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标题 英语非固定词块及其转换生成训练


    [摘 ? 要]为让学生更好地了解、掌握和运用英语词块,教师可以给学生介绍词块的类别,但不宜介绍生涩难懂的词块术语,而应介绍简单易懂的词块分类:1.双词词块与多词词块;2.固定词块、半固定词块与非固定词块。对于非固定词块,可以让学生进行转换生成训练,使学生掌握多种表达方式,提高语言能力和英语学科核心素养。


    [中图分类号] ? ?G633.41 ? ? ? ?[文献标识码] ? ?A ? ? ? ?[文章编号] ? ?1674-6058(2020)28-0030-04

    Becker(1975)最早对词块(lexical chunks,或称语块)进行了专门的研为人类语言的记忆和存储、输出和使用并不是以单个的词为单位,那些固定和半固定的模式化了的板块结构(词块)才是人类进行语言交际的最小单位[1]。Nattinger和DeCarrico(1992)指出,词块是“介于词汇和句子之间的模式化短语”。而Wray(2002)提出,词块是“作为整体储存和使用的词语程式” [2]。王立非(2007)指出,词块就是预制好且被频繁使用的多个词的组合,这种词汇组合有自己特定的结构和相对稳定的意思,它以整体形式被记忆储存,并在即时交际时被整体提取,不需要使用语法规则进行加工分析[3]。王佩娜(2008)认为,词块是语言使用者在语言输入和输出过程中频繁使用的,具有特定语义和结构并以固定或者半固定形式存在的,有利于提高语言生成能力的短语、固定搭配、习惯用语或句式[3]。从各种定义看,词块具有这些特征:形式与功能相对应的词的组合,固定和半固定的相对稳定的模式,具有语言生成能力和语用功能而被频繁使用的语言半成品。


    虽然是Becker最早进行词块研究的,但词块教学法(lexical approach)的创始人却是Lewis(1993)。他根据词汇内部的语义联系和句法功能,将词块分为四类:①多词词块,即由两个以上单词组成的固定短语,如in a word、on the contrary;②高频搭配,即习惯搭配,如coach potato、as far as I am concerned;③惯用话语,指形式固定或半固定、具有固定语用功能的单词组合,如catch a cold、 how are you;④句子框架和引语,即半固定表达,但仅指书面语词汇且作篇章组织手段,如“learn by doing ...”“help yourself to some ...”等[3]。

    而Nattinger和DeCarrico(1992)则从结构和功能角度对词块作了分类:聚合词(如look forward to、by the way等使用时不能改变形式的短语)、惯常的表达形式(如 “Practice makes perfect. ” “How are you? ” 等多数不改变形式的谚语、格言和社交公式话语)、短语限制结构(如 “a week/month/year ago” “have breakfast/lunch/dinner ” 等框架式短语)和句子构造成分(如 “I think that ...” “not only ... but also ...” “It seems to me that ...” 等为句子提供框架的词汇短语)[4]。


    首先,可以按单词数量的多寡将词块划分为双词词块(如concentrate on、for free、as usual)和多词词块(如as well as、 go to the devil等由三个和三个以上单词构成的词块)。平常所说的“意群”就是单词较多的多词词块。

    其次,可以按固定性来给词块分类。各种词块定义中的“模式化短语”“词语程式”“习惯搭配”“惯用话语”“句子框架”“惯常表达形式”和“句子构造成分”等指的是词块的固定性。实际上,词块也有不固定的、临时组合的。Nattinger(1992)认为英语的自然话语中有90 %是由预制词块构成的[2]。但这些词块并非全是固定或者半固定的词块,其中相当一部分是临时组合而生成的非固定词块。所以,根据固定程度,词块可作如下分类:


    (1)独立成分,如believe it or not、to be honest、whats more、 heart and soul等。

    (2)名人名言、格言、谚语、俗语和歇后语,如“Knowledge is power.”“Love me, love my dog.” “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”“Where theres a will, theres a way.”[5]等。

    (3)社交套語(社交公式话语),如 “How do you do? ” “Nice to see you.” “Lovely day, isnt it? ”“Can/May I help you? ” 等。

    (4)典故词块、俗成词块和专有名词词块,如a cats paw、 black tea(红茶)、 Xinhua News Agency、 South China Sea等。



    (2)换词变意词块,指个别单词固定不变而其他单词变换之后改变了意思但仍被整体使用的固定性、框架性较强的词块,如look ahead、 look after、 look at、 look down upon、 look forward to、 look into等。

    (3)框架词块,指根据表达内容的需要只在框架内填入词语即可的词块, 如“not so much ... as ...”“not only ... but also ...”“ more ... than ...”“ either ... or ...”等。

    (4)句型,如“No sooner ...than ...”“Hardly ...when ...”“Its time to/for ...”等。

    3.非固定词块。指随时随地即景表达生成的词块,或将半固定词块灵活地转换、替换、添加成分之后组合而成的即时性、生成性强的词块。较长的非固定词块可以把固定词块和半固定词块包含在内,例如“delicious food”“the parts of a machine”“a harmful food additive”“a world of various flowers”“go on a trip/a tour/an outing/a hike/an outdoor activity/a walk around the lake”等。以下画线部分的短语都属于非固定词块:

    (1) Seen from the mountain top, the village looks like a spot.(过去分词短语)

    (2) She made up her mind to thoroughly clean the guest room.(不定式短语)

    (3) He stood alone in the open air, expecting to watch the brightly burning meteors.(现在分词短语)

    (4) Not having been chosen as monitor, he was disappointed and angry. (完成被动式现在分词短语)

    (5) Hungry and thirsty, they couldnt go any further.(形容词短语)

    (6) Is there any interesting news home and abroad today?(副词短语)

    (7) A strange voice came from behind the wall.(介词短语)













    (1) I am honoured to make the great scientists acquaintance. ? I am honoured to make the acquaintance of the great scientist.

    (2) Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? ? Do you know anyone mentally or physically disabled?

    (3) This merchant is in possession of the controversial Impressionist painting. ? The controversial Impressionist painting is in the possession of this merchant.

    其他的还有“honestly speaking ? to be honest”“What is known to all is that ... ? It is known to all that ...”等等。

    (4) 從句 ? 词块(短语)

    Because she is monitor, she should set up a good example. ? Being monitor, she should set up a good example.

    If there is a concert in our city next week, our guests will stay here. ? There to be a concert in our city next week, our guests will stay here.

    We noticed lots of the villagers who were seated in the back of the classroom. ? We noticed lots of the villagers seated in the back of the classroom.

    (5) 单词 ? 词块

    Amy gives various answers to such a complicated question. ? Amy gives a variety of answers to such a complicated question.

    Changbaishan is home to diverse rare plants and animals. ? Changbaishan is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.


    She has been so absorbed in/involved in/wrapped in/lost in her research that she hasnt had time for social activities. → She has devoted herself so much to/applied herself so much to/applied her mind so much to her research that she hasnt had time for social activities.


    (1) George Hambley is opposed to the view that high levels of carbon dioxide in the air will cause serious results. → George Hambleythe view that high levels of carbon dioxide in the air will not cause serious results.

    (2) Zhou Yang didnt accept professional training in photography. → Zhou Yang just??? course of photography.

    参考答案:(1)subscribes to/agrees to; (2) took an amateur


    (1) I was sorting out my accommodation. →

    I was sorting out ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (屋里凌乱的衣物).

    I was sorting out ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (从不同火山口采集来的熔岩样品).

    参考答案:the messy clothing in the room;the lava samples collected from different volcano craters

    (2)He decided to seize the opportunity and set about applying for a patent. →

    He decided to seize the opportunity and ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (着手寻找一个合适的帮手).

    He decided to seize the opportunity and ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (成立一个专门委员会来调查此事件).

    He decided to seize the opportunity and ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (寫下所见所闻呈给法庭).

    参考答案:set out to look for a suitable assistance;set up a special committee to look into the affair;set down what he had seen and heard to show it to the court


    (1)Gardeners often take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones. → The couple ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(正给活茶树剪枝) to make new ones.

    参考答案:are taking cuttings from growing tea trees

    (2)Cloning also happens when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg. → Madison abruptly found two ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (大小、形状和高度几乎一样的胡桃树).

    参考答案:walnut trees almost identical in size, shape and height


    一架二手钢琴 a second-hand piano →

    叔叔送我一架二手钢琴。My uncle sent me a second-hand piano. →

    我生日那天叔叔送我一架新钢琴。On my birthday my uncle sent me a new piano. →

    那天叔叔送我一架新钢琴作为生日礼物。That day my uncle sent me a new piano as a birthday present.

    7.课文词块活用训练。例如抽取最新人教版高中英语必修5的课文“First Aid for Burns”中的重要或常用词块(包括固定词块)“act as a barrier against ...” “a variety of ...”“depending on ...”“around the edge of ...”“squeeze ... out”“in place”“cause infection”“sit up”“It is vital to ...”等让学生进行口头或书面造句,或用于对课文进行的复述、改写、缩写、归纳大意、填空等,或用来叙述事件、编构故事,作为“Post-reading Task”来巩固知识、加强语篇生成训练。

    8.词块语篇生成训练。运用非固定、半固定词块的“支架”功能把单词连成语句并生成语篇。例如要求学生用必修1 Unit 5中的out of work、 as a matter of fact、 blow up、 in trouble、 turn to、 lose heart、 come to power、 set up、 be sentenced to等词块来叙述一件事,或运用合理想象编个故事,或议论一件事,进而生成语篇。

    参考答案:As a department manager, Mr. Black worked hard and wanted to earn more money to support a family of five: old parents, sick wife, a child and himself. So he suggested the company reform and set up a new system to raise the staffs pay. After his suggestion was turned down, he tried every means to realize his dream of coming to power in the company. As a result, almost everyone disliked him. At last he was so angry as to threaten to blow up the managers office. As a matter of fact, he didnt do that. But what he said was serious so that he was sent to the police and might be sentenced to a certain amount of time in prison. Although he was freed one week later, he was out of work and made his family deep in trouble. To his familys delight, Mr. Black didnt lose heart. He turned to his friends and other relatives, to run a business of his own.


    [ ? 参 ? 考 ? 文 ? 献 ? ]

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    [5] ?高维正,吴克明,康明强.简明英汉谚语词典[Z].南京:江苏人民出版社,1983.

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    [7] ?邓浩潮,周正钟.语块理论视角下的高中英语词汇教学探索[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2013(5):29-33.

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    (责任编辑 周侯辰)





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