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单词 through
释义 through/θru: ||; θru/prep adv1. from one end or side of sth to the other 穿过;通过: ◇we drove through the centre of london. 我们开车穿过伦敦市中心。◇to look through a telescope 透过望远镜观看◇she cut through the rope. 她把绳子切断了。◇to push through a crowd of people 从人群中挤过去 2. from the beginning to the end of sth 从头到尾: ◇food supplies will not last through the winter. 食物供应维持不了整个冬天。◇we're halfway through the book. 这本书我们已经看了一半。◇he read the letter through and handed it back. 他把信从头至尾看了一遍,然后交还给人家。 3. past a limit, stage or test 越过(限度);通过(阶段或考试): ◇he lifted the rope to let us through. 他举高绳子让我们过去。◇she didn't get through the first interview. 第一次面试她就没有通过。 4. because of; with the help of 因为;藉着: ◇errors were made through bad organization. 出错是由于组织欠佳。◇david got the job through his uncle. 戴维藉叔父的帮助得到那份差事。 5. (also thru) (us 美) until, and including 直至;直到: ◇they are staying monday through friday. 他们要从星期一逗留到星期五。 6. (brit 英) connected by telephone 接通(电话): ◇can you put me through to extension 5678, please? 请替我接分机5678。 be through (with sb/sth) to have finished with sb/sth (与某人或某事物)断绝关系,一刀两断 throughsee ⇨ across 1 ⇨ because 1 ⇨ during 1 ⇨ time 7 ⇨ until 1     • • •• ⇨ be nearly finished/done/through• ⇨ be through• ⇨ come through• ⇨ get through• ⇨ go through• ⇨ go/run through☞ through¹☞ through²☞ through³




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