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单词 joke
释义 joke nounadjective | verb + joke | joke + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤amusing, funny, good, hilarious有趣的/好玩的/很逗的/令人捧腹的笑话◆she didn't seem to find my jokes amusing.她似乎不觉得我的笑话好笑。➤old过时的笑话◆that's an old joke-i've heard it lots of times.那是个过时的笑话 - 我已经听过好多遍了。➤bad, corny, dumb, lame, silly, stupid, unfunny (especially bre) 糟糕的笑话;老套的笑话;愚蠢的笑话;蹩脚的笑话;不好玩的笑话▸➤cruel, sick伤人的/令人毛骨悚然的笑话➤racist, sexist种族歧视的/性别歧视的笑话▸➤crude, dirty, off-colour/off-color (especially name) 粗俗的/下流的/黄色笑话➤inside, private内部/私密笑话◆they kept telling inside jokes about people i didn't know.他们不停地讲一些圈内的笑话,涉及到的人我都不认识。➤running老使人发笑的事◆the show features a running joke about a nosy dog.节目讲的是一条好管闲事的狗所出的各种洋相。➤practical恶作剧◆his brothers were always playing practical jokes.他那几个兄弟老是搞恶作剧。➤huge天大的笑话◆it's all just a huge joke to you, isn't it?对你来说这一切都不过是一个天大的玩笑,是不是?verb + joke➤crack, make, tell说笑话;开玩笑;讲笑话◆he's excellent at telling jokes.他特别会讲笑话。➤play开玩笑◆he's always playing jokes on people.他老是拿人开玩笑。➤exchange, have, share相互开玩笑;说笑话◆she likes to share a joke with her employees.她喜欢和员工们讲笑话。➤hear听笑话▸➤appreciate, enjoy, get, laugh at, like, understand领会笑话;喜欢笑话;听懂笑话◆we all fell about laughing, but he didn't get the joke.我们都笑弯了腰,但他却没明白这笑话有什么好笑之处。◆she doesn't like jokes about her height.她不喜欢别人拿她的身高开玩笑。➤remember记得笑话➤spoil破坏笑话◆he told us the ending, completely spoiling the joke.他把结局告诉了我们,使得这个笑话一点儿都不好笑。➤miss未领会笑话◆am i missing the joke here?我是不是没听懂笑点?➤take经得起玩笑◆the trouble is she can't take a joke.问题是她开不起玩笑。➤treat sth as视⋯为玩笑◆he treated his exams as a huge joke.他把自己的考试当成一个大笑话。joke + verb➤fall flat笑话没有达到效果◆the audience wasn't very responsive and the jokes fell flat.听众没什么反应,那些笑话未能让人发笑。➤be on sb笑话戏弄某人◆i thought i'd play a trick on them, but in the end the joke was on me.我本想捉弄一下他们,但最终闹笑话的人却是我。preposition➤as a joke当作笑话◆it was only said as a joke.那只是当笑话说的。➤joke about关于⋯的笑话◆have you heard the joke about the elephant and the mouse?你听过大象和老鼠的笑话吗?phrases➤make a joke of sth拿⋯开玩笑◆we tried to make a joke of our situation, but it wasn't really funny.我们试图拿我们的处境开玩笑,但这实在不是什么好笑的事。joke verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤half半开玩笑◆she was only half joking about being president one day.她只是半开玩笑地说有一天会当总统。➤around随意说笑◆everyone just joked around and enjoyed themselves.大家都只是随意说笑,开心一下。➤lamely, weakly蹩脚地/怯怯地开玩笑➤good-naturedly, playfully善意地开玩笑;闹着玩儿地打趣preposition➤about开⋯的玩笑◆we joked about the amount of equipment we had to carry.我们拿必须携带的设备数量开了个玩笑。➤with和⋯开玩笑◆she's always joking with her friends.她总是和朋友们开玩笑。phrases➤be only joking只是说着玩◆don't worry, i'm only joking!别担心,我只是在开玩笑!➤joking apart, joking aside (used to show you are now being serious after you have said sth funny) 说正经的➤laugh and joke说笑◆they laughed and joked as they walked along.他们一边走一边说笑。➤you must be joking, you've got to be joking (especially name) 你一定是在开玩笑吧◆no way am i doing that. you must be joking!我绝不可能那样做。你肯定是在开玩笑吧! joke nounjoke ♦︎ quip ♦︎ prank ♦︎ pun ♦︎ gag ♦︎ one-liner ♦︎ wisecrackthese are all words for sth you say or do for fun or in order to make people laugh.这些词均表示玩笑或恶作剧。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a joke / quip / gag / wisecrack about sb / sth◆to do sth as a joke / prank◆to make a joke / quip / pun / wisecrack◆to tell (sb) / crack a joke / gag◆to laugh at a joke / pun / gag■ joke [countable] something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example a funny story that you tell笑话;玩笑◆i can't tell jokes.我不会讲笑话。◆i didn't get the joke (= understand it).我不明白这有什么好笑的。◆i wish he wouldn't tell dirty jokes (= about sex).但愿他别讲黄色玩笑。◆he's always playing practical jokes on people (= tricks that are played on people to make them look stupid and to make other people laugh).他总是搞恶作剧捉弄人。◆the trouble with ruby is she can't take a joke (= she isn't able to laugh at a joke against herself).鲁比的问题在于她开不起玩笑。ⓘ a joke is often a story with a funny ending. the characters, events and even the words of the story are quite fixed, and it is passed around between people with few or no changes. the same is true of gag and sometimes one-liner below. the other words in this group describe more original remarks that you make as a reaction to a particular situation or what sb else has said. * joke 通常指结尾好笑的故事,其中的角色、事件、甚至措辞都基本不变,在人们中间流传而少有改变,gag 和某些时候的 one-liner 也是如此。本组同义词中的其他单词则指人们在某个场合或回应别人的话时讲的具有原创性的俏皮话。■ quip [countable] a clever and funny remark, especially one that is made quickly and without preparation(尤指即兴的)妙语,俏皮话◆the senator made several quips during the interview, which got the audience laughing.访谈过程中这位议员说了些俏皮话,逗得观众哈哈大笑。■ prank [countable] a trick that is played on sb as a joke玩笑;恶作剧◆it was just a childish prank-don't take it so seriously.这只是个幼稚的恶作剧,别当回事。◆a silly / stupid prank愚蠢的恶作剧◆a prank call / phone call恶作剧电话 ➡ see also trick → trick ■ pun [countable] the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same双关语◆we're banking on them lending us the money-no pun intended!我们正指望 (bank on) 他们借钱给我们呢 -bank 绝无双关之意!ⓘ instead of laughing, people often groan when they hear a pun. the phrases forgive the pun, excuse the pun and pardon the pun are used as a way of apologizing for making one (either by accident or on purpose).人们听到 pun 常会抱怨而不是发笑,因此 forgive the pun,excuse the pun 和 pardon the pun 等短语便成了人们在有意无意使用了双关语后的道歉用语◆so you collect pins? but what's the point in that, if you'll forgive the pun?原来你收藏饰针 (pin) 呀?可这有什么用 (point) 呢?请原谅我的双关语。■ gag [countable] (informal) a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a professional comedian(尤指专业喜剧演员讲的)笑话,逗趣的话;插科打诨◆he was a non-stop comedian, cracking gags by the dozen.他是个逗笑不断的喜剧演员,讲起笑话来滔滔不绝。◆a running gag (= one that is regularly repeated during a performance) 重复出现的笑话桥段■ one-liner [countable] (informal) a joke or a funny remark that consists of a single sentence(只有一句话的)小笑话,俏皮话,风趣的话◆he came out with some good one-liners.他讲了几句很风趣的话。■ wisecrack [countable] (informal) a clever remark or joke, especially one which could upset or offend people(尤指使人不快或冒犯人的)俏皮话,风凉话◆he promised not to make any wisecracks during the dinner.他答应吃饭时不开玩笑。joke [countable] something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example a funny story that you tell笑话;玩笑◆i can't tell jokes.我不会讲笑话。◆i didn't get the joke (= understand it).我不明白这有什么好笑的。◆i wish he wouldn't tell dirty jokes (= about sex).但愿他别讲黄色玩笑。◆he's always playing practical jokes on people (= tricks that are played on people to make them look stupid and to make other people laugh).他总是搞恶作剧捉弄人。◆the trouble with ruby is she can't take a joke (= she isn't able to laugh at a joke against herself).鲁比的问题在于她开不起玩笑。ⓘ a joke is often a story with a funny ending. the characters, events and even the words of the story are quite fixed, and it is passed around between people with few or no changes. the same is true of gag and sometimes one-liner below. the other words in this group describe more original remarks that you make as a reaction to a particular situation or what sb else has said. * joke 通常指结尾好笑的故事,其中的角色、事件、甚至措辞都基本不变,在人们中间流传而少有改变,gag 和某些时候的 one-liner 也是如此。本组同义词中的其他单词则指人们在某个场合或回应别人的话时讲的具有原创性的俏皮话。joke [intransitive] to say sth to make people laugh; to tell a funny story; to say sth that is not true because you think it is funny说笑话;开玩笑;说着玩◆she was laughing and joking with the children.她正跟孩子们一起嘻嘻哈哈地说笑话。◆'i cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked.“我亲自下厨做的,所以要小心点哟!”他开玩笑说。◆i didn't mean that-i was only joking.我并没有那个意思,我只是说着玩儿的。◆she joked that she only loved him for his money.她开玩笑说她只爱他的钱。◆no way am i doing that. you must be joking (= i can't believe you are serious)!我决不可能做那种事。你一定是开玩笑吧!joke¹/dʒəʊk ||; dʒok/noun1. [c] something said or done to make you laugh, especially a funny story 玩笑;笑话: ◇to tell/crack jokes 说笑话◇a dirty joke (= about sex) 下流的笑话◇i'm sorry, i didn't get the joke (= understand it). 对不起,我听不明白这个笑话。 ☞look at practical joke. 参看practical joke。 2. [sing] a ridiculous person, thing or situation 可笑的人、事物或情形: ◇the salary he was offered was a joke! 只给他这么少的薪金,简直是开玩笑! play a joke/trick on sb to trick sb in order to amuse yourself or other people 愚弄(某人);拿(某人)开玩笑 see the joke to understand what is funny about a joke or trick 明白某个笑话的意思 take a joke to be able to laugh at a joke against yourself 不介意做笑柄: ◇the trouble with pete is he can't take a joke. 皮特的问题是,他开不起玩笑。 joke²/dʒəʊk ||; dʒok/verb[i] 1. joke (with sb) (about sth) to say sth to make people laugh; to tell a funny story 开玩笑;说笑话: ◇she spent the evening laughing and joking with her old friends. 她整个晚上跟老朋友们在一起说说笑笑。 2. to say sth that is not true because you think it is funny 拿…开玩笑: ◇i never joke about religion. 我从不拿宗教开玩笑。◇don't get upset. i was only joking ! 别不高兴,我只是在开玩笑! you must be joking;you're joking(spoken 口语) (used to express great surprise) you cannot be serious (表示非常惊讶)你不会当真吧,你一定是在开玩笑吧 joke1 something you say or write in order to be funny2 something that you do to make people laugh3 to say something to make people laugh4 someone who tells jokes or does things to make people laugh5 to pretend that something is true as a joke6 not behaving or speaking seriouslyto make someone seem stupid by making jokes 以开玩笑使人显得很傻 make fun of,see alsofunny,serious,laugh,1. something you say or write in order to be funny 为取乐而说或写的东西 joke /dʒəʊk/ [countable noun] have you heard any good jokes lately? 近来你听到过什么精彩的笑话吗? wilson spoke for about 15 minutes, peppering his mainly serious message with jokes. 威尔逊讲了约15分钟,在总体严肃的讲话中穿插了很多笑话。joke about leno opened the show with a joke about the election. 莱诺在节目开始时讲了个有关选举的笑话。get the joke also see a joke british understand a joke 听懂笑话 it wasn't that i didn't get the joke - i just didn't think it was funny. 我并不是听不懂那个笑话,我只是不觉得它好笑罢了。 everyone laughed except mr broadbent, who didn't see the joke. 除了布罗德本特先生,大家都笑了,他没有听懂那笑话。tell a joke it's a good idea to start a speech by telling a joke. 演讲时以讲笑话来作为开场是个很不错的主意。dirty joke one about sex 下流笑话 in some situations, a dirty joke can be considered sexual harassment. 有些情况下讲下流笑话可被视为性骚扰。private joke a secret joke 私下里讲的笑话 the two girls were whispering in the corner and giggling over some private joke. 那两个女孩在角落里窃窃私语,说着什么不让外人知道的笑话,格格地笑着。 funny story /ˌfʌni ˈstɔːri/ [countable noun] a short story you tell to make people laugh 引人发笑的故事 it reminded her of a funny story she'd heard at work. 这使她想起了工作时听到的一个引人发笑的故事。tell a funny story he began telling funny stories about the time he worked as a barman on a cruise ship. 他开始说起了自己在游轮上当酒吧招待时的趣事。 wisecrack /ˈwaɪzkræk/ [countable noun] informal something funny that someone says to try to make people laugh - use this especially when what they say annoys you 【非正式】俏皮话[尤用于表示某人所说的话令人生气] bob hope would keep his audience laughing with an endless stream of jokes and wisecracks. 鲍勃·霍普会不停地说笑打趣,让听众笑得合不拢口。 amy responded with a wisecrack that got her in big trouble with the teacher. 埃美用打趣话作答,使她和老师惹上了大麻烦。 one-liner /ˌwʌn ˈlaɪnəʳ/ [countable noun] a short remark that is funny and clever [简短的]笑话;打趣话,俏皮话 there are some memorable one-liners in every woody allen film. 伍迪·艾伦每一部电影里都有几句让人忘不了的俏皮话。 it's a hilarious scene with a succession of brilliant one-liners from groucho marx. 格劳乔·马克思在这一幕戏中妙语连珠,非常滑稽。 gag /gæg/ [countable noun] a short joke, especially one told by a professional entertainer as part of a show 笑话,插科打诨[尤指由职业表演者所说,是表演的一部分] his first job was writing gags for a famous comedian. 他的第一份工作是给一位著名的滑稽演员写插科打诨的台词。gag about he started the show with a few old gags about mothers-in-law. 他在表演一开始时说了几个关于丈母娘的老生常谈的笑话。 punch line /ˈpʌntʃ laɪn/ [countable noun] the sentence or phrase that comes at the end of a joke, and makes it funny [笑话中最后抛出笑料的]妙语 he got to the end of the joke and couldn't remember the punch line. 笑话讲到最后,他竟想不起那句收尾的妙语了。 i waited for the punch line, but it never came. 我等着听那句结尾妙语,但一直听不到。 the one about ... /ðə ˈwʌn əbaʊt .../ [noun phrase] spoken say this when you are going to tell someone a joke about a particular subject 【口】那个…的笑话 have you heard the one about the brown cow who goes into a bar? 你听过那个棕色母牛跑进酒吧的笑话了吗? pun /pʌn/ [countable noun] a joke made by deliberately mixing up or mistaking two different meanings of the same word or two words with the same sound 双关语,语义双关的俏皮话 ‘seven days without food makes one weak’ is a pun on the words ‘week’ and ‘weak’, and also on the different meanings of ‘one’. “七天不吃饭使人虚弱”是利用“week[星期]”和“weak[虚弱]”同音的双关语,而且“one”也有两个不同的意思。 the audience groaned at his pun. 观众听了他的双关语笑痛了肚子。(if you'll) pardon the pun used to say that you know what you are going to say has two meanings 原谅我用这个双关语 ‘pardon the pun, but we were all in the same boat,’ said navy lieutenant green. “抱歉我用个双关语,我们大家可是在同舟共济啊。”海军上尉格林说道。 double meaning/entendre /ˌdʌbəl ˈmiːnɪŋ, ˌduːblɒnˈtɒndrəǁ-blɑːnˈtɑːn-/ [countable noun] a joke made by deliberately using a word or phrase that has two possible meanings, one of which is about sex or sexual parts of the body [带有猥亵含意的]双关语 dirty jokes and double meanings are what makes the show funny. 这场表演的有趣之处就在于那些下流笑话和猥亵的双关语。 the song's lyrics are full of double entendres. 这首歌的歌词充满了猥亵的双关语。2. something that you do to make people laugh 为逗人发笑而做的事 joke /dʒəʊk/ [countable noun] we didn't mean to frighten you. it was only a joke. 我们并非有意要让你害怕,不过是开个玩笑。 inside the parcel there was an empty bottle. ‘is this some kind of joke?’ he asked. 包裹里有个空瓶子,“这是在开玩笑吧?”他问道。take a joke accept a joke that is against you 开得起玩笑 i can take a joke as well as anyone, but this isn't funny, it's embarrassing. 我跟大家一样开得起玩笑,但这不好玩,而且让人尴尬。 practical joke /ˌpræktɪkəl ˈdʒəʊk/ [countable noun] a trick, especially one that is carefully planned that is intended to confuse and surprise someone and to make other people laugh at them 恶作剧 the phone call was the sort of practical joke that radio stations often play on celebrities. 这个电话有点像电台常对名人搞的那种恶作剧。play a practical joke police believe the circles in the crops are made by someone playing an elaborate practical joke. 警方认为那些麦田怪圈是某些人精心策划的恶作剧。 prank /præŋk/ [countable noun] a silly action that is intended as a harmless joke - use this especially when something serious happens as a result of it 胡闹,恶作剧[尤在出现严重后果时使用] the fire was started as a prank. 这场火灾是由闹着玩引起的。 pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy. 把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。pull/play a prank (on somebody) every year, the older kids pull pranks on new students. 每年高年级学生都要对新生搞恶作剧。 play a trick/joke /ˌpleɪ ə ˈtrɪk, ˈdʒəʊk/ [verb phrase] to surprise or deceive someone with a trick so that you and other people can laugh at them 跟[某人]开玩笑;戏弄 he didn't seem the type of boy to play jokes. 他看起来不像是那种跟人开玩笑的男孩。play a trick/joke on when she didn't come, i thought she was playing a trick on me. 她没来,那时候我觉得她在戏弄我。 as a joke also for a joke british /əz ə ˈdʒəʊk, fər ə ˈdʒəʊk/ [adverb] if you do something as a joke or for a joke, you do it because you think it will have amusing results or make people laugh 开玩笑地,只是开个玩笑 you shouldn't spread rumours like that, even as a joke. 你不应那样散布谣言,就算开玩笑也不行。 once, for a joke, they changed round all the numbers on the doors. 有一次他们开了个玩笑,把门牌号码全都调换了。 for a laugh /fər ə ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [adverb] british informal if you do something for a laugh, you do it for fun or to make people laugh 【英,非正式】为了逗人发笑;为了好玩 just for a laugh we hung all the pictures upside down. 我们开了个玩笑,把画全都倒过来挂。 kevin set off the fire alarm for a laugh. 凯文为了博大家一笑拉响了火警钟。3. to say something to make people laugh 为逗人发笑而说某事 make a joke/crack a joke /ˌmeɪk ə ˈdʒəʊk, ˌkræk ə ˈdʒəʊk/ [verb phrase] nick cracked a joke to try to ease the tension. 尼克开了个玩笑以缓和一下紧张的气氛。 my mother makes a joke of just about everything. 我妈妈几乎拿任何事都会开开玩笑。make a joke/crack a joke about this is a serious matter. i wish you wouldn't make jokes about it. 这是件很严肃的事情,我希望你不要拿它开玩笑。 tell a joke /ˌtel ə ˈdʒəʊk/ [verb phrase] to tell someone a joke that you have heard or read somewhere else 讲笑话 i tried to cheer him up by telling a joke. 我给他讲了个笑话想逗他开心。 i'm afraid i'm not very good at telling jokes. 恐怕我不善于讲笑话。tell somebody a joke pat told them a joke about two flies walking on the ceiling. 帕特给他们讲了一个两只苍蝇在天花板上走的笑话。 joke /dʒəʊk/ [intransitive verb] to say funny things and talk in a way that is not serious 说笑话,开玩笑 a group of teenagers were standing at the corner, laughing and joking. 一群十几岁的青少年站在街角上嘻嘻哈哈地在开玩笑。 they're a good class to teach. you can joke and have a laugh with them. 教这个班很好,你可以说说笑话,跟他们一起开怀大笑。joke about when he was a kid he was embarrassed about his height, but now he can joke about it. 他小时候对自己的身高感到尴尬,但现在他却能拿它开玩笑了。 wisecrack /ˈwaɪzkræk/ [intransitive verb] to make funny remarks, especially ones that could annoy some people 说俏皮话[尤指会惹人生气的俏皮话] grable made him mad by wisecracking about his weight. 格拉布尔拿他的体重开玩笑,把他气疯了。 the president appeared totally relaxed, chatting and wisecracking with reporters. 总统看起来非常轻松,与记者们聊着,说着俏皮话。4. someone who tells jokes or does things to make people laugh 讲笑话或做令人发笑的事的人 comedian/comic /kəˈmiːdiən, ˈkɒmɪkǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] a professional entertainer who makes people laugh 滑稽演员;喜剧演员 lenny henry, the famous british comedian, will appear in a show in london next week. 著名英国喜剧演员莱尼·亨利将于下周在伦敦登台表演。 before becoming a film actor, he'd been a comic appearing regularly in cabaret. 他成为电影演员之前是一个滑稽演员,经常在卡巴莱歌舞表演中出现。stand-up comedian/comic one who stands alone in front of the public and tells jokes 单人表演的喜剧演员 robin williams first made his name as a stand-up comedian. 罗宾·威廉斯最早是以单人表演的喜剧演员而闻名的。 wit /wɪt/ [countable noun] an intelligent person who is good at being funny in clever or original ways 言谈风趣的人 rochester was well known as a wit in society circles. 罗切斯特在社交界是个出名的说话风趣的人。 a dozen writers and wits used to gather at the algonquin hotel for lunch. 很多作家和才子以前常常聚在阿尔贡金酒店用餐。 practical joker /ˌpræktɪkəl ˈdʒəʊkəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who does something in order to confuse or trick someone else, to make other people laugh 爱恶作剧的人 the shop sold toys and gadgets for practical jokers. 这家商店售卖玩具和小玩艺给那些爱恶作剧的人。5. to pretend that something is true as a joke 为开玩笑而假装某事是真的 be joking/be kidding /biː ˈdʒəʊkɪŋ, biː ˈkɪdɪŋ/ [verb phrase] informal to say something that is not true as a joke 【非正式】在开玩笑 when he asked me to marry him i wasn't sure whether he was joking or being serious. 他向我求婚时,我说不准他是在开玩笑还是认真的。just/only kidding ‘you're just kidding, right mom?’ joe asked anxiously. “你只是在开开玩笑吧,是不是啊?妈妈。”乔焦急地问道。 don't get mad - i was only joking! 千万别生气,我只是开开玩笑而已!are you kidding?/you're kidding! say this when you think someone is joking 你在开玩笑吗?/你是在开玩笑吧! you're kidding. you mean it only rains once a year there? 你是在开玩笑吧。你说那里一年只下一次雨? ‘they wanted $425 just for the room.’ ‘are you kidding?’ “那个房间他们就要收费425美元。”“你是说着玩的吧?”no kidding say this to show you are serious 不是开玩笑,说真的 it was the best pizza i've ever eaten, no kidding. 那是我吃过的最棒的比萨饼,不骗你的。no kidding? say this when you think someone could be joking 真的吗? she's only sixteen? no kidding? she looks twenty-five. 她才16岁?开玩笑吧?她看起来有25岁。 jokingly /ˈdʒəʊkɪŋli/ [adverb] if you say something jokingly you say it to amuse people, and do not really mean it seriously 开玩笑地 braden jokingly refers to her daughter as ‘the demon.’ 布雷登戏称她的女儿为“恶魔”。 you're having me on british /you're putting me on american /jɔːʳ ˌhævɪŋ miː ˈɒn, jɔːʳ ˌpʌtɪŋ miː ˈɒn/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when you think someone is trying to make you believe something that is not true 【口】你在拿我开玩笑;你在戏弄我 come on, you guys, you're putting me on, right? 行了,你们这些家伙,在拿我开玩笑吧,是不是? he makes £80,000 a year? you're having me on. 他一年挣80,000英镑?你和我开玩笑吧。 be pulling somebody's leg /biː ˌpʊlɪŋ somebodyˈs ˈleg/ [verb phrase] informal to try to make someone believe something that is not true, as a friendly joke 【非正式】同某人开玩笑;哄骗某人 is all this really true, or are you pulling my leg? 这一切是真的吗,还是你在同我开玩笑? you don't really have to buy tickets. i was just pulling your leg. 你不必真的去买票,我只是骗骗你的。 wind somebody up /ˌwaɪnd somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] british to say something that is untrue, or do or say something to deliberately annoy someone, as a joke 【英】逗弄[愚弄]某人 i was only winding you up - don't take it so seriously! 我只是跟你闹着玩的,别这样当真! wind-up /ˈwaɪnd ʌp/ [countable noun] what was meant to be a harmless wind-up ended up with the sacking of three men yesterday. 原本只是想开开玩笑罢了,并无恶意的,结果却弄到昨天有三个人被开除。6. not behaving or speaking seriously 行为或说话不认真的 flippant /ˈflɪpənt/ [adjective] not being serious about something that should be taken seriously, so that people think you do not care 轻率的,轻浮的,不认真的 people ask me if i'm related to him, and my answer is usually a flippant ‘no, but i wish i were.’ 人们问我是不是与他有亲戚关系,我的回答通常都是半真半假的“没有,可我倒是希望有啊”。 when asked what is wrong with the economy, analysts reply ‘not enough money.’ this answer is not as flippant as it sounds. 当问到经济出了什么问题时,分析员回答说“钱不够啊”。这个回答听起来随意,其实不然。 sorry if that sounded flippant or heartless - it wasn't meant to be. 如果这听起来有点轻率或无情的话真对不起—那不是故意的。 flippantly [adverb] ‘it's only money,’ said gabriella flippantly. ‘here today and gone tomorrow!’ “这只是钱而已。”加布里埃拉满不在乎地说,“今天到手明天就没了!” playful /ˈpleɪfəl/ [adjective] actions or behaviour that are playful are not serious, but they are fun and friendly [行动或行为]开玩笑的,闹着玩的,不认真的 he gave me a playful slap on the shoulder. 他闹着玩地在我肩上拍了一下。 she tried to sound playful but somehow the words came out the wrong way. 她想用开玩笑的语气说,可不知怎地话说出来就不对劲了。 playfully [adverb] toby laughed, playfully telling her off. 托比笑了,以开玩笑的口吻骂着她。 facetious /fəˈsiːʃəs/ [adjective] making jokes or trying to be funny in a clever or unkind way that people think is annoying [令人生气地]乱开玩笑的,故作诙谐的 at the risk of sounding facetious, who really cares about what happens? 说出来怕被认为是在乱开玩笑,其实谁真的会在乎发生什么事呢? the speech saying drug users should be shot was clearly facetious, but it contained a serious point. 讲话中说吸毒者应该被枪毙显然是句玩笑话,但却包含着一个严肃的观点。 facetiously [adverb] ‘what would we do without him?’ said chuck facetiously. “没有他我们怎么办?”查克故作诙谐地说。 tongue-in-cheek /ˌtʌŋ ɪn ˈtʃiːk/ [adjective/adverb] a remark, statement etc that is tongue-in-cheek is intended as a joke but is said or written in a serious or sincere way [说话、陈述等]挖苦的;开玩笑的;言不由衷的 his tongue-in-cheek articles are brilliantly funny and very political. 他那些挖苦的文章妙趣横生,而且有强烈的政治意味。 ‘this just shows you what a great coach i am,’ said braden, tongue-in-cheek. “这就说明我这个教练有多出色了。”布雷登自嘲道。☞ joke¹☞ joke²




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