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单词 escalate
释义 escalate verb¹ 1become/make sth worse( 使 ) 恶化adverb | preposition adverb➤quickly, rapidly迅速恶化▸➤gradually, steadily逐渐加剧◆violence between the two sides has been steadily escalating.双方的暴力冲突在逐步升级。◆the risks gradually escalate.风险逐步升级。➤suddenly突然恶化preposition➤into升级为◆the conflict could escalate rapidly into a full-scale war.冲突可能迅速升级为全面战争。➤to升级为◆a small local disagreement that escalates to civil war升级为内战的小规模地方争端escalate verb² 2increase上升adverb | preposition adverb➤dramatically急剧上升◆prices had recently escalated dramatically.近来价格急剧上涨。➤sharply急剧增加◆the cost of raw materials has escalated sharply.原料的成本急剧上涨。preposition➤to增加至◆the budget escalated to £32 million.预算增加至 3,200 万英镑。 escalate /eskəleɪt/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth greater, more serious, etc. (使)逐步扩大,加剧◆the organization is faced with escalating costs and decreasing revenue. 这一机构面临着不断上升的成本和不断下降的收入的境况。◆the management's action could escalate the dispute. 管理层的行动可能使这一争论升级。 2. [transitive] to increase a price, charge, etc. in order to pay for a rise in the cost of materials, wages, etc. 提高(价格、费用等以支付上涨的原材料费、工资等)◆our management fees are escalated at 3% a year. 我们的管理费每年提高 3%。 ▸ escalation /eskəleɪʃn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆an escalation in food prices 食品价格的不断上涨☞ escalateescalate /eskəleɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to become greater, worse or more serious逐步扩大;不断恶化;加剧◆the fighting escalated into a full-scale war.这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。◆the escalating costs of health care逐渐增加的医疗费用escalate/ˈeskəleɪt ||; ˈɛskəˌlet/verb[i,t] 1. escalate (sth) (into sth) (to cause sth) to become stronger or more serious (使)增强,变得更严重: ◇the demonstrations are escalating into violent protest in all the major cities. 示威在全国各大城市均升级为激烈抗议。◇the terrorist attacks escalated tension in the capital. 恐怖分子的攻击行动便首都气氛越发紧张。 2. (to cause sth) to become greater or higher; to increase (使)扩大,提高,增加: ◇the cost of housing has escalated in recent years. 近年来居住费用不断上升。 ➔escalation /ˌeskəˈleɪʃn ||; ˌɛskəˈleʃən/ noun [c,u]escalatesee ⇨ increase 1 es·ca·late /`ɛskəˏlet; ˈeskəleɪt/v 1. [i,t] if violence or a war escalates or is escalated, it quickly becomes worse (使)[暴力行为或战争]升级,扩大:◇fighting has escalated in several areas. 好几个地区内战斗正在加剧。 2. [i] if prices escalate, they increase [价格]上涨,上升:◇escalating interest rates 不断上涨的利率




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