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单词 lookafter
释义 look after sb phrasal verb  ➡ see also the entry for treat 1另见 treat 条第 1 义look after sb ♦︎ take care of sb ♦︎ care for sb ♦︎ tend ♦︎ attend to sb/sththese words all mean to be responsible for sb's health or safety, especially by giving them everything they need.这些词均表示照料、照顾某人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to tend / attend to sb / sth◆to look after / take care of / care for / tend to the sick◆to look after / take care of / care for the children / the elderly / an elderly relative◆to look after / take care of yourself◆to care for / tend sb lovingly■ look after sb -->-->phrasal verb (especially bre) to be responsible for sb's general health and happiness, especially because they are ill, injured, very young or old照料,照顾(尤指病人、伤者、幼儿或老人)◆my daughter was sick so i took the day off to look after her.我女儿病了,所以我那天请假来照顾她。◆who's going to look after the children while you're away?你外出时谁来照看孩子? ➡ see also look after yourself → take care of yourself ■ take care of sb -->idiom(took, taken)to look after sb照料;照顾◆who's taking care of the kids while you're away?你外出时谁来照看孩子?◆you should take better care of yourself.你应该更加保重自己。◆don't you worry. i'll take care of you.别担心,我会照顾你的。  ➡ see also take care of yourself → take care of yourself ▸ care noun [uncountable] ◆medical / patient care医疗保健;病人护理◆how much do men share housework and the care of the children?男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?■ care for sb -->phrasal verb (rather formal, especially written) to look after sb because they are seriously ill, injured or very old, and to make sure they have what they need照顾,照料(重病、重伤或年迈者)◆she does some voluntary work, caring for the elderly.她做一些义工,照料老年人。◆he gave up work to care for his wife.他放弃了工作,好照顾妻子。note 辨析 look after sb, take care of sb or care for sb?people often look after sb for a short time, while they are ill, or while the person who usually takes care of them is away. take care of sb can be used in the same way, and in american english it is more frequent than look after sb. both these expressions, but especially take care of sb, can suggest a feeling of love and care for the person, not just a position of responsibility. caring for sb is more often a long-term, full-time occupation. to care for sb can also mean to love sb. * look after sb 常指在某人生病时或原照料者外出时对其进行短期照料; take care of sb 也可这样使用,且在美式英语中比 look after sb 更常用。这两个短语,特别是 take care of sb,不仅表示有照料的职责,还可暗示喜爱或在乎被照料者。care for sb 更常指一种长期的全职工作,还可表示深爱某人。  ➡ see also care for sb → love verb■ tend [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to look after animals, plants, or ill or injured people照料,照管,护理(动植物或伤病者)◆a shepherd tending his sheep照看羊群的放牧人◆we looked out of the window at the well-tended gardens.我们望着窗外那些受到精心照料的花园。◆ambulance crews were tending to the injured.救护车上的救护人员在照料伤者。■ attend to sb/sth -->phrasal verb (rather formal) to look after sb/sth and make sure they have everything they need照料,关怀(人);处理(事情)◆a nurse attended to his needs constantly.有一个护士一直在照应他的需要。




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