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单词 throughout
释义 throughout/θru:ˈaʊt ||; θruˈaυt/adv prep1. in every part of sth 到处: ◇the house is beautifully decorated throughout. 房子里四处都装饰得很好看。◇the match can be watched live on television throughout the world. 那场比赛全世界都可以通过电视直播观看。 2. from the beginning to the end of sth 从头到尾;在整段时间: ◇we didn't enjoy the holiday because it rained throughout. 我们假期玩得不开心,因为整段时间都在下雨。 throughoutsee ⇨ everywhere 2 through·out /θru`at; θruːˈaʊt/adv, prep 1. in every part of a place 遍及; 在…各处:◇thanksgiving is celebrated throughout the us. 美国各地都过感恩节。 2. during all of an event or a period of time 从头到尾,自始至终:◇she was calm throughout the interview. 面试的整个过程中她都保持着镇静。 ☞ throughout




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