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标题 零售商差异收取新产品通道费问题研究









    通道费是指供货商为了使自己的产品进入连锁超市、百货店等大型零售终端,而向零售商交纳的一笔费用。从20世纪90年代到21世纪初, 国外文献对通道费的认识主要形成了“市场效率”解释说和“市场势力”解释说(Bloom,2000)。“市场效率”解释说认为通道费的使用说明了市场效率加强了,社会福利增加了,它促进了市场竞争,是一种积极的市场行为。“市场势力”解释说认为通道费的使用是因为零售商发挥了自己在市场上的强有力地位,是一种市场势力的表现;它使市场效率降低了,抑制了市场竞争,是一种消极的市场行为。也有学者提出通道费为合理配置货架空间、优化商品流通渠道,以及调整商品结构提供了有效的信息甄别工具(王永培,2011)。然而通道费收取的标准不统一,商品品牌影响力不同,收费的标准也不同(顾国建,2003)。通道费占商品销售额的比例因行业、产品及零售商和供应商的相对规模、相对品牌实力而异(李凤发,2005),连锁超市按照商品与消费者生活的关联度高低来区别对待通道费率(林娜,2009)。



    假设一个供货商通过一个零售商的货架资源引入新产品(双方都是风险中立的),新产品引入的方式可以分成完全新产品、品牌延伸、产品线延伸和产品升级换代(Ambler, 1997)。在这四种方式中,不确定性最小的方式为产品升级换代,不确定性最大的是完全新产品。因此,对于不确定性小的产品,零售商和供货商对产品的需求状况具有相同的信息,信息在这种情况下是对称的;对于不确定性大的产品,由于供货商参与了生产过程,因此比零售商更清楚产品以后投放到市场后的需求状况,信息在这种情况下是不对称的。所以,在零售商和供货商的博弈过程中,供货商有时能够根据零售商提出的合同内容做出反应,制定最优的批发价格,而有时却不能做出反应。











    2. 可调整批发价格:







    1. 非调整批发价格。在这种情况下,零售商仍然是实行差异方式来收取通道费。但是,对两种产品征收的通道费数量都下降了,并且对高需求产品收取的通道费数量下降得更多,出现对高需求的产品征收低通道费,而对低需求的产品征收高通道费的情形。这是因为在信息不对称时,为了吸引更多的高需求产品进入其货架,零售商对高需求产品的“待遇”更优厚些,对其征收的通道费数额在减少。这也可以视为在信息不对称时,零售商为了分清供货商提供产品的类型而付出的成本。

    2. 可调整批发价格。信息不对称、可调整批发价格且高需求产品市场占有率比较低时,零售商仍然征收差异通道费。由于高需求产品的供货商能够通过获得零售商的货架资源而得到更多销量,因而零售商对高需求产品征收的通道费数额更多。与信息对称及信息不对称、非调整批发价格相比较,可以看出此时征收的通道费数额要高于非调整批发价格时的情形。这是因为此时供货商能够就零售商提出的通道费条款进行调整自己的批发价格,从而能够从这一调整过程中提升产品的销量,获得零售商的货架给其带来的销量要高于非调整批发价格的情形。因此,零售商此时征收的通道费要高于非调整批发价格时的收费。但是,此时的收费仍然远低于对称信息时高需求产品的收费,与信息对称时对低需求产品的收费略有差异。这也可以看成是在信息不对称时,零售商为了分清供货商类型而付出的成本。








    [4]Ambler Tim,Chris Styles.Brand development versus new product development: toward a process model of extension decisions[J].Journal of Product & Brand Management, 1997,6(4):222-234.

    [5]Bloom,Paul N.,Gregory T. Gundlach and Joseph P. Cannon, Slotting Allowances and Fees: Schools of Thought and the Views of Practicing Managers[J].Journal of Marketing,2000,64(2):92-108.

    [6]Chu, Wujin.Demand Signalling and Screening in Channels of Distribution[J].Marketing Science, 1992,11(4):327-347.

    [7]Desai, Preyas S., Multiple Messages to Retain Retailers: Signaling New Product Demand[J].Marketing Science,2000,19(4):381-389.

    [8]Gundlach, Gregory T., Paul N. Bloom. Slotting Allowances and the Retail Sale of Alcohol Beverages[J].Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1998,17(2):173-184.

    [9]Krattenmaker, Thomas G. and Steven C. Salop, Analyzing anticompetitive exclusion, Antitrust Law Journal,1987,56(1):71-90.

    [10]Lariviere, Martin A.,V. Padmanabhan.Slotting Allowances and New Product Introductions, Marketing Science,1997,16(2):112-128.

    [11]Rao, Akshay R.,Humaira Mahi.The Price of Launching a New Product: Empirical Evidence on Factors Affecting the Relative Magnitude of Slotting Allowance[J].Marketing Science, 2003,22(2):246-268.

    [12]Sullivan, Mary, Slotting allowances and the market for new products[J].Journal of Law and Economics, 1997,40(2):461-494.

    Research on New Product Slotting Allowances Discrimination by Retailers

    YANG Ru-liang1, SUN Yuan-xin2

    (1.School of International Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,

    Shanghai 200433, China;2.Research Institute of Free Trade Zone,Shanghai University of

    Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433, China)

    Abstract:The paper discusses how to charge slotting allowances when large retailers introduce new products. With the tool of game theory, we get the following conclusions. In the symmetric information condition, the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance according to the new products′ demand type. However, in the asymmetric information situation, the retailer will choose the right way of charging by the quality of the wholesale price of the suppliers and the amount of high quality products in the market. If the supplier can′t alter the wholesale price, then the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance. If the supplier can alter the wholesale price and the ratio of high quality products in the market is low, the retailer will also charge differently. Otherwise, slotting allowance will be charged same.

    Key words:slotting allowance; new product; discrimination


    [5]Bloom,Paul N.,Gregory T. Gundlach and Joseph P. Cannon, Slotting Allowances and Fees: Schools of Thought and the Views of Practicing Managers[J].Journal of Marketing,2000,64(2):92-108.

    [6]Chu, Wujin.Demand Signalling and Screening in Channels of Distribution[J].Marketing Science, 1992,11(4):327-347.

    [7]Desai, Preyas S., Multiple Messages to Retain Retailers: Signaling New Product Demand[J].Marketing Science,2000,19(4):381-389.

    [8]Gundlach, Gregory T., Paul N. Bloom. Slotting Allowances and the Retail Sale of Alcohol Beverages[J].Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1998,17(2):173-184.

    [9]Krattenmaker, Thomas G. and Steven C. Salop, Analyzing anticompetitive exclusion, Antitrust Law Journal,1987,56(1):71-90.

    [10]Lariviere, Martin A.,V. Padmanabhan.Slotting Allowances and New Product Introductions, Marketing Science,1997,16(2):112-128.

    [11]Rao, Akshay R.,Humaira Mahi.The Price of Launching a New Product: Empirical Evidence on Factors Affecting the Relative Magnitude of Slotting Allowance[J].Marketing Science, 2003,22(2):246-268.

    [12]Sullivan, Mary, Slotting allowances and the market for new products[J].Journal of Law and Economics, 1997,40(2):461-494.

    Research on New Product Slotting Allowances Discrimination by Retailers

    YANG Ru-liang1, SUN Yuan-xin2

    (1.School of International Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,

    Shanghai 200433, China;2.Research Institute of Free Trade Zone,Shanghai University of

    Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433, China)

    Abstract:The paper discusses how to charge slotting allowances when large retailers introduce new products. With the tool of game theory, we get the following conclusions. In the symmetric information condition, the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance according to the new products′ demand type. However, in the asymmetric information situation, the retailer will choose the right way of charging by the quality of the wholesale price of the suppliers and the amount of high quality products in the market. If the supplier can′t alter the wholesale price, then the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance. If the supplier can alter the wholesale price and the ratio of high quality products in the market is low, the retailer will also charge differently. Otherwise, slotting allowance will be charged same.

    Key words:slotting allowance; new product; discrimination


    [5]Bloom,Paul N.,Gregory T. Gundlach and Joseph P. Cannon, Slotting Allowances and Fees: Schools of Thought and the Views of Practicing Managers[J].Journal of Marketing,2000,64(2):92-108.

    [6]Chu, Wujin.Demand Signalling and Screening in Channels of Distribution[J].Marketing Science, 1992,11(4):327-347.

    [7]Desai, Preyas S., Multiple Messages to Retain Retailers: Signaling New Product Demand[J].Marketing Science,2000,19(4):381-389.

    [8]Gundlach, Gregory T., Paul N. Bloom. Slotting Allowances and the Retail Sale of Alcohol Beverages[J].Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1998,17(2):173-184.

    [9]Krattenmaker, Thomas G. and Steven C. Salop, Analyzing anticompetitive exclusion, Antitrust Law Journal,1987,56(1):71-90.

    [10]Lariviere, Martin A.,V. Padmanabhan.Slotting Allowances and New Product Introductions, Marketing Science,1997,16(2):112-128.

    [11]Rao, Akshay R.,Humaira Mahi.The Price of Launching a New Product: Empirical Evidence on Factors Affecting the Relative Magnitude of Slotting Allowance[J].Marketing Science, 2003,22(2):246-268.

    [12]Sullivan, Mary, Slotting allowances and the market for new products[J].Journal of Law and Economics, 1997,40(2):461-494.

    Research on New Product Slotting Allowances Discrimination by Retailers

    YANG Ru-liang1, SUN Yuan-xin2

    (1.School of International Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,

    Shanghai 200433, China;2.Research Institute of Free Trade Zone,Shanghai University of

    Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433, China)

    Abstract:The paper discusses how to charge slotting allowances when large retailers introduce new products. With the tool of game theory, we get the following conclusions. In the symmetric information condition, the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance according to the new products′ demand type. However, in the asymmetric information situation, the retailer will choose the right way of charging by the quality of the wholesale price of the suppliers and the amount of high quality products in the market. If the supplier can′t alter the wholesale price, then the retailer will charge a different slotting allowance. If the supplier can alter the wholesale price and the ratio of high quality products in the market is low, the retailer will also charge differently. Otherwise, slotting allowance will be charged same.

    Key words:slotting allowance; new product; discrimination






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