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单词 survey
释义 survey noun¹ 1study of sth研究adjective | verb + survey | survey + verb | survey + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤comprehensive, detailed, extensive, full, in-depth, large-scale, major, systematic全面的/详细的/广泛的/充分的/深入的/大规模的/重大的/系统的调查▸➤brief, quick简短的/快速的调查➤informal非正式调查➤broad, general广泛的/普遍的调查▸➤representative, sample代表性/抽样调查◆a nationally representative survey of the us population conducted each year每年一度在全美国有代表性的人口典型抽样调查◆the researchers undertook a sample survey of schools in the city.研究人员对该市的学校做了抽样调查。➤regular定期调查▸➤annual, monthly, etc.年度、月度等调查➤follow-up后续调查◆the fifth follow-up survey provides the data for this study.第五次跟进调查为这项研究提供了数据。➤local, national, nationwide, regional地方性调查;全国性调查;区域性调查▸➤independent独立调查▸➤historical历史研究◆a historical survey of children's clothing对童装历史的研究➤mail, online, postal, questionnaire, telephone, web-based邮件/在线/邮政/问卷/电话/网络调查▸➤comparative比较调查▸➤field实地调查▸➤pilot试点调查▸➤attitude, consumer, customer, customer-satisfaction, opinion态度/消费者/顾客/顾客满意度/观点调查◆a recent customer survey showed widespread ignorance about organic food.最近的顾客调查显示人们对有机食品普遍缺乏了解。➤market, market-research, marketing市场调查;市场研究调查;市场营销调研➤household (especially name) 家庭调查verb + survey➤administer, carry out, conduct, do, make, perform, undertake (especially bre) 实施调查;进行调查;展开调查◆the charity did a survey of people's attitudes to the disabled.该慈善机构就人们对残疾人的态度进行了调查。➤commission委托调查▸➤participate in, respond to, take, take part in参与调查;回应调查;参加调查◆94% of people who took part in the survey said they agreed.参加这次调查的人中有 94% 表示同意。➤complete, fill in, fill out (name) 填写调查表➤return, send back交回调查表➤send out寄出调查表survey + verb➤cover sth, deal with sth, examine sth调查覆盖⋯/涉及⋯/检查⋯◆the survey covered 74 species.这次调查覆盖了 74 个物种。➤ask sth调查询问⋯▸➤claim sth, conclude sth, confirm sth, disclose sth, find sth, highlight sth, identify sth, indicate sth, report sth, reveal sth, say sth, show sth, suggest sth调查声称⋯/断定⋯/确认⋯/揭露⋯/发现⋯/突出⋯/查明⋯/表明⋯/报告⋯/揭示⋯/指出⋯/显示⋯/暗示⋯◆a customer-satisfaction survey highlighted the need for clearer pricing.顾客满意度的调查突出表明产品定价需要更加透明。survey + noun➤data, results调查数据/结果▸➤method, technique调查方法/技巧▸➤participant, respondent调查参与者/回应者➤group调查小组➤questionnaire调查问卷➤question调查问题➤response对调查的回应preposition➤according to a/the survey根据调查◆according to the survey, many young adults have experimented with drugs of some kind.根据此项调查,许多年轻人曾试吸过某种毒品。➤in a/the survey在调查中◆the questions used in the survey调查中的问题➤survey into对⋯的调查◆a survey into the state of english in universities对大学里英语使用状况的调查➤survey of⋯的调查◆a survey of adults对成人的调查➤survey on关于⋯的调查◆a survey on drivers' attitudes to the police关于司机对警察的看法的调查phrases➤the findings of a/the survey, the results of a/the survey调查发现/结果survey noun² 2of land or a building土地;建筑adjective | verb + survey adjective➤full全面勘察▸➤aerial空中勘测▸➤archaeological, geological, geophysical, land, seismic考古/地质/地球物理/土地/地震勘测▸➤structural (especially bre) 结构勘察◆a structural survey of the property revealed serious defects.对该房产的结构勘察显示其存在严重的缺陷。verb + survey➤carry out, do, make做勘察;进行勘测survey verbadverb | preposition adverb➤carefully仔细审视▸➤calmly, critically冷静地/挑剔地审视◆she surveyed his appearance critically.她挑剔地打量着他。➤briefly, quickly简短地/迅速地审视preposition➤from从⋯观察◆i surveyed the scene from my window.我透过窗户看到了这一幕。survey noun /sɜːveɪ; name sɜːrveɪ/ [countable] investigation of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions 民意调查;民意测验◆the report is based on a survey of 5 000 households. 这份报告是在对 5 000 个家庭进行民意调查的基础上完成的。◆we are conducting a survey into the attitudes of consumers to online shopping. 我们正在就消费者对网上购物的看法展开民意调查。◆the survey showed that 52 per cent of small firms think that the new law will seriously affect their business. 民意测验显示,52% 的小企业认为新法律将严重影响它们的业务。  ➡  poll ⨁ to carry out / conduct / do a survey进行/展开/作民意调查 ⨁ to participate in / respond to / take part in a survey参与民意调查;对民意调查作出反应;参加民意调查 ⨁ a survey finds / indicates / reveals / shows sth民意调查发现/表明/揭示/显示某事 2.a general study or description of sth 总体研究;全面评述;概述◆the government has published a survey of safety conditions in factories. 政府公布了一项对工厂安全条件的调查。  ➡  overview ⨁ to carry out / commission / conduct / do a survey进行/委托进行/展开/作调查 ⨁ to issue / publish a survey出版/公布一项调查 ⨁ a survey finds / indicates / reports / reveals / shows / underlines sth一项调查发现/表明/报告/揭示/显示/强调某事 3.the act of examining and recording the measurements, features, etc. of an area of land or of a building 测量;测绘;勘测◆an engineer conducted a structural survey of the factory. 工程师对工厂进行了结构勘测。⨁ to carry out / do / make a survey进行/作/做测量 ⨁ a full / geological / structural / valuation survey全面/地质/结构/估价测量 survey verb /səveɪ; name sərveɪ/ [transitive] investigate the opinions or behaviour of a group of people by asking them a series of questions (对…)作民意调查,进行民意调查◆87% of the 1 000 companies surveyed employ part-time staff. 被调查的 1000 家公司中,有 87% 雇用兼职人员。 study and give a general description of sth 总体研究;全面评述;概述◆the websites of the major stores were surveyed to see how easy to use they were. 对大商店的网站进行调研以便了解其使用的方便程度。 measure and record the features, etc. of an area of land or of a building 测量;测绘;勘测◆have the house surveyed before you decide whether to buy it. 在你决定购买房子之前,先请人勘查一下。☞ survey☞ survey survey verbsurvey ♦︎ poll ♦︎ sample ♦︎ canvass ♦︎ ballotthese words all mean to find out about sth by asking a group of people questions.这些词均表示作民意调查。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to poll / ballot sb on sth◆to canvass / ballot sb for sth◆to survey / canvass opinion◆to poll / ballot your members■ survey [transitive] to find out about the opinions or behaviour of a group of people by asking them a series of questions对⋯作民意调查;对⋯进行民意测验◆we surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up.我们对 500 名吸烟者进行了调查,发现有超过四分之三的人愿意戒烟。◆the aim of the project is to survey public attitudes to disability.该项目旨在了解公众对残障的态度。 ➡ see also survey → investigation noun ■ poll /pəʊl; name poʊl/ [transitive, usually passive] to ask a large number of people, especially members of the public, what they think about sth对⋯作民意调查◆over 50% of those polled were against the proposed military action.民调中有超过 50% 的人反对拟议的军事行动。 ➡ see also poll → investigation noun ■ sample [transitive] (technical术语) to test part of sth or question part of a group of people in order to find out what the rest is like抽样检验;对⋯取样;对⋯采样◆the survey was done using a group of 100 children randomly sampled from the school population.在学校中随机抽取了 100 名儿童进行调查。▸ sample noun [countable] ◆samples of the water contained pesticide.水样中含有杀虫剂。◆the interviews were given to a random sample of students.对随机抽选出的学生进行了采访。■ canvass /kænvəs/ [transitive] to ask people about sth in order to find out what they think about it调查民意;征求意见◆i quickly canvassed opinion on the issue among my colleagues.我很快就这一问题征求了同事们的意见。◆people are being canvassed for their views on the proposed new road.正在就计划修建的新道路征求人们的意见。■ ballot /bælət/ [transitive] to ask sb to vote secretly in writing about sth, especially to find out the opinion of a group of people(尤指为征求意见)要求(某人)对某事作无记名投票◆the union balloted its members on the proposed changes.工会要求会员对所提议的变革进行无记名投票。 ➡ see also ballot → election noun survey /səveɪ; name sərveɪ/ [transitive] to examine and give a general description of sth总体研究;概述◆this chapter briefly surveys the current state of european politics.本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简要概述。  ➡ see also survey → report noun 1 survey [countable] a careful look at an area of land in order to make a map or plan of it测量;勘测;测绘◆they carried out an aerial survey (= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) of the mountains.他们对山脉进行了航空测量。◆a geological survey revealed the presence of oil beneath the ground.地质勘查显示这块地下面有石油。ⓘ in british english a survey is also a careful look at the condition of a building, usually done for sb who is thinking of buying it.在英式英语中,survey 还指为欲购房者所做的房屋查验◆we paid for a detailed structural survey, which identified two areas of dry rot in the attic.我们花钱请人对房屋结构做了详细查验,结果发现阁楼里有两处干朽。survey [countable] a process to find out the opinions or behaviour of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions民意调查;民意测验◆according to the survey, many young adults have experimented with drugs.调查显示很多年轻人尝试过毒品。◆the charity did a survey of people's attitudes to the disabled.慈善机构就民众对残疾人的态度作了一次调查。 ➡ see also survey → survey verb survey /sɜːveɪ; name sɜːrveɪ/ [countable] a general study or description of sth总体研究;概述◆they are carrying out a survey of small businesses in london.他们在对伦敦的小型企业进行总体研究。 ➡ see also survey → examine verb survey /səveɪ; name sərveɪ/ [transitive] to look at the whole of sb/sth in order to get a general impression of it查看,审视,审察(整体情况)◆the next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire.次日上午我们查看了火灾的破坏情况。survey [transitive] to find out about the opinions or behaviour of a group of people by asking them a series of questions对⋯作民意调查;对⋯进行民意测验◆we surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up.我们对 500 名吸烟者进行了调查,发现有超过四分之三的人愿意戒烟。◆the aim of the project is to survey public attitudes to disability.该项目旨在了解公众对残障的态度。 ➡ see also survey → investigation noun survey¹/ˈsɜ:veɪ ||; ˈsɝve/noun[c] 1. a study of the opinions, behaviour, etc of a group of people (民意等的)调查: ◇surveys have shown that more and more people are getting into debt. 调查显示,越来越多人负债。◇to carry out/conduct/do a survey 作民意调查 2. the action of examining an area of land and making a map of it 测绘地形;测量 3. the action of examining a building in order to find out if it is in good condition 勘查建筑物 survey²/səˈveɪ ||; sɚˈve/verb[t] 1. to look carefully at the whole of sth 仔细观察全貌: ◇we stood at the top of the hill and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶俯视郊野。 2. to carefully measure and make a map of an area of land (对土地的)勘测,查勘,测量 3. to examine a building carefully in order to find out if it is in good condition 查勘建筑物 surveysee ⇨ ask 2,2☞ survey¹☞ survey²




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