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单词 carve
释义 carve [transitive, intransitive] to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating把(熟肉)切成块◆she taught me how to carve a leg of lamb.她教我如何切羊腿。◆lunch is ready. who's going to carve?午饭好了,谁来把肉切开? carve [transitive, intransitive] to make objects or patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone雕刻◆the beads were carved from solid ivory.这串珠子是纯象牙雕成的。◆she carves in both stone and wood.她既做石雕也做木雕。carve/kɑ:v ||; kæv/verb1. [i,t] carve (sth) (out of sth) to cut wood or stone in order to make an object or to put a pattern or writing on it 雕刻: ◇the statue is carved out of marble. 这尊塑像用大理石雕成。◇he carved his name on the desk. 他把自己的名字刻在书桌上。 2. [t] to cut a piece of cooked meat into slices 把熟肉切成片: ◇to carve a chicken 把鸡肉切片 carvesee ⇨ cut 2,8 carve /kɑrv; kɑːv/v 1. [t] to cut something, especially wood or stone, into a particular shape 雕刻[某物,尤指木、石]:◇all the figures are carved from a single tree. 所有的人像都是从一棵树上雕刻出来的。 2. [i,t] to cut cooked meat into smaller pieces with a large knife 把[熟肉]切成小块:◇dad always carves the turkey. 爸爸总是把火鸡切块。carve sth ↔ outcarve out a career/niche/role etc to become successful by working hard, especially in business 开创事业/谋得合适的职位/找到一个角色:◇she carved out a career for herself in the competitive world of advertising. 她在竞争激烈的广告界为自己开创了一番事业。carve sth ↔ upto divide something into different parts in a way that people think is bad 分割; 瓜分:◇the government is carving up the area into new electoral districts. 政府把那个地区分割成一个个新选区。




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