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单词 distinguish
释义 distinguish verbadverb | verb + distinguish | preposition | phrases adverb➤clearly, sharply清楚地/明显地区别▸➤carefully仔细地区别▸➤easily, readily容易区别◆the adult bird can be readily distinguished by its orange bill.成鸟很容易根据橘黄色喙识别出来。➤accurately, reliably准确地/可靠地区分◆troops cannot always reliably distinguish between combatants and civilians.军队并不总能准确地区分作战人员和平民百姓。verb + distinguish➤be able to, can, could, etc.能够区分▸➤be unable to不能区分▸➤be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to, be possible to难以区分;不可能分清;有可能辨别▸➤be important to, be necessary to区分很重要;有必要区分◆it is important to distinguish between cause and effect.重要的是区分因果。preposition➤between在⋯之中辨别◆it is often difficult to distinguish clearly between fact and fiction in this book.读这本书经常很难分辨其中的真实和虚构内容。➤from与⋯区分开◆she could not distinguish one child from another.她无法把这两个孩子区分开。phrases➤have difficulty distinguishing, have difficulty in distinguishing, have trouble distinguishing难以/很难/不易区分◆small children have difficulty distinguishing fiction from reality.小孩子难以将虚构与真实区别开。distinguish verb 1➤distinguish between right and wrong辨别是非➤the power of speech distinguishes humans from animals.语言能力使得人类有别于动物。identifyi could not distinguish her words.distinguish ♦︎ differentiate ♦︎ tellthese words all mean to recognize the difference between two people or things.这些词均表示区分或辨别两者的差异。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to distinguish / differentiate / tell a from b◆to distinguish / differentiate between a and b◆to easily distinguish / differentiate / tell sb / sth◆to clearly / sharply / carefully distinguish / differentiate sb / sth■ distinguish [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to recognize or show the difference between people or things区分;辨别;分清◆at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能辨别是非?◆sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.有时候现实和幻想很难区分。 ➡ see also distinction → difference , discern → identify ■ differentiate /dɪfərenʃieɪt/ [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal, especially written) to distinguish between people or things区分;区别;辨别◆she can just differentiate between light and dark.她勉强能区分明暗。◆birds are able to differentiate colours.鸟类能够辨别不同的颜色。note 辨析 distinguish or differentiate?there is very little difference in meaning or use between these words. distinguish is more frequent and more general; differentiate is slightly more formal, used more in scientific matters than in matters of human judgement.这两个词在含义和用法上差别很小,只是 distinguish 更常用和宽泛,differentiate 稍正式,更多用于科学问题而非人的判断◆differentiate between right and wrong ◆sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to differentiate. ■ tell (told, told) [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to recognize the difference between two people or things分辨;区分;辨认◆it was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.很难分辨出这两个版本有什么区别。◆i can't tell one twin from the other.我分不清这对双胞胎谁是谁。◆it's difficult to tell them apart.很难把他们区分开来。◆the kittens looked exactly alike-how could you tell which was which?这些小猫看上去一模一样,你怎么能分辨出哪只是哪只呢?ⓘ you say tell the difference between a and b (two things) or tell a and b apart, not 'tell between a and b'.要说 tell the difference between a and b 或 tell a and b apart,不能说 tell between a and b◆it's difficult to tell between them. distinguish verb 2➤distinguish between right and wrong辨别是非➤the power of speech distinguishes humans from animals.语言能力使得人类有别于动物。identifyi could not distinguish her words.distinguish ♦︎ set sb/sth apart ♦︎ differentiatethese words all mean to be the characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different.这些词均表示具有与他者区分开来的特征。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to distinguish / set apart / differentiate a from b◆a feature distinguishes / sets apart / differentiates a from b◆a factor distinguishes / differentiates a from b■ distinguish [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal, especially written) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different成为⋯的特征;使有别于◆what was it that distinguished her from her classmates?是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?◆does your cat have any distinguishing marks?你的猫有什么特殊标记吗?◆the power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals.语言能力使得人类有别于动物。 ➡ see also distinction → difference ■ set sb/sth apart -->phrasal verb(setting, set, set) (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to be a characteristic that makes sb/sth different from or better than others使与众不同;使突出;使优于◆her clear and elegant writing sets her apart from other journalists.她那清丽典雅的文章使她比别的记者高出一筹。■ differentiate /dɪfərenʃieɪt/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal, especially written) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different成为⋯的特征;使有别于◆the male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female.雄鸟那黄色的喙是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。note 辨析 distinguish or differentiate?there is little difference in meaning between these words. distinguish is more frequent and has a wider range; it is often used about differences that make sb/sth better or more interesting than sb/sth else; differentiate is more often used about scientific matters, without any suggestion of a value judgement being made.这两个词的含义非常接近,只是 distinguish 使用频率较高且语义较宽泛,常指人或事物比他者优胜或有趣的特点; differentiate 更常用于科学问题,不含价值判断◆what was it that differentiated her from her classmates? ◆the power of speech differentiates human beings from animals. distinguish [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to recognize or show the difference between people or things区分;辨别;分清◆at what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能辨别是非?◆sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.有时候现实和幻想很难区分。 ➡ see also distinction → difference , discern → identify distinguish [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal, especially written) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different成为⋯的特征;使有别于◆what was it that distinguished her from her classmates?是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?◆does your cat have any distinguishing marks?你的猫有什么特殊标记吗?◆the power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals.语言能力使得人类有别于动物。 ➡ see also distinction → difference distinguish/dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ ||; dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ/verb1. [i,t] distinguish between a and b;distinguish a from b to recognize the difference between two things or people 辨别;区分: ◇he doesn't seem able to distinguish between what's important and what isn't. 他好像不懂得权衡轻重。◇people who are colour-blind often can't distinguish red from green. 色盲的人通常辨别不出绿色和红色。 [syn] differentiate 同义词为differentiate 2. [t] distinguish a (from b) to make sb/sth different from others 使有别于…: ◇distinguishing features (= things by which sb/sth can be recognized) 特征◇the power of speech distinguishes humans from animals. 人类跟动物的区别在于能说话。 3. [t] to see, hear or recognize with effort 看清;听出;认出: ◇i listened carefully but they were too far away for me to distinguish what they were saying. 我仔细地听,但他们离我太远,我听不清他们在说什么。 4. [t] distinguish yourself to do sth which causes you to be noticed and admired 突出自己;使人注目: ◇she distinguished herself in the exams. 她考试成绩突出。 distinguishsee ⇨ different 10,11 ⇨ see 2 dis·tin·guish /dɪ`stɪŋgwɪʃ; dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/v 1. [i,t] to recognize or understand the difference between similar things or people 分辨,区别:◇+ between young children often can't distinguish between tv programs and commercials. 小孩子往往分辨不清电视节目和广告。 2. [t] to be able to see or hear something, even if it is difficult 辨认出; 看清; 听出:◇the light was too dim for me to distinguish anything clearly. 光线太暗,我什么都看不清楚。 3. [t] to be the thing that makes someone or something different from other people or things 使成为特征,使有别于:◇brightly coloured feathers distinguish the male peacock from the female. 雄孔雀那色彩艳丽的羽毛使它与雌孔雀明显地区别开来。 4. distinguish yourself to do something so well that people notice and remember you 成就突出,脱颖而出




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