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单词 jealousy
释义 jealousy nounadjective | ... of jealousy | verb + jealousy | preposition | phrases adjective➤➤extreme, intense, pure极端的/强烈的/纯粹的嫉妒➤insane, irrational, obsessive, pathological疯狂的/非理性的/难以自拔的/病态的嫉妒➤petty狭隘的嫉妒▸➤professional, sexual职业上的嫉妒;性嫉妒... of jealousy➤fit一阵嫉妒◆he broke off the engagement in a fit of jealousy.出于一时的嫉妒,他解除了婚约。➤pang, stab, twinge一阵强烈的嫉妒◆i felt a pang of jealousy.我感到一阵强烈的妒意。verb + jealousy➤feel感到嫉妒◆she'd never felt jealousy before.她以前从未感到过嫉妒。➤arouse, cause, create, provoke引起嫉妒;招来嫉妒;激起嫉妒◆her promotion aroused intense jealousy among her colleagues.她的晋升在同事中引起了强烈的嫉妒。preposition➤jealousy of对⋯的嫉妒◆his obsessive jealousy of his ex-wife他对前妻着魔似的嫉妒phrases➤feelings of jealousy嫉妒感 jealousy nounjealousy ♦︎ envythese are both words for the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has.这两个词均表示忌妒、羡慕。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆jealousy / envy of sb◆extreme jealousy / envy◆to feel / arouse jealousy / envy◆a feeling / pang / stab / twinge of jealousy / envy■ jealousy [uncountable, countable] a feeling of being angry or unhappy because sb you like or love is showing interest in sb else, or because you wish you had sth that sb else has; an action or remark that shows that sb feels this way忌妒;羡慕;忌妒(或羡慕)的言行◆he felt a sudden stab of pure sexual jealousy.他突然感到一阵纯粹的性忌妒。◆her promotion aroused intense jealousy among her colleagues.她的晋升引起了同事们强烈的忌妒。◆i'm tired of her petty jealousies.我厌烦了她那小肚鸡肠的忌妒。▸ jealous adjective◆she's jealous of my success.她忌妒我的成功。◆children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives.新生婴儿出世时长子长女常常会感到忌妒。▸ jealously adverb◆she eyed natalia jealously.她妒忌地看着纳塔利娅。■ envy [uncountable] the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has羡慕;忌妒◆she felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她一想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒。◆her colleagues were green with envy (= they had very strong feelings of envy).她的同事们都特别眼红。▸ envious adjective◆everyone is so envious of her having the chance to study abroad.人人都那么羡慕她能有机会出国深造。▸ enviously adverb◆they look enviously at the success of their european counterparts.看着欧洲同行的成功,他们羡慕不已。▸ envy verb [transitive] ◆he envied her-she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.他羡慕她要什么有什么。◆i don't envy ed that job (= i am pleased i do not have it).我可不羡慕埃德干的那份工作。note 辨析 jealousy or envy? jealousy is often a nastier feeling than envy and can cause people to behave in an unkind or stupid way. people will admit to being envious but will rarely admit to being jealous. people sometimes enjoy inspiring or arousing envy in other people, but they do not generally like to cause or provoke jealousy. * jealousy 是比 envy 更不好的感觉,常会使人做出不友好或愚蠢的举动。人们会承认自己 envious,但很少会承认自己 jealous。有时候人们喜欢被别人羡慕,而激起他人的艳羡用 inspire/arouse envy ;但人们一般不想引起他人的忌妒,而引发忌妒用 cause/provoke jealousy。jealousy [uncountable, countable] a feeling of being angry or unhappy because sb you like or love is showing interest in sb else, or because you wish you had sth that sb else has; an action or remark that shows that sb feels this way忌妒;羡慕;忌妒(或羡慕)的言行◆he felt a sudden stab of pure sexual jealousy.他突然感到一阵纯粹的性忌妒。◆her promotion aroused intense jealousy among her colleagues.她的晋升引起了同事们强烈的忌妒。◆i'm tired of her petty jealousies.我厌烦了她那小肚鸡肠的忌妒。▸ jealous adjective◆she's jealous of my success.她忌妒我的成功。◆children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives.新生婴儿出世时长子长女常常会感到忌妒。▸ jealously adverb◆she eyed natalia jealously.她妒忌地看着纳塔利娅。jealousysee ⇨ jealous 1,2 jealousyn [c,u]usage note 用法说明: jealousjealous has two meanings. it can be used about someone who is annoyed that another person has something that they would like but do not have. jealous (妒忌的)有两个意思。它可以用来形容某人因为别人拥有他也想要却未能拥有的东西而生气:◇wait till she hears about my new job — she'll be really jealous! 等到她听到我的新工作 — 她会妒忌死的!jealous can also mean angry and unhappy because you think your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend etc loves someone else more than they love you. jealous 也可以指你认为自己的妻子、男友、女友爱别人更甚于爱你时而感到愤怒和不开心:◇he would get jealous every time she went out. 每次她出去,他都会醋劲大发。you feel envious when someone has something nice or special and you wish you had it too. 当别人拥有某些你也想要的好东西或特别的东西时,你可能会感到 envious (妒忌的; 羡慕的):◇she had always been envious of her sister's good looks. 她一直很羡慕她姐姐的漂亮容貌。




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