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单词 afloat
释义 afloat adjective¹ 1floating on water漂浮verbs➤be漂浮着▸➤keep, remain, stay持续漂浮着;仍然漂浮着;保持漂浮的状态▸➤set sth使某物漂浮着◆the children set their new boat afloat on the lake.孩子们让新船漂在湖中。➤keep sth使某物保持漂浮状态◆they were struggling to keep the vessel afloat.他们尽力让船漂浮。afloat adjective² 2able to survive financially经济上可维持verbs➤keep, stay维持下去;保持不负债◆he is struggling to keep afloat after a series of emotional and health problems.在经历了一系列的情感打击和健康问题后,他正努力使自己支撑下去。➤keep sth使⋯不负债◆they had to sell their assets to keep the business afloat.他们不得不卖掉资产以使企业维持下去。 afloat /əfləʊt; name əfloʊt/ adjective [not before noun] (about a business, an economy, etc.) having enough money to pay debts; able to survive (指企业、经济体)有偿债能力,能维持下去◆the company is trying to raise £15 million, just to stay afloat. 这公司正在设法筹集 1500 万英镑以维持经营。◆he has been struggling to keep his business afloat. 他一直在努力保住自己的公司。☞ afloatafloat/əˈfləʊt ||; əˈflot/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) 1. on the surface of the water; not sinking (浮)在水面: ◇a life jacket helps you stay afloat if you fall in the water. 要是落水,救生衣能帮你浮在水面。 2. (used about a business, an economy, etc) having enough money to survive (指企业、经济等)财力足以维持下去 afloatsee ⇨ on/on top of 2 ⇨ owe 8     • • •• ⇨ stay afloat a·float /ə`flot; əˈfləʊt/adj 1. floating on water (在水中)漂浮的 2. keep/stay afloat to have enough money to pay your debts and continue in business 不欠债的:◇she had to borrow more money just to keep the company afloat. 她为了让公司经营下去,只好借更多的钱。




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