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单词 account
释义 account noun¹ 1description描述adjective | verb + account | preposition | phrases adjective➤brief, short简要描述;简短叙述▸➤blow-by-blow (informal) , comprehensive, detailed, full, graphic详尽的报道;全面的陈述;完整的报道;生动的叙述◆he gave us a blow-by-blow account of the incident.他给我们详细叙述了该事件。➤fascinating, vivid引人入胜的/生动的叙述▸➤accurate, clear, factual, true准确的/清晰的/据实的/真实的描述▸➤eyewitness, first-hand, personal目击者的描述;第一手的报道;个人的描述▸➤glowing, good热情洋溢的报告;好的报道◆she received a glowing account of her son's progress.她收到了一份热情赞扬她儿子进步的报告。➤media, news, newspaper媒体/新闻/报纸报道◆the newspaper account of the trial报纸对这次审判的报道➤fictional, fictionalized虚假的报道;虚构的描述▸➤autobiographical自传中的叙述▸➤historical历史上的记载▸➤biblical《圣经》中的描述verb + account➤give (sb), offer, provide (sb with), write (sb)(给某人)描述;给予报道;(向某人)报告;(为某人)写报道◆can you give us an account of what happened?你能为我们讲述一下事情的经过吗?➤publish发表报道preposition➤in an/the account在叙述中◆dr richards describes this very well in his account of the events.理查兹博士在叙述这些事件时对此作了很好的描述。phrases➤by all accounts (= according to what people say) 根据各方面的说法◆i've never been there, but it's a beautiful place by all accounts.我从未去过那里,但据说是个美丽的地方。➤by sb's own account根据某人自己的说法◆by his own account he had an unhappy childhood.据他自己说,他的童年不快乐。account noun² 2arrangement with a bank银行账户adjective | verb + account | account + noun | preposition adjective➤bank, building-society (bre) 银行账户;(英国)建房互助会账户▸➤checking, cheque, current活期存款/往来/活期账户▸➤deposit, investment, savings定期存款/投资/储蓄账户▸➤personal个人账户▸➤business公司账户;企业账户▸➤individual, joint, separate个人/联合/独立账户◆my husband and i have separate accounts.我丈夫和我各自都有独立账户。➤numbered, private (especially name) (不列户名的)数字编号账户;秘密账户◆they have a numbered account in switzerland.他们在瑞士有一个编号账户。➤high-interest, interest-bearing, tax-free高息/附息/免税账户▸➤offshore境外账户▸➤brokerage, money-market, trust经纪/货币市场/信托账户▸➤retirement (especially name) 退休金账户verb + account➤have, hold持有账户◆go and see the manager of the bank where your account is held.去见见你开户的那家银行的经理。➤close, open注销/开立账户◆she opened a savings account at the bank.她在银行开了一个储蓄账户。➤credit sth to, pay sth into, put sth into把⋯记入账户贷方;把⋯存入账户◆the money will be credited to your account tomorrow.这笔钱明天将存入你的账户。➤debit (sth from), draw sth out of, pay sth from, take sth out of, withdraw sth from(将⋯)记入账户借方;从账户提款;从账户上支付⋯;从账户中提取⋯◆she had taken all her money out of her account.她已将账户中的钱都取走了。➤access使用账户▸➤empty, overdraw将账户上的钱取光;透支账户◆your account is overdrawn.你的账户透支了。account + noun➤number账号➤holder账户持有人➤balance账户余额preposition➤account at在⋯的账户◆he opened an account at a bank in germany.他在德国的一家银行开了个户头。➤account with在⋯的账户◆i have an account with another bank.我在另一家银行有一个账户。account noun³ 3(usually accounts) record of money earned/spent账目adjective | verb + account | account + verb | account + noun adjective➤profit and loss account损益账▸➤accounts payable, accounts receivable应付/应收账款verb + account➤do, keep做账;记账◆try to keep accurate accounts.尽量把账目记准确。➤audit, check, look at审计/核对/检查账目▸➤submit提交账目◆your accounts will need to be submitted to the tax office.你们的账目需要提交给税务局。➤publish公布账目account + verb➤be in order账项排列有序◆the accounts are all in order.所有账目都清清楚楚。account + noun➤account book账簿➤account balance账目收支平衡  ➡ topic at business account noun⁴ 4arrangement with a shop/store, etc.顾客账户adjective | verb + account | preposition adjective➤expense (= an arrangement to charge expenses to your own employers) 报销账户◆clients are often taken for expense account lunches.带客户吃午餐经常记入报销账户。➤charge (= an arrangement with a shop/store to pay bills for goods or services at a later time) (name) , credit (bre) 赊销/信用账户▸➤email, user电子邮件/用户账户verb + account➤have有赊购账户▸➤create, open设立/开立赊购账户◆i'd like to open an account, please.我想开个赊购账户。➤close注销赊购账▸➤pay off, settle清偿赊购款;结清账目◆it is best to settle the account each month.最好每月清账。➤charge sth to, debit (sth from), put sth on(把⋯)记在账上◆charge this to my account, please.请把这个记在我的账上。➤credit sth to把⋯记入贷方preposition➤on account记账;以赊账方式◆call a cab on account.打电话以赊账方式叫辆出租车。➤account at, account with在⋯的赊账账户◆an account with a large store在大商店开的赊账账户account verb ●account for sthadverb➤fully充分解释⋯◆the increase can be fully accounted for.这种增长完全可以作出解释。➤partly部份地解释⋯◆the differences in achievement between the students are partly accounted for by differences in age.学生成绩的差异部份是由于年龄差异造成的。➤adequately, properly充分地/恰当地解释⋯account /əkaʊnt/ noun [countable] (abbreviation a/c) an arrangement that sb has with a bank or building society to keep money there and take some out 账户◆i would like to open a business account. 我想开立企业账户。◆we have an account with / at barclays. 我们在巴克莱银行开了账户。◆i paid the cheque into my bank account. 我把支票存入我的银行账户。⨁ to close / have / hold / open an account结清/拥有/保留/开立账户 ⨁ to pay / put sth into an account把…记入/存入某账户 ⨁ to take sth out of / withdraw sth from an account从某账户提取 ⨁ to credit / debit an account贷记/借记账 (commerce 商业) (bre also credit acˌcount) (name also charge acˌcount) an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month 赊购;赊销账;赊欠账◆we have an account with a taxi firm. 我们和出租车公司实行赊购制。◆most customers settle their account in full (= pay all the money they owe) at the end of each month. 大部分顾客每月底结清账目。◆please charge it to (= record the cost to be paid on) my account. 请记入我的账户。◆the amount now due on your account is $364.27. 你的到期账款是 364.27 元。⨁ to close / have / hold / open an account结清/拥有/保留/开立账户 ⨁ to settle an account结账 ⨁ to charge sth to / put sth on an account记入账户 (accounting 会计) a statement of money paid, received or owed over a period of time 账目◆you will need to keep an account of your expenses. 你的开支需要记账。◆an itemized account 明细账  ➡  accounts 4.(marketing 营销) a regular customer who does a lot of business with a company, especially a company working in advertising, marketing or public relations (尤指广告、营销或公关公司的)老主顾◆the agency's pitch for the pepsi account 代理商为百事可乐老客户所做的推销宣传◆a sales rep who's chasing a million-dollar account 追求拥有百万元老客户的销售代表⨁ to chase / land / lose / pitch for / win an account追求/成功得到/失去/争取/赢得客户 5. (it 信息技术) an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the internet or to receive, store and send emails (使用互联网收发电子邮件的)账户,账号◆you will need to set up an account with an internet service provider. 你需要跟互联网服务供应商开立一个账户。⨁ to get / have / set up / sign up for an account取得/拥有/开设/注册账户 ⨁ to access / log onto your account进入/登录账户 ●on be paid for later 赊账;挂账◆can i buy the printer on account? 我能赊账购买打印机吗? part of the full amount you need to pay (先付部分款额的)赊账◆you could pay some of your tax bill on account. 你可以延期支付部分税款。 adjustment account ◇ appropriation account ◇ approved account ◇ asset account ◇ bank account ◇ banking account ◇ books of account ◇ budget account ◇ call account ◇ call deposit account ◇ capital account ◇ cash account ◇ checking account ◇ cheque account ◇ client account ◇ contingency account ◇ contra account ◇ control account ◇ currency account ◇ current account ◇ custodial account ◇ debit account ◇ deposit account ◇ depreciation account ◇ discretionary account ◇ drawing account ◇ email account ◇ expense account ◇ external account ◇ foreign currency account ◇ income and expenditure account ◇ instant access account ◇ joint account ◇ key account ◇ margin account ◇ merchant account ◇ national account ◇ notice account ◇ now account ◇ numbered account ◇ on account ◇ open account ◇ profit and loss account ◇ public account ◇ revenue account ◇ sales account ◇ savings account ◇ statement of account ◇ suspense account ◇ t-account ◇ time account ◇ trading account ◇ unit of account account /əkaʊnt/ verb ●account for form or be the source of a particular amount (数量上、比例上)占◆sales to europe accounted for 80% of our total sales last year. 去年欧洲的销售量占我们总销量的 80%。 give an explanation of sth; to be the explanation or cause of sth 解释,说明(某事);是…的原因◆we cannot account for the sudden fall in the company's share price. 我们无法解释公司股票价格突然下跌的原因。◆the low inflation rate is accounted for by the falling prices of goods. 低通货膨胀率是因物价下跌造成的。 (accounting 会计) to record an amount in a company's financial records in a particular way 记账◆the capital gain has been accounted for in the profit and loss account. 资本收益已记在损益账户上。  ➡  unaccounted for ☞ account☞ account account [countable] an arrangement with a shop or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month; the money owed in such an arrangement赊销账;赊欠账;赊欠款◆put it on my account please.请记在我的赊购账上。◆we have accounts with most of our suppliers.我们与大多数供应商实行赊购制。◆she bought the furniture she wanted on account (= she would pay for it later).她赊购了想要的家具。account [countable] an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to账户◆i don't have a bank account.我没有银行账户。◆to open / close an account开立/结束账户◆ (bre) i paid the cheque into my current account.我把支票存入我的往来账户。◆ (name) she deposited the check in her account.她把支票存入她的账户。 account [countable] a written or spoken description of sth that has happened(书面或口头的)描述,叙述,报道◆the diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in china.日记详细记述了作者在中国的经历。◆i've never been there, but it's a lovely place by all accounts (= according to what people say).我从未去过那里,但据说是个美丽的地方。note 辨析 report or account?a report is always of recent events, especially news. an account may be of recent or past events. * report 总是关于最近发生的事件,尤其是新闻。account 可能关于最近或过去的事件。account¹/əˈkaʊnt ||; əˈkaυnt/noun[c] 1. somebody's report or description of sth that has happened 记述;报告;叙述: ◇she gave the police a full account of the robbery. 她把劫案过程详细地向警方报告。 2. (abbr a/c) the arrangement by which a bank looks after your money for you 银行账户;户头: ◇to open/close an account 开立/结束账户◇i have an account with/at barclays. 我在巴克莱银行有个账户。◇i paid the cheque into my bank account. 我把那张支票存入我的银行账户。 ☞we use a current account to pay for things with a cheque. we can save money in a deposit or savings account. 有往来账户 (current account),可以利用支票 (cheque) 付款。储蓄可以存放在存款账户 (deposit account) 或者储蓄账户 (savings account) 里。 3. [] a record of all the money that a person or business has received or paid out 账目: ◇if you are self-employed you have to keep your own accounts. 个体经营者不得不自己记账。 4. an arrangement with a shop, etc that allows you to pay for goods or services at a later date 赊账: ◇most customers settle/pay their accountin full at the end of each month. 每到月底大多数顾客结清赊账。 by all accounts according to what everyone says 据说;大家都说: ◇by all accounts, she's a very good doctor. 大家都说她是个很出色的医生。 by your own account according to what you say yourself 根据本人所述: ◇by his own account, peter was not very good at his job. 彼得说自己不大称职。 on account of because of 因为;由于: ◇our flight was delayed on account of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,我们的班机误点了。 on no account;not on any account not for any reason 无论如何不;决不: ◇on no account should you walk home by yourself. 无论如何你不该独自步行回家去。 take account of sth;take sth into account to consider sth, especially when deciding or judging sth 考虑,顾及(尤指做决定或判断时): ◇we'll take account of your comments. 我们会考虑你的意见。◇we'll take your comments into account. 我们会考虑你的意见。 account²/əˈkaʊnt ||; əˈkaυnt/verb account for sth 1. to explain or give a reason for sth (对某事)作解释或交代: ◇how can we account for these changes? 我们如何解释这些改变? 2. to form the amount that is mentioned 占去所述的数量: ◇sales to europe accounted for 80% of our total sales last year. 欧洲的销量占我们去年总销量的80%。 accountsee ⇨ describe 3 ⇨ explain 4     • • •• ⇨ blow-by-blow account• ⇨ give an account of• ⇨ on account of• ⇨ on no account/not on any account☞ account¹☞ account²




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