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单词 authenticate
释义 authenticate /ɔːθentɪkeɪt/ verb [transitive] to prove that sth is genuine, real or true 证实;鉴定◆digital codes are used to authenticate the user's identity. 用数字代码鉴定用户的身分。 ▸ authentication /ɔːˌθentɪkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the signature was sent to the solicitor for authentication. 签字送交律师鉴别。☞ authenticate authenticate /ɔːθentɪkeɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to prove that sth such as a document is genuine, real or true证明(文件等)是真实的;证实(为真迹)◆experts have authenticated the writing as that of byron himself.专家已鉴定这字迹是拜伦的亲笔。authenticate/ɔ:ˈθentɪkeɪt ||; ɔˈθɛntɪˌket/verb [t] to produce evidence to show that sth is genuine, real or true 证明…是真的或确实的: ◇the picture has been authenticated as a genuine picasso. 这幅画已经证明是毕加索的真迹。




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