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单词 co
释义 co. /kəʊ; name koʊ/ abbreviation (usually used in written english 通常用于书面英语) (often used in names) company 公司◆the consett iron co. 堪色特铁材公司◆pitt, briggs and co. 皮特布里格斯公司  ➡  see note at ltd co- /kəʊ; name koʊ/ prefix (used in nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs 用于名词、形容词、副词和动词) together with 共同;联合◆co-founder of the company 公司的共同创始人◆co-chief/co-director 联席主管;联席董事◆cooperatively 合作地◆coexist 共存 c /o abbreviation (only used in written english 只用于书面英语) (accounting 会计) = carried over care ofused to address a letter to sb at an address that is not their own home 由某人转交◆mr s r brown c/o ms d a philips 菲利普女士转交布朗先生co-/kəʊ ||; ko/prefix (in adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs 用于构成形容词、副词、名词及动词) together with 共同;一起: ◇co-pilot (飞机)副驾驶员◇coexist 共存;共处 co- /ko; kəʊ/prefixused to form words that are about doing something together or with someone else 共同,和…一起:◇we co-wrote a book on india. 我们合著了一本关于印度的书。




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