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单词 build up
释义 build upphrasal verbto become greater, more powerful or larger in number加大;变强;增多◆all the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.各方面的压力越来越大,他因不堪重压有好几个星期没上班了。◆the music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的高潮。▸ build-up noun [uncountable] ◆a steady build-up of traffic in the evenings晚间逐渐繁忙的交通◆carbon dioxide build-up in the atmosphere大气中二氧化碳含量的逐渐增多☞ build up (to sth)☞ build-upbuild upsee ⇨ increase 1,5,13 build upphr v 1. [i,t build sth ↔ up] if something builds up, or you build it up, it gradually increases or grows (使)逐渐增加; (使)增进:◇you need to build your strength up after your illness. 你在病后需要逐步恢复体力。◇they've built up the business over a number of years. 他们用了几年时间使生意日益兴旺。 2. build up sb's hopes to make someone think they will get what they want, when in fact it is unlikely 让某人怀有希望[事实上此希望不可能实现]:◇don't build your hopes up. 别怀有不切实际的希望。




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