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单词 sneeze
释义 sneeze verbadverb | verb + sneeze | preposition | phrases adverb➤loudly大声打喷嚏◆someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.有人在礼堂后面大声地打喷嚏。➤violently使劲打喷嚏➤uncontrollably控制不住地打喷嚏verb + sneeze➤cause sb to, make sb使某人打喷嚏◆the smoke reached her and made her sneeze.烟飘过来,搞得她直打喷嚏。preposition➤on朝⋯打喷嚏◆i sneezed on him.我朝他打了个喷嚏。phrases➤coughing and sneezing咳嗽和打喷嚏◆viruses can be spread through coughing and sneezing.病毒可以通过咳嗽和打喷嚏传播。➤the urge to sneeze想打喷嚏◆she suddenly felt the urge to sneeze.她突然想打喷嚏。sneeze [intransitive] to have air come suddenly and noisily out through your nose and mouth in a way that you cannot control, for example because you have a cold打喷嚏◆i've been sneezing all morning.我一上午都打喷嚏。▸ sneeze noun [countable] ◆he gave a violent sneeze.他打了个大喷嚏。sneezenoun [countable] ◆he gave a violent sneeze.他打了个大喷嚏。sneezenoun [countable] ◆he gave a violent sneeze.他打了个大喷嚏。sneeze/sni:z ||; sniz/verb [i] to make air come out of your nose suddenly and noisily in a way that you cannot control, for example because you have a cold 打喷嚏: ◇dust makes me sneeze. 灰尘弄得我打喷嚏。 sneeze noun [c] sneeze /sniz; sniːz/v [i]when you sneeze, air suddenly comes out of your nose and mouth in a noisy and uncontrollable way 打喷嚏:◇the dust is making me sneeze! 灰尘弄得我打喷嚏了! sneezen [c] ☞ sneeze




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