆i taught a wide range of abilities.各种不同学习能力的人我都教过。ability /əbɪləti/ noun (plural abilities) 1. [singular] the fact that sb is able to do sth 能力◆candidates must have the ability to work in a team under pressure. 候选人必须具备面对压力时仍能和别人合作无间的能力。2. [countable, uncountable] a level of skill or intelligence 本领;才能;才智◆i want an opportunity to prove my abilities. 我希望有机会证明我的才能。☞ ability ability nounability ♦︎ capability ♦︎ capacity ♦︎ powerthese are all words for the fact that sb is able to do sth, or the qualities necessary to do sth.这些词均表示能力或才能。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a capability / capacity for sth◆the ability / capability / capacity / power to do sth◆beyond / within your ability / capability / capacity / power◆(a / an) great / remarkable / extraordinary / amazing ability / capacity / powers◆natural / physical / intellectual / mental / limited ability / capability / capacity / powers◆to have / develop / acquire / lack / lose the ability / capability / capacity / power◆to demonstrate / show your ability / capability / capacity / power◆to restrict sb's ability / capability / capacity / power■ ability [singular, uncountable] the fact that sb/sth is able to do sth能力◆the system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.这个系统能同时运行两个或两个以上程序。◆everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.无论支付能力如何,人人都有权得到良好的医疗保健服务。◆i try to do the job to the best of my ability (= as well as i can).我尽全力做好这份工作。opp inability ⓘ inability [singular, uncountable] is the fact of not being able to do sth. * inability 表示无能或无力◆the government's inability to provide basic services政府在提供基本服务方面的无能◆some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay.有些家庭无力支付医疗费用,生了病也得不到医治。▸ able adjective◆you must be able to speak french for this job.干这份工作你得会说法语。◆a viral illness left her barely able to walk.一场病毒引起的疾病使她几乎不能走路。opp unable to do sth ⓘ not able is also used.也用 not able◆he lay there, unable to move.他躺在那儿,动弹不得。◆unfortunately they weren't able to come.可惜的是,他们来不了。■ capability /keɪpəbɪləti/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the ability or qualities necessary to do sth能力;才能◆animals in the zoo have lost the capability of catching food for themselves.动物园的动物已经丧失自己捕食的能力。◆age affects the range of a person's capabilities.年龄影响一个人能力的大小。ⓘ capability is often used to talk about how able a company or country is to produce sth. * capability 常指公司或国家的生产能力◆a company / country's manufacturing / production / processing / defence / weapons / nuclear capability公司或国家的制造/生产/加工能力;国家的防御/军械/核力量▸ capable adjective◆you are capable of better work than this.你有能力做得比这更好。◆i'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.谢谢,我完全有能力自己做。■ capacity /kəpæsəti/ [countable, usually singular] (rather formal) the ability to understand or do sth(领悟或办事)能力◆she has an enormous capacity for hard work.她特别能吃苦耐劳。◆a habit becomes an addiction when it reduces your capacity to enjoy life.习惯使人难以享受生活的乐趣时,就成了一种瘾。ⓘ capacity is often used to talk about social, educational and work-related life skills. * capacity 常指社交技巧、学习能力和工作技能◆a capacity for hard work / humour / enjoying life / learning languages / love / reflective thinking吃苦耐劳的能力;有幽默感;会享受生活;有语言天赋;敢爱敢恨;反思能力■ power [uncountable] (also powers [plural]) a particular ability of the body or mind; all the abilities of your body or mind(身体或心智的)某种能力;(全部)体力,智力◆he had lost the power of speech.他丧失了言语的能力。◆the drug may affect your powers of concentration.这种药可能会影响你的注意力集中。◆at 26, he is at the height of his powers and ranked fourth in the world.26 岁时,他处于巅峰状态,排名世界第四。ⓘ sb's power [uncountable] is also their ability or opportunity to do sth, used especially in the phrases (not) within sb's power, beyond sb's power and do everything within your power. * power 还表示能力或机会,尤用于 (not) within sb's power、beyond sb's power 和 do everything within your power 等短语中◆it is not within my power (= i am unable) to help you.我是爱莫能助啊。◆i will do everything in my power to help you.我将尽全力帮助你。 ability [singular, uncountable] the fact that sb/sth is able to do sth能力◆the system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.这个系统能同时运行两个或两个以上程序。◆everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.无论支付能力如何,人人都有权得到良好的医疗保健服务。◆i try to do the job to the best of my ability (= as well as i can).我尽全力做好这份工作。opp inability ⓘ inability [singular, uncountable] is the fact of not being able to do sth. * inability 表示无能或无力◆the government's inability to provide basic services政府在提供基本服务方面的无能◆some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay.有些家庭无力支付医疗费用,生了病也得不到医治。▸ able adjective◆you must be able to speak french for this job.干这份工作你得会说法语。◆a viral illness left her barely able to walk.一场病毒引起的疾病使她几乎不能走路。opp unable to do sth ⓘ not able is also used.也用 not able◆he lay there, unable to move.他躺在那儿,动弹不得。◆unfortunately they weren't able to come.可惜的是,他们来不了。 ability [uncountable, countable] a level of skill or intelligence; something that sb is able to do well, especially because they are just naturally good at it才能;本领;才智;能力◆almost everyone has some musical ability.几乎人人都有一些音乐才能。◆are you used to teaching students of mixed abilities?你习惯教能力参差不齐的学生吗?◆this programme is about discovering the natural abilities of each child.这个节目旨在发掘每个孩子的天赋。  ➡ see also able → good 4 ability/əˈbɪləti ||; əˈbɪlətɪ/noun [c,u] (plural abilities)(an) ability to do sth the mental or physical power or skill that makes it possible to do sth (心智或身体的)能力;技巧: ◇an ability to make decisions 决策能力◇a person of his ability will have no difficulty getting a job. 以他的能力,找个工作决非难事。 abilitysee ⇨ can/can't 4 ⇨ good at 7     • • •• ⇨ have the ability to do sth• ⇨ to the best of your ability a·bil·i·ty /ə`bɪlətɪ; əˈbɪlɪti/n [c,u]the mental skill or physical power to do something [心智或身体的]能力:◇a young girl with great musical ability 音乐才华很高的小女孩◇ability to do sth a manager must have the ability to communicate well. 经理必须具备善于交际的能力。usage note 用法说明: ability, skill, talent, and 和 knackuse these words about how well someone can do things. your ability is what you can do mentally or physically. 这些词用于表示一个人做事情的能力。ability指心智或身体的能力:◇artistic ability 艺术才华◇athletic ability 运动技能。you can lose your ability to do something. 这种能力可能会失去:◇he lost his ability to walk after the accident. 事故之后,他丧失了行走的能力。a skill is something you can do well because you have learned and practised it. skill 是通过学习和实践而获得的技能:◇a class to improve writing skills 提高写作技能的课。talent is a natural ability to do something particularly well. talent 指能出色地完成某事的天生的能力:◇she has considerable musical talent. 她有相当不错的音乐天赋。a knack is a more informal word for something you do particularly well. knack 指出色地完成某事的本领,属非正式用词:◇a knack for decorating 装饰(布置)的技巧 ☞ ability




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