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标题 浅谈中考英语阅读理解的解题策略








    1. 信息数量。中考英语试卷中的阅读短文(图表)有4~5篇,短文的信息量都比较充足,长度大约在150~250词左右,要求阅读速度平均为40~50 Wpm(word per minute)左右。

    2. 难易程度。所选短文在语法、句型等方面的难易程度和初中毕业年级教材中的课文基本相同,短文(图表)中的生词量控制在1%左右(由构词法形成的词不计为生词)。短文中尽量避免出现过多的汉语释义,每篇短文所注释的词语一般不超过3个。

    3. 题材定位。阅读理解的题材比较广泛,所选短文(图表)原汁原味、趣味真实、时效性强、接近生活,避开那些流传已久或人所共知的材料。内容可包罗万象,如有关动植物、人物传记、历史、文化、环境、资源、交通、医学、经济、信息、人生等。但总体上说,其题材主要集中在科普知识、社会文化、经济生活和理想信念等几大方面。

    4. 材料体裁。材料的体裁可以多种多样,既包括记叙文,说明文、议论文、应用文,也包括图表等。每套试题往往有一篇考查特定信息能力的广告、公告类材料,也可选用科普、新闻等体裁内容,同卷中几篇阅读材料的体裁尽量不重复或少重复。

    A. 叙述文。叙述文一般以讲述个人生活经历为主,对于经历的陈述通常由一定的时间概念贯穿其中,或顺序或倒序。但一般不出现单纯性的叙述文,大多是夹叙夹议的短文。

    B. 说明文(描述文)。说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相同之处,即提出问题(或以一个事例引出问题)——发现直接原因——分析深层原因——得出结论或找到基本出路。

    C. 议论文。作者首先提出一种普遍认可的观点或某些人认可的主张,然后进行澄清,说明自己的主观看法,或者提出反主张和真实情况等。议论文的这种结构特点决定了它的主要题型是作者观点态度题、文章主旨题以及推理判断题。

    D. 应用文(图表)。应用文的具体内容包括书信、电子邮件、日记、广告、倡议书等。有时也出现涉及海报、通知等内容的图片题或体现某种说明、报告等内容的表格题,这类体裁多以阅读选答案的题型出现。


    1. 主旨大意题。指的是针对短文(图表)的主要内容、中心意思、内在关系等设置的题目,答案涉及短文(图表)的中心大意、标题结论和综合概括等。如短文首尾两段的内容表达是一致的,其主旨便是两段重复表明的语句内容。如果首尾段的主要内容不一致,则须根据段落篇幅量的倾向确定主旨段落。如果短文只有一段,则首句及尾句多为确定主旨句的内容。对于原材料是图表阅读题,其主旨内容往往取决于图片或表格的中心思想。例如:


    58. What s the theme(主题)of Hey! Old Man? (2015年 绥化市)

    A. Love. ? ? ? ? ? B. Food. ? ? ? ? ? C. Famous persons.


    A。第三幅图的标题是“Hey! Old Man”,根据该图中的第一个句子“Its about a moving(感人的)TV play of love—the love for the old and the family.”足可以说明,这是介绍一部关于爱情主题电视剧的海报。

    ② You want to know about my staying in America, right? Well, to tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience.

    I didnt know how different textbook English could be from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Connecticut. When I first studied English, I was told to say “I am fine” when people say “How are you?” . But in the US, I found that people say “I am good” or “Im tired”. One day, someone greeted me with “Whats up?”. It made me confused. I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didnt know what to say.

    From that moment on, I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US cultures.

    To my surprise, US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan(晒黑). However, in China, girls try every possible way to get their skin paler or “whiter”.

    I am also surprised by how hard-working US students are. In China, schoolwork is almost everything, so we study hard and thats it. But here, a “good” student gets good grades, does a lot for the public and plays sports or music. The kids here are so talented. I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano when I was a child and that I have never thought about sports.

    45. The passage is mainly about __________.(2014年 大庆市)

    A. my own travel in the US

    B. my staying in the US

    C. my opinion about the US

    D. my friends in the US



    ③ People play Latin music at home or when they visit their friends. Sometimes fans play cards in the afternoon or at night on weekends or holidays while they listen to Latin music. Some people bring guitars and play them when they sing. They listen to the music while they eat.

    A. People dance to Latin music.

    B. The instruments people play Latin music with.

    C. Latin music is international.

    D. Kinds of Latin music.

    E. The places Latin music comes from.

    F. When to play and listen to Latin music.

    (2015年 齐齐哈尔市)


    F。这是一道对主旨大意进行概括归纳的考题,即为主旨句的压缩表达。这里主要根据原句中的几个关键语句visit their friends, in the afternoon,at night,when they sing,while they eat足可以说明,其表达的是“演奏或收听拉丁音乐的时间”。

    2. 事实细节题。查找短文(图表)中主要的事实和特定的细节问题,考查答题者对关键词句、具体事实、特定情节或真实数字等是否注意和理解,命题内容一般涉及我们平常所说的五个“W(who,where, what, when, why)”和一个“H(How)”。这类题目有时可在原材料中直接找到与答案相关的内容,但有时也对原句中的细微之处稍做变化,或截取原材料中的词语或结构进行改造,所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是非常关键的。例如:

    ① Some time ago, an old businessman had a large store in Boston. He wanted a boy to work for him, and he put an advertisement in the newspaper. The next morning, many boys came to the old mans office, asking for the job.

    There was a post(柱子)by his desk, and there was a nail(钉子)in it. He took a walking stick and said, “Everyone has three chances. If anyone can hit the nail on the head with this stick more than once, I will give him the job.” The boys thought it was easy. They all tried, but nobody could make it. So the old man said, “Im sorry I cant take any of you.” And they left.

    He kept the advertisement in the paper, and the next morning many more boys came, and among them he saw a thin boy who had been there the day before. The boy hit the nail successfully for three times. The old man felt surprised and asked how he did that. “Yes,” said the boy, “I failed yesterday, but I thought that if I kept on trying a while, I could do it. So I went home and practiced hitting a nail with a stick till I could do it, and I got up very early this morning, and tried again.”

    The old man said, “You are the boy for me.” And he gave him the job. Whatever the boy had to do, he tried to do his best. It was not very long before he became the best clerk in the store.

    76. What could they use to hit the nail?(2015年 鸡西市)


    A walking stick/ A stick。根据第二自然段就可以知道,他们可以使用手杖来撞击柱子上的这个钉子。


    69. Alice wants to buy sports shoes for herself. the price is 100 yuan. she should only pay_______ yuan for them.(2015年 黑河市)

    A. thirty ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. sixty ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C. seventy


    C。根据“Sale”栏中的内容“sports shoes, cut off by 30% each one”可知,运动鞋削价30%出售。原价100元的鞋,花70元就可以买到了。

    ③Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im here today to share(分享)a good lesson with you. It is a true story about an overseas student living in Germany.

    After years of hard work, this student graduated with amazing achievements. Everyone thought he was going to get a good job easily and have a bright future. But to his disappointment, he was not even given the chance of an interview! The third time he was refused, he couldnt help telephoning the company to ask why they didnt want him. The answer was simple, “We dont offer jobs to dishonest people in Germany.”

    What was wrong, you might ask? The truth is, shortly after he arrived in Germany, this clever student found that it was easy to skip(跳过)buying subway tickets. So in order to save money, he often took the subway without a ticket. As a result, he had been caught without a ticket in the subway four times.

    From this story, we learn that we may get short term benefits in dishonest ways, but the truth will come out sooner or later (迟早) and the cost is high. So remember: honesty is the best rule.

    Thats all for my speech. Thank you!

    62. After he didnt get any chance of an interview, he felt_________. (2014年 牡丹江市)

    A. happy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. scared ? ? ? ? ? C. disappointed


    C。这是根据原文句子“But to disappointment, he was not even given the chance of an interview!”改造而来的题目,只要理解该句的意思就可以确认正确答案为disappointed了。

    3. 词义猜测题。要求考生根据上下文的具体语境确定某一特定的词或短语的准确含义,所考查单词的意义通常要超出考试大纲的范围。除了运用构词法、同义词、反义词以及各种生活常识来猜测词意外,更要依据被猜词汇前后紧密相连的其他词句,也包括破折号、括弧等释义或同位标点符号和列举比较、因果递进、主从复合、让步转折等各种关系来进行猜测分析。答案的干扰项往往是考生比较熟悉的意思,而须要猜测的词在具体语言环境中已经被赋予了特定的新含义,稍有不慎便会犯“想当然”的机械主义错误。例如:

    ①Tom was a college student. He often made excuses not to attend classes. Also, he spent much of his free time playing computer games. He never went to the library to study.

    How time flew! At the end of the term, there was one important event that he was afraid of — the final exam. “What should I do?” Tom walked up and down in the room the day before the exam. He was keyed up. Suddenly, he thought of an idea.

    The next morning, Tom went into the exam room very early. He found a young man who looked so confident and took a seat next to him. “Hey you!” Tom greeted. “What?” The young man asked.

    “Can you do me a favor?” Tom begged(恳求), “Please let me copy your paper(试卷)during the exam. I have to depend on you!” When hearing his word, the young man just smiled but said nothing.

    When the bell rang, the young man stood up immediately and came to the front, saying, “ ? ? ?Now I will hand out(分发)the papers to all of you and collect them in one hour.” Tom sat there with his mouth wide open.

    31. The underlined word “keyed up” most probably means ______. (2015年 哈尔滨市)

    A. satisfied ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. nervous ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?C. brave


    B。根据原文中语境和句子“At the end of the term, there was one important event that he was afraid of—the final exam.”可猜测出,在考试之前Tom的心情一定是“紧张不安的”。

    4. 推理判断题。要求考生在理解原文表格或文字信息的基础上,对材料的细节、主旨和隐含意义进行推理与延伸,然后作出一定的正误判断和后续的预想。正确答案在短文中不会有字面体现,必须从上下文中找到信息和依据。要联系文章的主题思想和言外之意来加以分析判断、归纳推理,做到既不脱离原文主观臆断,又不拘泥于字面理解。对已知的事实进行评价后所做的决定也并非唯一的定论,应该对事实进行合乎情理的分析与思考,有时还须要借助于常识知识进行判断。例如:

    ①Foreign books and soap operas are good, but Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with Mid-Autumn Festival. And lets not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best: its friendliness. Not all countries are as warm as China.

    61. The Spring Festival is more meaningful for Chinese people.(2015年 龙东地区)


    T。原文第二自然段中提到了“As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can never have the meaning of for Chinese that Spring Festival has...”。根据这些叙述判断,“对于中国人来说,春节更有意义。”的说法是成立的。


    40. Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above? (2015年 哈尔滨市)

    A. Three of the inventions were made of metal.

    B. Neither Alexander Bell nor Thomas Edison is American.

    C. Two of the inventions appeared in the 19th century.



    5. 观点态度题。作者的观点、态度题就是指针对作者的写作意图、看法、思路和对事件的评价设置的阅读理解题目。作者在文章中不仅客观地进行叙述和说明,往往还持有某种主张、某种倾向,如对某一观点或赞同或反对,或肯定或批评等。作者的观点和态度除了原文中直接表达外,还经常在短文中间接地表达出来,此时题干中往往含有according to the writer,feel,attitude,opinion,believe,consider,regard,suggest,think等词或短语。例如:

    Ivy: Well. Its just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on(专注于)their study.

    65. Ivy thinks teenagers shouldnt spend much time playing this game. ?(2010年 绥化市)



    6. 词语填空题。要求能正确理解短文中的一些关键词、短语或句子的含义,然后根据特定的语境判断理解、推敲斟酌,最后利用多种表达句型、一词多义、同近义语替换、习语释义、构词方法、语态转换等方式,确定所填写的单词。这类题主要出现在“根据短文内容,完成短文”的题型中,其目的是考查考生的信息转换能力。例如:

    Once a farmers daughter began to think and plan while she was carrying her pail(桶)of milk from the field to the farmhouse. “I will sell this milk”, she said to herself, “and with the money I can surely buy three hundred eggs. I will put these eggs under hens. And surly two hundred and fifty of them will hatch(孵化). I will feed these chickens, and make them fat. And I will take them to the market when chickens are dear. I will sell them at the market, and with the money, I will buy a new dress. In this dress, I will go to the fair. I shall look so fine that all the young men will ask me to marry them. But I will toss my head, and say NO to them all.” As she said this, she really tossed her head. Down fell the pail, and the milk spilled all over the ground. That was the end of all her fine plans.

    The moral of this story is: Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.

    A farmers daughter was once carrying her pail of milk on the farm(71) ? ? ?she began to think and plan. She planned to sell the milk and buy a new dress. She thought that she must(72) ? ? ?the men who fell in love with her when she(73) ? ? ? the new dress to the fair.(74) ? ? ? of this, she tossed her head and the milk spilled all over the ground. Her fine plans were(75) ? ? ? .

    (2015年 大兴安岭市)


    71. when。利用同义转换的方式得到答案。when意思是“当……时”。

    72. refuse。根据句子“...and say NO to them all.”可以得到答案,因为refuse可以用英语解释为say no。

    73. wore。“...she wore the new dress to the fair.”是“in this dress”的同义句。

    74. Thinking。think of意思是“想到这些”,与“As she said this”意思相近。

    75. over/failed。根据语境分析,他的美好愿望会随着牛奶的洒掉而“破灭”了。





    1. 尽量排除心理障碍。提醒学生在做阅读理解题时,不要因为自己掌握的词汇量小,阅读材料中有较多的“生词”而对之望而生畏,造成紧张心理,导致越读越慌,越慌越难的窘境,从而影响正常的阅读和答题。

    2. 切忌心中没有问题。做题之前要先看题干,弄清题目要求,然后带着问题有目的地进行阅读,这样便于考生把握主攻方向,做到有的放矢。必要时可以边阅读边选出考查表层情况问题的答案,从而提高阅读效率及答题的准确性。

    3. 准确把握主旨大意。阅读时切忌逐词割裂地理解,或将无关的词硬凑在一起理解,以致无法获取句子语义及特定语境中篇章的意义,造成信息流中断,曲解或偏离题意。

    4. 善于捕捉关键词句。短文的第一句或最后一句往往是文章或段落的关键句或主题句,对全文的理解起着重要的作用。此外,要能够联系上下文,正确猜测关键词义,做到读了上文,猜测下文,而不要逐词翻译,造成前后脱节,缺乏语感,以致于出现对材料的整体理解错误。

    5. 认真提取细节信息。充分利用语篇中的文字或图表形式等基本信息,准确地寻求具体事实和每个细节,进而理清全文的逻辑关系,弄懂作者的写作意图,挖掘字里行间的深层内涵,归纳出材料的主旨大意。

    6. 始终坚持依文取义。在完成选择题目时,看其是否与文中内容相矛盾,有无文中信息的支持点,是否完全符合题目的要求。如果要求判断其标题的话,要看文章表达的是人还是事,从而推断其标题内容。答案的确定必须以材料整体为基础,不要断章取义和随意联想。

    7. 依据要点推测词义。不要过分推敲材料中的语言点,要抓住每段乃至整篇文章的纲目,对于阅读时所遇到的生词,可以根据上下文的要点内容、语法规则、自然常识和阅读经验等进行分析判断其意思。

    8. 注意中外文化差异。让学生明确英语国家的文化背景、语言习惯、风土人情,从地道英语语言表达标准的角度搞好阅读和答题,切不要以中国人的习惯去理解文章、阐述问题和表达思想。

    9. 灵活掌控答题时间。做阅读理解题时,考生一定要从整体上控制时间,时间的分配应根据文章的难易程度而有所区别。文中一两处没弄懂的地方可以暂且放置一边,等把全部题做完后,再回头来处理。即使做完题后时间所剩无几了,再把未处理的题的答案猜测一下也为时不晚。

    10. 复读材料验证答案。在完成全部阅读理解的题目之后,考生应将答案带入问题中重读原文(图表),看前后意思是否贯通,有无矛盾,若前后不一致或意思矛盾,则要考虑重新选择答案。


    1. 抓好阅读时间。利用平时的上课机会,每周安排一两次限时阅读训练,此训练主要在上课的开始几分钟完成。在课后,可以要求学生进行自我阅读训练,对练习的时间也要作出明确的规定。

    2. 留下阅读痕迹。要求学生对每篇阅读材料的题目答案都在短文(图表)中画出出处,或是在答案题目旁边标注出原文中的行数和解答该题的理由。

    3. 理清解题思路。每次阅读训练都要突出体现目的性、针对性,注重答案的讲解,让学生明确寻找和得出每个答案的方法,做完题以后要请学生自己讲出答案和解题思路。

    4. 精选阅读材料。教师要按照《英语课程标准》的阅读目标要求,并结合当地的《中考英语考试说明》,按照阅读理解题的命题原则,严格把握好英语短文或图表资料的选取尺度,既考虑材料的难易程度,也要照顾到题材、体裁和题型。

    5. 培养阅读习惯。教师要随时提醒学生克服阅读时不必要的头部转动,或用手指或铅笔逐个点词等附带动作,避免影响阅读速度的朗读。对原文不要逐词地去看,要提倡以意群或句子为单位的默读。要让学生学会根据上下文猜测生词的词义,能够直接用英语思维、记关键词、提取主旨。






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