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单词 acrimonious
释义 acrimonious /ækrɪməʊniəs; name -moʊ-/ adjective (formal) (about an argument or a disagreement) angry and full of strong bitter feelings and words (指争论或争执)尖刻的,讥讽的,激烈的◆the agreement marks the end of an acrimonious takeover battle. 这协议标志着激烈的收购战进入尾声。☞ acrimonious acrimonious /ækrɪməʊniəs; name ækrɪmoʊniəs/ (rather formal) (of a situation) angry and full of strong bitter feelings and words(状况)怨声载道的,恶言相向的◆his parents went through an acrimonious divorce.他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。  ➡ see also acrimony → resentment ▸ acrimoniously adverb◆the relationship ended acrimoniously.这段关系在怨愤中结束了。 ac·ri·mo·ni·ous /ˏækrə`monɪəs; ˌækrɪˈməʊniəs◄/adjan acrimonious argument, meeting etc is one in which people feel very angry and speak angrily to each other 尖刻的; 讥刺的:◇an acrimonious divorce 闹得反唇相讥的离婚




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