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单词 advisable
释义 advisable adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem明智;好像可取▸➤consider sth, deem sth, think sth认为⋯明智◆we thought it advisable to seek police assistance.我们认为寻求警方帮助是明智的。adverb➤always总是明智的◆it is always advisable to make a will.立份遗嘱总是明智的。 advisable /ədvaɪzəbl/ [not usually before noun] (rather formal) a good idea in order to achieve sth明智;可取◆early booking is advisable.预订宜早。◆it is advisable to practise each exercise individually at first.开始时宜把每个动作分开来做。opp inadvisable ⓘ inadvisable describes a course of action that is not sensible and you would advise against. * inadvisable 表示某种做法不明智、不可取◆it is inadvisable to bring children on this trip.这次旅行不适宜带小孩。advisable/ədˈvaɪzəbl ||; ədˈvaɪzəbḷ/adj (formal 正式) that is a good thing to do; sensible 可行的;明智的: ◇it is advisable to reserve a seat. 预订座位是明智的做法。 [opp] inadvisable 反义词为 inadvisableadvisablesee ⇨ should/ought to 2 ad·vis·ab·le /əd`vaɪzəbḷ; ədˈvaɪzəbəl/adj [not before noun 不用于名词前]something that is advisable should be done in order to avoid problems or risks 可取的; 明智的:◇it is advisable to wear a safety belt at all times. [驾车时]最好总是系上安全带。→ opposite 反义词 inadvisable




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