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标题 高中英语阅读有效性教学浅谈


    摘 要:随着新课程改革浪潮的兴起,如何适应改革的要求,在新课程标准的指导下进行有效的阅读课教学,是英语教师应该认真思考的问题。结合教学实际,就如何提高高中英语阅读课堂教学的有效性进行初步探讨,以求更有效地运用阅读这一手段培养和提高学生的英语实际运用能力。






    课程改革要求教师要在发展学生语言能力的同时,培养学生的积极情感态度和价值观、良好的跨文化意识和有效的学习策略。我们的高中英语阅读教学情况不容乐观。首先,虽然课程改革不断地强调要转变教学观念,更新教学方法,但在高考的压力之下,很多的高中英语教师还是本着“务实”的原则,在课堂上依然只注重传授语言知识,不注重培养学生的阅读能力。其次,教师即使在课堂上涉及阅读技能,也是倾向于碎片化、表层化的教学方式,如在阅读课上,教师总是千篇一律地要求学生read for the main idea和read for the detailed information。教学方法单一、陈旧,学生感到乏味,对阅读课也失去了兴趣。








    本单元的话题为Tales of the unexplained,阅读材料为一篇题为“Boy missing,police puzzled”的新闻报道。



    Introduction of Justin Foster:

    1.A (An) __________ (age),________ school student,went to play _______ with two friends at _______ on _______ evening.

    2.He has a ______ sister ________ (name/call)Kelly,_______ (age) 9,______ heard him _______ home at about _______.

    3.His mother,_______ ,was staying at home while his father was working on his _______ job.

    4.He lives in _______,who went ________ that night.

    Case:The boy was missing.

    1._______ called the police on _______.

    2.The police looked into the case:


    1.two friends:Justin went home ______ the game.

    2.Witnesses saw Justin ________ towards his house at _______.

    3.Kelly heard Justin ______ his favorite CD and saw a spaceship looking like _____.

    4.Mrs Mavis Wood:who had been taken ________ the UFO,thought Justin was ________ by aliens.


    Sam Peterson:

    1.There was no _________ that aliens took him.

    2.They didnt ________ the idea,but they were looking ______

    other _________.

    The news:

    Justin went ______? _______ days ago. Some witnesses said he was _______? ______ by aliens since they saw strange lights and aliens. The puzzled police have stepped ________ their search.




    1.Police has stepped _______ their search_______ a fifteen-years-old boy who _______ (go) missing three days ago.

    2.Witnesses _______ the incident also say they saw Justin ________(walk) towards his house ______ 10.45pm.

    3.Kelly,_______ (age) 9,saw a large spaceship _______ (fly) outside the curtains.

    4._______(stand) inside was the large number of strange creatures_____ white skin.

    5.Mr Foster was working when these events were occurred.

    6.Luckily,they returned me home without any _______(injure).

    7.When _______ (ask) about the ________(possible) that Justin was taken by aliens,Sam,_______ has taken charge _______ the case,said that they will not give up until ______ (find) out ______ happened.

    我所设计的这些题目,不仅仅是单句语法填空,可能里面还有改错这样的陷阱题。如第一句中的has,fifteen-years-old,第四句中的was,the large number等错误。



    阅读完这篇新闻报道之后,可以补充相关未解之谜的素材,拓宽学生的语用渠道。如可以补充一篇关于crop circle的阅读材料。

    Crop circles are patterns that appear in fields. The pattern is created when certain areas of the crops are tamped down,but others are left intact. The edge is so clean that it looks like it was created with a machine. Even though the stalks are bent,they are not damaged.Most of the time,the crops continue to grow normal. Sometimes,the patterns are simple circles. In other instances,they are complex designs consisting of several interconnecting geometric shapes. The season for crop circles runs from April to September,which coincides with the growing season.

    Mentions of crop circles were sporadic before the 20th century,but the phenomenon didnt gain attention until 1980,when a farmed in Wiltshine County,England,discovered three circles,each about 18 meters across in his oat crops. UFO researchers and media went to the farm,and the world first began to learn about crop circles. By the 1990s,crop circles had become something of a tourist attraction. In 1990 alone,more than 500 circles emerged in Europe. Within the next few years,there were thousands. Visitors came from around the world to see them. Some farmers even charged admission to their mysterious attractions.

    Researchers have been thinking about the question of crop circles for several decades,but they still haven t come up with a real answer as to why they exist. Possibly the most controversial theory is that crop circles are the work of visitors from other planets——sort of like alien calling cards. The most scientific theory says that crop circles are created by small currents of swirling winds called vortices. The spinning columns force a burst of air down to the ground,which flattens the crops. Some researchers believe that the earth creates its own energy,which forms the circles. One possible form of earth energy is electromagnetic radiation. In fact,scientist have measured strong magnetic fields inside crop circles,and visitors have sometimes reported feeling a tingling sense in their body while in or near the circles. The easiest explanation for crop circles is that they are man-made circles,created either for fun or to challenge scientists.


    Summarize the main idea of each paragraph.

    Para1:introduction of crop circles

    Para2:the attention to crop circles

    Para3:how crop circle might be created


    They are complex designs __________ (consist) of several interconnecting geometric shapes.

    1.Some farmers even charged ________ (admit) to their _________ (mystery) attractions.

    2.Researchers __________ (think) about the question of crop circles for several decades,but they still haven t come up with a real answer as to _______ they exist.

    最后,引导学生在阅读之后探索crop circle的成因,培养他们的科学探索精神:Lets have a discussion:What do you think caused crop circles?






    [2]陈勇.新课程有效教学疑难问题操作性解读 高中英语[M].教育科学出版社,2008.

    编辑 郭小琴





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