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单词 consistency
释义 consistency noun¹ 1always having the same standard, opinions, etc.一致(性)adjective | ... of consistency | verb + consistency | preposition adjective➤absolute, complete完全一致▸➤good, great, remarkable良好的/极好的/惊人的稳定性◆he needs to have better consistency throwing downfield.他的前场投掷需要保持更好的稳定性。➤internal内部一致性➤overall总体上的一致◆the songs on the album have an overall consistency of approach.这张专辑的歌曲处理方法总体一致。➤intellectual, logical思维上的/逻辑上的连贯性◆intellectual consistency is the hallmark of a fine legal mind.思维连贯缜密是优秀法律人才的标志性特征。➤stylistic, thematic风格上的/主题上的连贯性◆how do you give a sense of thematic consistency to a body of work?你如何使整部作品保持主题上的连贯?... of consistency➤degree, level一致程度verb + consistency➤demonstrate, show表现出/显示出稳定性◆he has shown remarkable consistency in his exam results.他的考试成绩一贯优异。➤achieve, ensure, find, maintain, provide取得一致;保证一致;达到稳定;保持稳定;产生一致性◆the team must find consistency in its game.球队必须在比赛中发挥出稳定状态。◆an electoral system that provides no consistency in how votes are counted计票方式不一的选举制度➤lack前后不一致➤improve提高稳定性◆romero needs to improve his consistency by throwing more first-pitch strikes.罗梅罗需要多掷几个一投好球来提高稳定性。preposition➤consistency in, consistency of在⋯方面的一致◆a consistency of approach方法上的一致➤consistency with与⋯的一致◆to maintain consistency with past practice与过去的做法保持一致consistency noun² 2thickness/firmness of a liquid substance黏稠度;密实度adjective | verb + consistency adjective➤thick, thin浓稠的/稀薄的黏度▸➤soft柔滑的黏度▸➤creamy, smooth乳脂状的/细腻的黏稠度➤rubbery坚韧的硬度▸➤runny稀软的浓度◆a fudgy concoction with a rather runny consistency稀软的乳脂调制品➤rock-like岩石般的硬度◆the soil is baked to a rock-like consistency.土壤被烘烤得像岩石一样坚硬。➤desired, right理想的硬度/浓度;合适的硬度/浓度◆knead the dough to the right consistency.把面团揉到合适的硬度。◆add enough water to achieve the desired consistency and blend until smooth.加入足够的水至需要的浓度,搅拌均匀。verb + consistency➤have有⋯的黏稠度◆the mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.混合液应该像稠奶油那样黏。➤give产生⋯的黏稠度 consistency /kənsɪstənsi/ [countable, uncountable] how thick or smooth a mixture or liquid substance is(混合物或液态物质的)黏稠度,密实度,平滑度◆beat the ingredients together to a creamy consistency.把配料搅打成糊状。◆the cement should have the consistency of wet sand.水泥应当具有湿沙的坚实度。consistency/kənˈsɪstənsi ||; kənˈsɪstənsɪ/noun (plural consistencies) 1. [u] the quality of always having the same standard, opinions, behaviour, etc (水平、意见、行为等的)一致性,一贯性: ◇your work lacks consistency. sometimes it's excellent but at other times it's full of mistakes. 你的工作水平不稳定,有时做得很好,有时则错漏百出。 [opp] inconsistency 反义词为inconsistency 2. [c] [u] how thick or smooth a liquid substance is (液体的)浓度,匀度: ◇the mixture should have a thick, sticky consistency. 这种混合物应该稠而黏。 con·sis·ten·cy /kən`sɪstənsɪ; kənˈsɪstənsi/n 1. [u] the quality of always happening or behaving in the same way 一贯性; 一致性:◇+ in there's no consistency in the way they apply the rules. 他们执行规定的方式没有一致性。→ opposite 反义词 inconsistency 2. [c,u] how thick or firm a mixture is 浓度; 坚实度:◇a dessert with a nice, creamy consistency 奶油般稠度适中的甜品




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