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单词 steady
释义 steady adjective¹ 1not moving or shaking不松动;不摇晃verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound平稳;感觉平稳;看上去稳固;似乎稳固;听起来平稳▸➤become变得平稳▸➤hold, remain, stay保持平稳◆inflation seems to be holding steady.通货膨胀似乎稳定下来了。➤hold sb/sth, keep sb/sth扶稳⋯;保持⋯稳固◆hold the ladder steady!扶稳梯子!adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常平稳▸➤absolutely, perfectly, quite, rock绝对/完全/相当/极为平稳◆his gaze was rock steady.他目不转睛地盯着看。➤not quite不太平稳◆she opened the letter with hands that were not quite steady.她双手颤巍巍地打开信。steady adjective² 2developing/happening at a regular rate速率均匀verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem稳定;似乎稳定▸➤become变得稳定▸➤hold, remain保持稳定◆share prices have held steady over the last few days.股价过去几天一直保持稳定。adverb➤remarkably, very异常/非常稳定▸➤fairly, relatively比较/相对稳定 steady /stedi/ adjective (steadier, steadiest) 1.developing, growing, etc. gradually and in an even and regular way 平稳的;持续的◆a steady increase/decline in sales 销售额的平稳增长/下降◆five years of steady growth 五年的平稳增长◆we're making slow but steady progress. 我们进展缓慢但是很平稳。2.not changing and not interrupted 稳定的;不变的;不动摇的◆this product has provided us with a steady income for years. 这产品给我们带来了多年稳定的收入。◆she has a steady job with a good salary. 她工作稳定收入可观。◆the unemployment rate is expected to remain steady at 6%. 失业率预计将稳定在 6%。 syn regular , stable ▸ steadily adverb◆sales have grown steadily over the last ten years. 在过去的十年里销售额稳定增长。 steady /stedi/ verb [intransitive, transitive] (steadies, steadying, steadied, steadied) to stop changing and become regular again or stay at the same level; to make sth do this 使稳定◆the yen steadied against the dollar. 日元兑美元保持稳定。◆they took action to steady the business and build for the future. 他们采取行动使业务保持稳定,为未来发展打好基础。 steady /stedi/ adverbin a way that is steady and does not change 稳定地◆their shares held steady at €1.5. 他们的股票价格稳定在 1.5 欧元。☞ steady☞ steady☞ steady steady adjectivesteady ♦︎ stable ♦︎ regular ♦︎ constant ♦︎ consistent ♦︎ static ♦︎ even ♦︎ unchangingthese words all describe things that follow a pattern and do not change.这些词均表示规则的、稳定的、不变的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a steady / a stable / a constant / an even temperature◆a steady / constant / consistent trend / rate◆a steady / constant speed / stream / trickle◆a steady / a constant / an even flow◆a consistent / an unchanging pattern◆steady / stable / regular employment◆a steady / regular / constant supply◆steady / regular / even breathing◆a steady / stable / regular relationship◆to remain steady / stable / constant / consistent / static / even / unchanging◆more or less steady / stable / constant / consistent / static / even◆fairly steady / stable / constant / consistent / static / even◆very steady / stable / consistent / static / even■ steady developing, growing or changing gradually and in an even and regular way; not changing and not interrupted(发展、增长或变化)稳步的,匀速的;稳定的;恒定的◆we are making slow but steady progress.我们虽然缓慢但是在稳步前进。◆the castle receives a steady stream of visitors.来城堡参观的游客流量保持稳定。◆she drove at a steady 50 mph.她保持着每小时 50 英里的平稳速度开着车。◆she's got a steady boyfriend (= with whom she has a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time).她有一个关系稳定的男朋友。 ➡ see also steady → firm ▸ steadily adverb◆the company's exports have been increasing steadily.公司的出口量一直在稳步增长。◆the situation got steadily worse.局势逐渐恶化。■ stable (usually approving) not likely to change or fail稳定的;稳固的◆he was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.他没有结婚,但是有关系稳定的女朋友。◆the industry should do everything it can to keep prices stable.该产业应尽一切努力保持价格稳定。◆the patient's condition is stable (= it is not getting worse).患者病情稳定。ⓘ in this meaning stable is used especially to talk about people's personal and home life * stable 表达此义时尤用于修饰个人及家庭生活◆a stable mind / relationship / family / home稳定的心态/关系/家庭/住所the economic, political or social situation也可修饰经济、政治或社会形势◆a stable situation / environment / government / population稳定的形势/环境/政府/人口◆stable employment稳定的工作or the condition of a patient who has been very ill, but who is not getting worse.或者指危重病人病情稳定,没有恶化。 opp unstable → uncertain  ➡ see also stable → firm ■ regular following a pattern, especially with the same time and space between each thing and the next; (of a job, supply of sth or relationship) that continues for a long time, stays the same and can be relied on规则的;有规律的;(工作、供应或关系)持久的,稳定的◆a regular pulse / heartbeat规律的脉搏/心跳◆there is a regular bus service to the airport.有公共汽车定时开往机场。◆a light flashed at regular intervals.有一盏灯有规律地闪着光。◆the equipment is checked on a regular basis.该设备定期进行检查。◆she couldn't find any regular employment.她找不到固定工作。◆this breed of dog benefits from a regular supply of green vegetables in its diet.这个品种的狗在饮食中配有定量的绿叶蔬菜会更健康。opp irregular → variable  ➡ see also regular → frequent note 辨析 steady or regular?both steady and regular can be used to talk about a job, work, employment, an income, the supply of sth or a relationship that continues for a long time and that you can rely on. there is often no difference in meaning, but a regular job is sometimes used in contrast to another job that is not regular. * steady 和 regular 都可用于描述 job、work、employment、income、supply,也可描述 relationship,表示关系是长期可靠的。两词在含义上常常没有区别,但 regular job 有时用于和另一份不稳定工作相对照◆i decided to give up the freelance work and concentrate on my regular job.我决定放弃自由职业的工作,专注于我的固定工作上。 steady is not used in this way. * steady 则不这样用。■ constant (rather formal or technical术语) not changing at all in level or speed over a period of time(水平或速度)不变的,固定的,恒定的◆the samples need to be stored at a constant temperature.这些样本需要在恒温下保存。ⓘ typical collocates of constant are flow, rate, rhythm, speed, state, improvement and temperature. * constant 的常见搭配词有 flow、rate、rhythm、speed、state、improvement 和 temperature。■ consistent /kənsɪstənt/ (rather formal) happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time连续的;持续的◆there has been a pattern of consistent growth in the economy.经济呈持续增长态势。ⓘ typical collocates of consistent are evidence, findings, results, quality, standards, growth, performance, success and failure. * consistent 的常见搭配词有 evidence、findings、results、quality、standards、growth、performance、success 和 failure。 opp inconsistent → variable ▸ consistently adverb◆her work has been of a consistently high standard.她的工作一直是高水准的。■ static /stætɪk/ (sometimes disapproving, especially business尤用于商业) not moving, changing or developing静止的;静态的;停滞的◆sales were up 5% on last year, but pre-tax profits remained static.销售量比去年增加 5%,但税前利润没有变化。ⓘ unlike the other words in this group, static is often used when a lack of change is seen as a bad thing rather than a good thing, especially in business contexts. the opposite, dynamic, is an approving term.与本组中的其他词不同,static 常意味着缺乏变化是坏事而非好事,特别是在商业语境中。其反义词 dynamic 是个褒义词。 opp dynamic → variable ■ even not changing very much in level or speed over a period of time(水平或速度)变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的◆children do not learn at an even pace.孩子学东西的速度有快有慢。opp uneven → variable ■ unchanging (written) that does not change, especially in terms of sth's basic pattern or principles(尤指基本模式或原则)永恒的,不变的◆the days went by, unchanging.时间一天天过去了,一切照旧。◆the party stood for certain unchanging principles.该党主张某些不变的原则。steadyfirmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking or likely to fall稳的;平稳的;稳固的◆he held the boat steady as she got in.他把船稳住,让她上了船。◆such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand.做这样精细的工作,眼要尖,手要稳。◆she's not very steady on her feet these days.她如今站不太稳了。opp unsteady ⓘ unsteady describes a person who is not completely in control of their movements and might fall, or a part of the body that is shaking or moving in a way that is not controlled. * unsteady 表示人站不稳的、摇晃的或身体部位颤抖的、抖动的◆she is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation.手术后她还有点站不稳。◆with unsteady hands he opened the door and peered out.他用颤抖的双手打开门,向外窥视。  ➡ see also steady → lean verb 2 , steady → steady adj. steady [transitive, intransitive] to stop yourself/sb/sth from moving, shaking or falling; to stop moving, shaking or falling(使)平稳,稳住◆she steadied herself against the wall.她靠墙站稳。◆the elevator rocked slightly, steadied, and the doors opened.电梯微微一晃之后稳了下来,接着门开了。  ➡ see also steady → firm adj. steadydeveloping, growing or changing gradually and in an even and regular way; not changing and not interrupted(发展、增长或变化)稳步的,匀速的;稳定的;恒定的◆we are making slow but steady progress.我们虽然缓慢但是在稳步前进。◆the castle receives a steady stream of visitors.来城堡参观的游客流量保持稳定。◆she drove at a steady 50 mph.她保持着每小时 50 英里的平稳速度开着车。◆she's got a steady boyfriend (= with whom she has a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time).她有一个关系稳定的男朋友。 ➡ see also steady → firm ▸ steadily adverb◆the company's exports have been increasing steadily.公司的出口量一直在稳步增长。◆the situation got steadily worse.局势逐渐恶化。steady¹/ˈstedi ||; ˈstɛdɪ/adj (steadier;steadiest) 1. developing, growing or happening gradually and at a regular rate 有规律的;稳步的;稳定的: ◇a steady increase/decline 稳步上升╱下降 2. staying the same; not changing and therefore safe 不变的;固定的;稳固的: ◇a steady job/income 固定的工作╱收入 3. firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking or likely to fall down 稳定的;不摇晃的: ◇you need a steady hand to take good photographs. 手要稳才能拍好照片。◇he held the ladder steady as she climbed up it. 她爬上去时,他扶稳梯子。 ➔steadily adv ◇unemployment has risen steadily since april 2000. 自2000年4月起,失业数字便逐步上升。 steady²/ˈstedi ||; ˈstɛdɪ/verb [i,t] (present participle steadying third person singular present steadies;past tense past participle steadied) to stop yourself/sb/sth from moving, shaking or falling; to stop moving, shaking or falling (使)稳定,不摇晃 · ◇she thought she was going to fall, so she put out a hand to steady herself. 她以为要摔倒,就伸出一只手稳住自己。◇he had to steady his nerves/ voicebefore beginning his speech. 他得镇定一下情绪╱声音才能开始讲话。 steadysee ⇨ balance 1,2 ⇨ change/not change 22     • • •• ⇨ go steady☞ steady¹☞ steady²




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