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单词 apportion
释义 apportion /əpɔːʃn; name əpɔːrʃn/ verb [transitive] apportion sth (among/between/to sb) to divide sth among people; to give a share of sth to sb 分配;分摊;分派◆profits are apportioned among employees. 利润分给员工。◆the report gave the facts of the case but did not apportion blame. 这个报告只提供事实,不评论谁是谁非。☞ apportionapportion/əˈpɔ:ʃn ||; əˈpɔrʃən/verb [t] (written 书面语)apportion sth (among/between/to sb) to divide sth among people; to give a share of sth to sb 分配;分派: ◇the land was apportioned between members of the family. 这土地分配给家庭成员。◇the programme gives the facts but does not apportion blame. 这节目道出了事实,但没有追究罪责。 ap·por·tion /ə`pɔrʃən; əˈpɔːʃən/vformal 【正式】 1. [t] to decide how something should be divided and given to people 分配; 分摊 2. apportion blame to say who should be blamed 分清责任




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