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单词 divisible
释义 divisible adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be可分;可除尽adverb➤infinitely无限可分◆he argued that all matter was infinitely divisible.他认为所有物质都是无限可分的。➤evenly整除◆a prime number is evenly divisible only by itself and 1.质数仅能被其自身和 1 整除。preposition➤by被⋯除尽◆twelve is divisible by four.12 可被 4 除尽。➤into划分为⋯◆plants are divisible into three main groups.植物可以划分为 3 大类。divisible/dɪˈvɪzəbl ||; dəˈvɪzəbḷ/adj that can be divided 可除尽;可整除: ◇12 is divisible by 3. 12可被3整除。 di·vis·i·ble /də`vɪzəbḷ; dɪˈvɪzɪbəl/adjable to be divided, especially by another number 可分的,可被…除尽[整除]的:◇+ by 15 is divisible by three and five. 15 可被 3 和 5 除尽。




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