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标题 分组比例公平M?GSO优化的FBMC认知无线电资源分配算法
范文 廉昱晴 刘彦隆

关键词: 认知无线电; 群智能算法; 资源分配; 滤波器组; 正交频分复用; 频谱感知
中图分类号: TN92?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0033?05
Abstract: In the multi?carrier cognitive radio system with multiuser mixed business, the grouping proportional fairness thought is fused into the resource allocation according to the actual situation of spectrum sensing error to propose an improved swarm intelligence algorithm. On the promising the fairness of different users and on the basis of filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) technology, the state factor is introduced into the algorithm for mixed business to maximize the cognitive radio system. The swam intelligence algorithm is used to allocate the system resources reasonably for the multiuser business. The cognitive radio systems based on FBMC and OFDM are compared. The simulation analysis results show that the capacity of cognitive radio system based on FBMC is better than that of cognitive radio system based on OFDM while the algorithm has low influence on primary user communication, and the algorithm can ensure the fairness of users, and satisfy the QoS requirement of mixed business.
Keywords: cognitive radio; swarm intelligence algorithm; resource allocation; filter back; OFDM; spectrum sensing0 ?引 ?言
无线通信多用户多业务的需求不断增加,所需的频谱资源的利用随之变得越来越大,无线资源越发紧张,提高无线频谱的利用率成为无线资源亟待优化的热点问题之一[1]。认知无线电(Cognitive Radio,CR)在确保授权用户正常通信的前提下,可以很好地感知空闲频谱资源,以提供更多的频谱资源,被认为可以有效地改善无线频谱资源匮乏的情况[2]。
自正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)技术提出以来,鉴于其可以动态地调整子信道的调制技术和发射功率,可以有效提高频谱利用率[3]。美中不足,OFDM技术存在循环前缀,具有较大的带外泄露(Out?of?Band?Leakage,OOBL)等问题,这些都会影响系统频谱利用率。相比OFDM技术,滤波器组多载波(Filter Bank Multicarrier,FBMC)技术,作为5G物理层备选技术之一[4],能够很好地降低带外频谱泄露,不需要循环前缀就可以提升频谱利用效率[5],能很好地应用于CR系统中。
本文基于FBMC多载波认知无线电系统,结合实际情况,在考虑感知错误的前提下,将分组比例公平改进萤火虫优化(Modified Glowworm Swarm Optimization, M?GSO)算法用于系统资源分配中。算法先通过分组比例公平调度,在此基础上引入用户状态因子,再利用M?GSO算法进行资源分配,提高频谱利用率。

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